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I came across this while reading an articale on Ioan Gruffudd doing another Hornblower series. Here's the article.


Producer Jerry Bruckheimer hopes to begin filming the sequel to his runaway hit Pirates of the Caribbean this fall.

"Johnny (Depp), Orlando (Bloom) and Keira (Knightley) are all committed to the sequel emotionally but not financially. That's something we have to start working out," says Bruckheimer. "All three are busy, expensive stars now. Johnny's a $20-million man."

Depp has said he wants Keith Richards to play Depp's father in the sequel.

"Johnny loves the idea of having Keith in the movie because he used Keith as an inspiration for his performance, but the part isn't in the script yet. If Johnny insists and Keith agrees, I think it's safe to say it will be written in."

I found the information at:

The Winnepeg Sun

Rumba Rue

** :ph34r: **


The Keith Richards idea makes me nervous. Sure, it seems fitting and funny from the perspective that Depp used him as inspiration, but from a storyline perspective it just seems forced.

Not once in a million years would I have said, "Y'know what would be great in the sequel? Seeing Jack Sparrow reunited with his father."

But then, three years ago I'd never have suspected that a Disney movie starring Johnny Depp would resurrect the pirate genre, either, so we all know what MY opinion is worth :ph34r:



All I got was a dead link. Besides which I thnk Iron Bess has in the past pretty much squeched this rumour as being not true. They (the writers etc.) had though about it but it came to naught due to the fact that the idea was leaked and got in the press. Suprise gone! That was months ago.


That's so awesome that he says that it'll be written in. I was almost convinced Jack's father was going to be in the movies after Johnny babbled on about having Keith Richards play him. I love that man.

Funny that Jerry Bruckheimer made all three of those actors huge stars, and now they're even too busy and expensive for him. Sad, almost.

Captain Wolfy Wench


As long as Depp and Rush are in it..I dont care who else be in it..Well the Commodore as he was kinda cute fer a military man..Wonder what would happen if he ran across a lovely pirate captn..Would he take her in..or would she lure him to her world?


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


The 3 of them were huge enough before PotC. Orlando being in Lord of the Rings, Black Hawk Down, etc.

Johnny... hehehehe, well.. he's been rather huge since the 1980's.

Kiera.. well, true.. she's a bit new to this.. but her major breakthrough was Sabe in Star Wars epis 1 as the Queen Decoy. Darn lucky girl!

& Geoffrey... again, rather fantastic in his own right.

& the suppporting cast... Jonathan Price! Hello! This dude is a Broadway Tony Award winner & also an amazing actor... even as the bad guy in Tomorrow Never Dies! ::le sigh::

Davenport! Funny as all get out in "Couples"! :lol: Lesbian spank inferno! :lol::lol: One would have to watch that episode of "Couples" to get that one! :lol::lol:

& everyone else....

But ... keep in mind... if they continue with what made PotC:tCotBP a blockbuster hit.. then, PotC 2 & 3 will do great.

All I know... I will be as patient as possible for it's release. & If & when Iron Bess can spill the info... then so be it.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


I thought it was interesting that the Keith Richards thing had come up again, as I thought it was dead and buried. Perhaps not... Also filming starting this fall/winter? Hmmm, I don't think things are happening that fast, but I could be wrong....

My personal take is things wouldn't even begin to get under way until next year at the earliest. Sets have to be built, locations found, actors must be available....the list goes on.

Rumba Rue

**Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world** :blink:


I think that after the amazing sucess of POTC, that the project was already gearing up right away. Basicly having to get everybodys schedule to come together is the first obsticle. Keith Richards as Jack's father? I think that it would fit. His looks and basic personality makes him the obvious choice. I'm hoping that the sequel curse doesn't bite the production. Alot of sequels seem to pale compared to the originals.



Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


True enough, but other sequels are superior to the originals. Case in point: Spider Man 2. Truly a superb film, one of the better ones in recent years. The reason is because they brought back the same creative team, crew and cast. Lucky for us, the whole production crew of POTC will also be back! :)

I think sequels that don't turn out well are usually victims of different directors than originals. POTC 2 and 3 are in good hands with Gore.


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