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Yes sir (or mam if it be pertainin') it seems like just yesterday that I made fer the port that held such fine folks that aye ave' all but let me ship tew rot tew the ribs. What brought you ere' and if ye remember, how'd ye find this heaven in the middle of the vast ocean? Aye tip me hat tew all of you :o ......and scream and yell and fart and belch rather disgustingly.... scratch me bum just so, pick me nose ,flick em boogys all around and be very very, very glad that aye am a Pirate!



Sir Jewels Cole


"In casa di ladri non ci si ruba." trans. "There is honour among thieves."

Aye tip me hat tew all of you  ......and scream and yell and fart and belch rather disgustingly.... scratch me bum just so, pick me nose ,flick em boogys all around and be very very, very glad that aye am a Pirate!

Yell? You need to mind yer manners, sit down, sip a brew, and continue farting and scratching... yelling here is completely uncalled for! :o

Okay, that's better now! :o

Ta answer yer question, I've always loved pirates, but watching PotC re-awakened the sleeping pirate in me. I one day did a Google search for "pirates", hoping to find some historical info on piracy, in general. One of the hits was to a website called "No Quarter Given", which I read through and through. When I had completely exhausted "NQG", I happened to notice a link to something called the "Pyracy Pub"... How interesting, I thought to myself, what could this be? At the time, I was looking for a resource to buy earthenware tankards, and I figured, why not post the question in this "Pyracy Pub" thing? I chose the name Capt. Morgan, because its my favorite rum, and the real Cap'n Morgan was a hell of an olden time Marine, conducting ship to shore raids on unsuspecting Spanish cities. I posted my first question, which was answered by the good Ryann MacGregor, who sent me an IM inviting me to stop by the now infamous Pyracy hot tub, where I was introduced to Nigel, Scupper, Paisley, Sir Jewels, Conner, and my favorite pirate lass, MerryDeath Angel...

That was December 18th of last year, and I've been an almost daily visitor ever since. Because of Pyracy, I've had the opportunity to learn about pirates, find out about events I never knew existed, crack some jokes, while away many hours, and even had the chance to meet some pirates who have become great friends...

That's my tale, and three cheers to this humble little pub where Piracy Lives On!



Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."

What brought you ere' and if ye remember, how'd ye find this heaven in the middle of the vast ocean?

I'd been researching pirate stuff on line for a year or more (for the story I'm writing) and found my way to the Pub via NQG. After several weeks as a Guest, I decided to join in, since I figured I'd find people here who could help answer some of my research questions. Well, the chat here is so friendly I, too, log on nearly every day to hear the latest skuttlebutt.

So Sir Jewels, Capt. Morgan, I join ya in raisin' a glass ta this wonderful meetin' place. :huh:


Here's to ya, Jewels! :huh:

To a fantastic pirate! HUZZAH! B)


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Aye if'n I don't make here at least everyday, than I feel like I've missed something! Aye it be a fine fix fer me!

Rumba Rue

**Young enough to still have fun, old enough not to care** :huh:

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