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Hawkins me bucko... It warms me wooden leg to see you again mate!


As a matter of introduction, me name is Long Steve Pyrite and I be a partner in an enterprise going by the name of Port Royal Trading Co.

We be currently operatin' as a website only (of the same name) but intend to open our warehouse to the public this year. Our port of call is a large old building, constructed in approx. 1913, which is, in appearance, an old warehouse. Our intentions be to fancy it up to look like a pirate storeroom.

We would be grateful for any suggestions of both products and decorating ideas ye might have.

Fair Winds & Rich Plunder to ye,

Long Steve

Guest Angus MacVox

I've enjoyed your kooky hat pictures for some time! I first stumbled onto islandmadness.com a year ago while searching for tiki stuff.

You should offer the classic "pirate shirt" and some other such gear. I think that'd be a big seller - a realistic looking pirate shirt at a good price. Every guy wants one of those in his closet, never mind what seinfeld thinks.

other ideas:

Model ships (assembled and kits), ships in bottles, ship's wheels, fish net, gold doubloon reproductions, big interesting silk scarves people can tie around their heads..


I got me shoregoing dancing shoes, silver buckle and all at Jas. Townsend & Son, inc. http://www.jastown.com/ They have slops (seagoing trousers) and period shirts, along with some mighty nice drinking vessels and kegs that be very adaptable for Rum. Most of their stuff be for the landlubber, but some adaptable for the sea. If there be other chandlers out there to supply a poor pirate, don't let the cat get yer tongue, spit it out and let us get to provisioning for a right profitable voyage.

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I

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