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To be "period", crush up some cranberries and/or grapes for the juices. bring them to a boil and soak the cloth until the desired color is achieved. An alternative is get a cheap "port" wine and use it. I think the acids in the berries and wine will eventually destroy the fabric plus it'll take a half bushell or so of berries to color a couple shirts.

To do it more economically and permanently. RIT makes real good dyes that are quite colorfast and come in a huge range of colors. Most grocery stores sell them and they are at larger department stores and fabric stores. Just follow the label instructions and you'll be fine. I use them all the time.

Make sure you launder and dry the fabric first to remove the "Sizing" or the dye will wash out or run.

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.


Well mate...

Listen to me carefully so's ye don't get it wrong...

At midnight on the full moon in the month of may.... go to a secluded place in the woods and where the trees meet the horizon....Locate and gather three red feathers from a rare bird know as the elusive Peeping Tawm...but don't let it see you or you could be peeped by it. Hence forth, return to your place of pots and pans...enter the dwelling backwards...take and place the feathers in a shallow pan and turn the oven to 450 degrees...add lots of pepper and talcom power to your newly aquired feathers, then place the pan into the oven...bake for 13 minutes...then remove and let cool for 13 minutes...next, take the feathers and rinse them off in cold water that has been browned with tea...after that...take the feathers into the ajascent room ...light an incense and dance in a circle three times to ward off any evil you may have caused yourself...once this task has been compleated...take the shirt you wish to dye and lay it on a concave surface...rub the feathers of the elusive Peeping Tawm into it continuously for about three hours...now by this time...if you don't feel like a complete fool yet...then you may go to the store and buy some red clothing dye for your shirt. Have fun!!!

*Note: These instruction were meant to be humorous and in no way were intended to cause any mental anguish. Please take this with a dash of humor! Thanx for reding my silly post!

Deadly Drucilla


Pause My Friend, As You Pass By. -As You Are, So Once Was I. -As I Am, So Shall You Be. -Prepare You Then, To Follow Me.

(written on a gravestone)


A red vegetable dye that won't harm cloth is beet juice. Buy some beets cut them and then boil them...allow the water to boil down...check the color then if not dark enough...add some more water and beets and repeat process until the color is achieved. After numerous washings the process would be needed to be repeated. Because with the detergent and wearing in the sun would sun bleach it a bit.

hope that helps

by the way, a natural highlighter for auburn hair is the same. After boiling the beets and the remaining juice allow to cool. Use the liquid as a last rinse. Although it washes out very quickly. It puts a nice auburn sheen to the hair, especially for those with natural auburn hair in the first place.


Of course as noted for fabric...Rit Dye is wonderful...cheap and very easy to use.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  BatSpell said:
Well mate...

Listen to me carefully so's ye don't get it wrong...

At midnight on the full moon in the month of may.... go to a secluded place in the woods and where the trees meet the horizon....Locate and gather three red feathers from a rare bird know as the elusive Peeping Tawm...but don't let it see you or you could be peeped by it. Hence forth, return to your place of pots and pans...enter the dwelling backwards...take and place the feathers in a shallow pan and turn the oven to 450 degrees...add lots of pepper and talcom power to your newly aquired feathers, then place the pan into the oven...bake for 13 minutes...then remove and let cool for 13 minutes...next, take the feathers and rinse them off in cold water that has been browned with tea...after that...take the feathers into the ajascent room ...light an incense and dance in a circle three times to ward off any evil you may have caused yourself...once this task has been compleated...take the shirt you wish to dye and lay it on a concave surface...rub the feathers of the elusive Peeping Tawm into it continuously for about three hours...now by this time...if you don't feel like a complete fool yet...then you may go to the store and buy some red clothing dye for your shirt. Have fun!!!

*Note: These instruction were meant to be humorous and in no way were intended to cause any mental anguish. Please take this with a dash of humor! Thanx for reding my silly post!

Deadly Drucilla


I tried and tried to find a red peeping tawm but to no avail. Maybe next time.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Thankee for all th' advice. RIT dye it be. It seems I have a choice of 'natural' or white cotton to start with. Which one would be better t' dye a nice crimson color?

The Dread Pyrate MacAnselan

aka Mick

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