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Puzzle Pirate Party Participants Needed...

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Ahoy Mates!

I have been asked by Cleaver the creator of the game Puzzle Pirates to make a request to any San Fransico area Pirate Enactors willing to join them in full costume. If you wish to participate at the party, or are already addicted to the game *smiles shamefully* you are welcome to attend. I have the address for contact with Cleaver, if you need to to be in contact you can contact me in PMs and I'll drop you his email for information beyond this below about the party.

You would be a guest like the others attending, and it sounds like a blast. He said he wanted some real pirates to give the party flavor. :) If you can, please do! And check out www.piratepuzzle.com for the game. It's awesome!

Thanks so much!


Puzzle Pirate Party

Ahoy mates! Come aboard one an' all fer the second great Puzzle Pirates Parrrty, July 10th!

Yohoho! Pirate Parrrty

Saturday July 10th 2004, 7pm 'til 2am, Mission District, San Francisco. Free!

Does ye have the mettle fer a Pirate's life?

Join with crew of like-minded swashbucklers and scoundrels to quoff rum, dance to sea shanties and Piratey polkas, carouse, wench, rob, steal, and perhaps pillage.

Ye Pirate Parrrty is free of charge and the grog is courtesy of Three Rings, in celebration of the success of Puzzle Pirates. We will however be accepting donations o' doubloons at the door, or via paypal to party@threerings.net.

All mates must arrRSVP to party@threerings.net to reserve yer spot at the gangplank. All Pirates are welcome, but know ye well that ye must come in Piratey regalia, or we'll run yer through (or, if yer very lucky, shanghai yer into swashbuckling form at the door).

This party is 'No Costume, No Head.'

The Parrrty sets sail at the hour o' 7pm and goes until the early hours, at a secret pirate lair in ye Mission district o' San Francisco. Full location details will be disclosed in the reply to yer arrRSVP.

Rousing jigs shall be provided by such scurrilous DJs as might be found at sea. There will be dancin' and perhaps a few shanties. Capn Cleaver has decreed that there will be prizes fer the Pirate King an' Queen (them wi' the best costumes) and ye Ultimate Pirate (who be carrying on in the most Piratey manner throughout the evenin').

RSVP and enquiries to party@threerings.net. Piratey missives much appreciated. Arrr!

Feel free to pass this invite on to yer fellow crewmates and other brigands well known to ye, but please post not to great hosts of scurvy-ridden mailing lists full of toothless bilge-rats. Ye must have 18 years to attend ye party and 21 years upon ye to be drinkin.'

See ye flyer fer printing.

Ye Guide to Piratey Dress

Avast! So, ye be going on the account, eh? 'But I have nothing to wear!' I hear ye cry. Well, if ye has courage to seize a treasure-laden galleon at sea when outnumbered ten to one, the fitting out be the easy part.

Ye Basic Pirate

A Pirate can be fitted out fer merely a few pieces of eight, if they practice diligent pillaging at a goodly thrift shoppe. Fer example:

ye stripy top, a classic pirate piece

ye frilly shirt, a more dashing alternative

ye ragged-cut courdreys or similar pants, or piratey skirt

ye waistcoat, or vest as they might be known

ye bandana or other head scarf

Ye accents

Ahh, but the accessories maketh the Pirate, I hear ye cry. Seek out:

ye ultimate pirate accessory: a piratey hat

ye stripey long socks

ye piratey boots or buckleshoes (shoe buckles can be fashioned from ye tin foil)

ye big buckly belt

ye scarves, feathers, earrings, and other Adam-Antine highlights

jewels, gold pieces, treasure

ye other ultimate pirate accessory: a piratey sword (better than plastic is card, perhaps reinforced with wire rims, covered in tinfoil. Nerf swords can also be found)

flags, treasure chests, sacks and maps

a barrel, a seaman's pipe


Ye alternatives to common Piracy

Arr! None would say that ye can only be a common marooner or swarthy Pirate. Here be some other options:

a pirate in his finery: naval captain suits etc.

corsetry, bustles and all other manner of wenching

aquatic denizens: mermaids, naiads, nymphs and cephalopods

ye common sailor taken by Pirates

Software Pirates are not permitted.

Further Piratey Resources and Reading

Ye Pirate Store

Forget not that San Francisco has its very own Fine Pirate Store located at 826 Valencia between 19th and 20th. Quality merchandise abounds therein, including lard, flags, eyepatches and swabbing supplies. They even have 'Swashbuckler' and 'Buxom' fragrances. But spend not a single piece of eight at Captain Ricks. Any good Pirate knows that his Vat is Not Fresh.

Ye Interweb

Ye olde Interweb be full of a myriad Piratey resources and amusements, not least our own. Here are a few:

No Quarter Given the Pirate Quarterly. These folks are full-on Piratey, none of your thrifty rubbish here. Linked from this site ye can find a mighty host of costumers, and some pictures of Pirates on vacation in Florida. We love Pirates, but we are not as hardcore as these Dread folk.

Suite 101: Pirates, a host of arrrticles and other Piratey information for the Pirate wot knows her letters.

Pirates of the Spanish Main another fine Piratey site.

The Dread Ringers themselves can be found in various ludicrous pirate outfits and situations in ye events archive.

Ye Last Party

Behold! Ye most terrifying pictures o' the first dread Pirate Party!

Now get to yer arrRSVP'ing and we'll see yer on the 10th! Yar!

ir Puzzle Pirate Party.


Hmm, sounds interestin', indeed!..But alas, we'll be at sea that morn' at 0530 to greet a Mexican Naval vessel comin' to S.F. for the weekend..'ave fun, and tell us about it, eh?. :)


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