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It's probably nothing with compared to what most of you have, but to me this is a very cool little shelf of goodies :lol:

On the left is a row of old 18th and 17th century houses, excisting ones, wich we could colect a couple of years back in a store overhere.

In the middle a very insignificiant but since i cannot afford more, to me just fine model of the Bounty.

Just right in front of the ship, an Universal equinoctal dial ring.

And on the full right, my treasure chest , a little more to the right is a Pirate figure, complete with Jack Sparrow hat, beard, eye patch and a wooden leg.

Quite a handsome bloke :o

If you take a better look on the ship, on the left of the ship you will see my two POTC coins, one was sadly broken, it was suppost to be a medaillion but broke during it's delivery.

I thought i'd add it with the other on this temporal place until i find a better one.

I am SOOOOO sad the medaillion broke..but thank god the guy who makes them is so cool, he is sending me a new one!


My Little Pirate Tribute Shelf

I forgot, on the pic of Barbossa on the right is an old style compass with one of thise star's, i love them!

I bought it in the maritime museum i've been at a few weeks back :)


Way cool lass!!

Nice finds. :)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Very nice, Charity! Lovely shelf of treasures. Those little houses are way cool.

My "pirate shelf" is a mess right now, or I'd take a pic and post it, too. I keep adding stuff (my friends and family always give me little pirate toys) and it's a bit overloaded. Maybe when I get it more organized...

So much plunder, so little space! :P


Nice shelf. Need more treasures!

I on the other hand have a whole apartment full of treasures that certianly won't fit on any shelf. :)

(I swear if one more person gives me another mug they've found at a thrift store I'm gonna bang them over the head with it! I've got so many friggin' mugs....I just throw them in my treasure chest for decor at events)

Rumba Rue

**Just the mug o' life** :ph34r:


Cool! I like that pic of Barbossa on the right...nice one. If I ever get my camera/scanner situation sorted out again, I'll post pics of my pirate-theme bathroom. I've never had so much fun painting and decorating a room as that one.

A pyrate's life for me.



Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


I love that pic too!

It's brilliant, it's taken (not by me) from the behind the scenes stuff where Geoff is getting ready to act, god he's brilliant as Barbossa isn't he?

He always is, but nomather how much i see him in other movies, this character remains my favorite :)

A pirate themed bathroom, COOOLLL!!!

Pics please, i'd love to see your guys stuff :)

I will add more i'm shure, but i have spent a lot of money, time to calm down :ph34r:

  Charity said:
It's probably nothing with compared to what most of you have, but to me this is a very cool little shelf of goodies ;)

On the left is a row of old 18th and 17th century houses, excisting ones, wich we could colect a couple of years back in a store overhere.

In the middle a very insignificiant but since i cannot afford more, to me just fine model of the Bounty.

Just right in front of the ship, an Universal equinoctal dial ring.

And on the full right, my treasure chest , a little more to the right is a Pirate figure, complete with Jack Sparrow hat, beard, eye patch and a wooden leg.

Quite a handsome bloke ;)

If you take a better look on the ship, on the left of the ship you will see my two POTC coins, one was sadly broken, it was suppost to be a medaillion but broke during it's delivery.

I thought i'd add it with the other on this temporal place until i find a better one.

I am SOOOOO sad the medaillion broke..but thank god the guy who makes them is so cool, he is sending me a new one!


My Little Pirate Tribute Shelf

I forgot, on the pic of Barbossa on the right is an old style compass with one of thise star's, i love them!

I bought it in the maritime museum i've been at a few weeks back :)

Wow thats really neat! I don't have a pirate shelf come to think of it i don't have any shelves however my whole bedroom is kind of dedicated to pyrates fiction and non.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me, so throw me down and tie me up and show me that you like me"

"Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult."

"...but there is no rose without a thorn no pleasure that is not paid for without the prick of pain."


I love that.

Anything pyracy like is cool i say :)

Thanks , i'm glad you liked it.

Sorry all, that i'm just replying to what i posted right now.

Things are kinda hectic.


Ya know--your little shelf is pretty cool. Nicely arranged too. Good eye.

Capt. William Bones

Then he rapped on the door with a bit of stick like a handspike that he carried, and when my father appeared, called roughly for a glass of rum. This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste, and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard.

"This is a handy cove," says he, at length; " and a pleasant sittyated grog-shop. Much company, mate?"

My father told him no, very little company, the more was the pity.

"Well, then," said he, "this is the berth for me."

Proprietor of Flags of Fortune.


absolutely terrible las... definately the most horrible, so called, treasures i has ever seen wit me own eyes! ....now, be'in the fine gent that i be ...i be willin' to take these here treas...er, i means, eye sores of'in yer shelf fer ye so yer eyes be offended no longer...


Tis a good tribute for PotC.

Well, Scurvy Dog, shall I begin a new thread for those to post a pic or 2 of their tribute to pirates, be it small or large?

I'm working on a side room that I am making it look like a ship's cabin... as much as possible... getting some of the crap out of there left by may parents is MORE than a chore! It's hard labour! :(

But... I'll start another thread for all ye grand pirates to post your fantastic pix or describe your pirate/nautical tribute.

Eventhough I am sure there was one put out a few month back.. much can happen in a few months though. Aye?

Again, good tribute. Did ya put it up on the Lost Soul of Barbossa photos, Charity? Ya should. Especially it Barbossa is involved. :)


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Charity: nice decoratin'. Can't go wrong with Barbs! :( He is the man.

When I was on me way up to Traverse City this past weekend, I passed a roadside stand selling flags, etc. and they had a cool pirate flag, and I figured I would stop there on me way back home, but--alas--they weren't there when next I passed by. :( I wanted to hang it on me computer room wall.


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