Red Maria Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 A member of PRP posted this to our member list. I thougt some of you might find it useful Tis a fine site indeed! :)
Grendle Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Nart ter be eyecornarclarstic ner nuffink, ah ain't, bot yer feller's site be a meyet dye-dactical, it be there, lass. All that there vowhell shiftin' stuff be right handsome fer a partick-yoular an spee-siffickal nahshunalitee and airah, but it doan cover it all, it don't. Nar it don't indeedy. Conseedair, eef you weel, the Ahn-glish that woood be spoke-can by a Fronch pyrate. Oah dee Eenglash dat a Deutcher-pyrate would yuse. Oah eeffen Oastryan. Air a freebooterr from tha auld sod, blast me sainted mothrs' lights and liver but I'm a-tinkin' he mayt doo a bit o' tha "Lucky Charms" ting. Or what, pray, might be the dialect of a pyrate who wasn't, shall we say, "from the lower decks"? Can't you just imagine a pirate officer with perhaps the aroma of Oxbridge in his diction? The scent of something other than salt bullybeef and tobacco in his upbringing? And the list goes on. Point I'm makin' here, is piratin' is as pyratin' does, and the accent is but a grace note, to fit a personal persona, doncha know? So long as yer cornsistant in yer dye-aleck, it 'ardly matterrs where ye was born, it don't at all, at all. Ye kin "arrgh" and squint and curl yer lip or sniff and snipe and lift your nose ... or not. Just stick to one at a time, though. IMHO anyhow Cheers
Dream Wench Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 A puuurfect waye ta starts me day......I be thankin' ye kindly !
PyratePhil Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Grendle said: Just stick to one at a time, though. ...but, but...but what 'appens when ye arr a multiple-personality type o' bloke? I say, that wouldn't be quite cricket, old boy...y su madre esta muy bonita, tambien...but arrr, me matey, I be jes' toyin' wit' ye now... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Dream Wench Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Multiples gots ta have a say ! Give 'em a wardrobe, an a buffet. Pirates be a bit' I be fyne wit such a state o Bein'. We kin be a tad o each...I 'aves me male side even tho I be in a wench body....he kin see thru a cad faster n a bat after a he be warnin' me ta steer clear o' the scalliwags ! Duality an' tha Sea go hand in hand...or tentacle in tentacle...aye !
Cire Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 I am quite convinced that it is possible for a lad to have an entirely female body, but be otherwise male. I also believe that tentacles are fine things... unless they have a tendancy to travel to areas best left unchartered by their ilk. Dream Wench, ye be a fine lass, and have piqued me curiousity. I'll be havin te spend some quality time with ye, I be thinkin... Because the world does revolve around me, and the universe is geocentric....
Dream Wench Posted June 6, 2004 Posted June 6, 2004 Cire......I be an odd proud o diversity in personalities. Me mind be an open one ! Here's to tha unique ! I be thinkin' we need ta design a Pirate costume...half male on on side, and half female on the other fer our special friends. I treasure all me mateys, an I am sure ye do as well. A bit o' each...a little more o'' sometimes a lot o' tha other. It's fyne ta wear yer hat full or half cocked !
Grendle Posted June 14, 2004 Posted June 14, 2004 Nah, I mis-agree. Full-cocked is the only way to go off, I say, and the proverbs back me up, they does. Lass or laddie, but one or t'other, please ye.
William Brand Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 That thar site be as fine a site as can be had. I thankee. Aye.
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