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Aye, today an Aztec coin arrived..

I'm happy with it, and it looks mighty fine.

Barbossa me mate, i cannot blame ye for wanting it! B)


personally i'd want it for the oposite reason i think those skeletons were looking mighty fine! B)

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me, so throw me down and tie me up and show me that you like me"

"Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult."

"...but there is no rose without a thorn no pleasure that is not paid for without the prick of pain."

I only wanted it for one reason, to release meself from the bloody curse!

No mate, the FIRST time you wanted it...

It's beautyful, i can just emagine the attraction of a whole chest full :D

Christine, oh yes, they looked interesting, but i'd rather see them with their flesh, their faces are so interesting :D


Gold is gold Charity, he just wanted it so he could spend it. Ain't that right Barbossa?

Because the world does revolve around me, and the universe is geocentric....

Gold is gold Charity, he just wanted it so he could spend it. Ain't that right Barbossa?

Aye Cire! Gold is meant to be spent on food, drink and pleasurable company. Especially the last one! <_<

Royaliste mate, that be a mighty fine chunk of gold there. What'd you find that?


AYE! I'm with ye all there! Gold be gold! Lovely to look at... & to wear.. to hold... t' spend! ::evil grinz::

Aztec gold is just one batch t'get your paws upon. Inca gold I adore as well! :: evil grinz... again:: Just... b'ware of the gold that is around Viracocha, mates. He's the heathen God who cursed po' ol' Barbossa.

Then again, Barbossa.. I would gander to state... that in order to take the curse off the Gold itself would need to find a way to satisfy ol' Viracocha.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Actually, the business card in the lower corner is the fellow I purchased it from. They be on auctions, but you usually pay too much that way....Most everyone has 'Atocha' fever, eh??..Anyhoo...I believe this to be Vellon, not gold, due to the patina...Generally speakin', ye have escudos (gold), reales (silver, 'pieces 'o eight'), and maravedis, (copper, bronze or vellon, a mixture of copper and silver).....I found this one interesting due to the restrike.....


Mind postin' a picture, mate? Love t' see it!

Heh, I'm with ye, cpts plesur wnch, I found skeleton Jack Sparrow QUITE attractive. Wouldn't mind touchin' his bones... er, the Captain.

Captain Wolfy Wench


Mmmm... lovely piece there, Royaliste, mate. Treasure be treasure. & I have to agree with Jack Sparrow on "Not all treasure is silver & gold, mate."

Cause you can't forget the jewels & gems.. ivory... fine fabrics & so much more!


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


First, i 'm sorry for being away from the ship for a while.

I cannot use my scanner, it's just not working since my upgrade, and i've got a new driver :rolleyes:

But, if and when i can i will post some cool pics here, also from the Pirate museum.

I picked up this rather nice Spanish cob, 1623, with a 1641 counterstrike..not Aztec, but genuine....

That's awsome, wow, where did you find that? :ph34r:


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