John_Young Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 So help me decide this great problem... I do reinactments. I like history. I am not a history buff or historian, or whatnot. Just a regular joe who likes piracy. Now I'm a member of a pirate crewe that does live-steel combat. And we just got invited to the Sail Jax (a piratey / tall shippy event). (Supposedly some loser named Depp is going to be running around dressed as a pirate named Jimmy Pigeon or something) Anyway, we get slammed with all these rules from the historical groups. *Not from the Sail Jax folks* That say... History over Hollywood. Everything nice and proper, which I usually don't mind. Really. But no coats? I'm rambling here... must be the Tylenol PM still in my system. The big question is... Wha do people want? History or Hollywood. My contention is that 95% of folks that attend pirate events want to see the cliches, the "Arrrr"s, the female pirates, etc. Not see pike drill demonstrations and proper footwear. Thoughts? "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..." "I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull of yers!" -Captain John Young - PILF
piratelassie Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Bein' one o' the many people who first got sold on the more hollywoodish aspects o' piracy and then got curious about the history, I'd say that there's a balance in bein' reasonably true ta history, while maintainin' the glamour. And who's not ta say that some o' the more sensational aspects o' piracy weren't true. We certainly weren't around. We can't know fer certain. And the primary sources we have to go on are sketchy trial records and newspaper articles, and what some would call yellow journalism by Daniel Defoe. So yeah, There's something to be said fer historical accuracy, but if that history was indeed sensational, then I says, go with it. Plus, this sail jax thing is supposed to be fun, aye? Well have some fun then. Be as true as ye can ta history, but don't lose track of the romanticism. In this day and age, there's too little of it. No mysteries left in the world. And coats and bucket boots are fun. Where is this sail jax event by the way? Not happenin' ta be in the New England area perchance? If so, I'd like ta check it out. Cos the town across the bay from me is hostin' a bunch o' tall ships in mid july.
Cire Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Well, I personally prefer history, but you get the odd lubber who expects Hollywood. I would say you might go for a mix of the two... history with a slight Hollywood flair and embellishments perhaps? Because the world does revolve around me, and the universe is geocentric....
hurricane Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 I know that a couple of the Pyrates of the Coast will probably be at this event and we'll be wearing coats. We don't adhere to the rules of so called historical enactment groups -- we sail our own flag and make our own mischief... just like true pirates should. If the Sail Jax folks don't have a problem with what you want to do, don't worry about it. They're the ones you're "working" for there - to make their event more colorful and interesting. I think the real pirates of old would be rolling over in their graves with such silly rules. As for Hollywood vs. Historic, most of the public could care less as long as there is a good show to watch. Most of the public can't tell a rapier from a cutlass much less what is perfectly period or proper. Put on a good show and they'll give you coin. Put on a proper show and they'll give you nothing, by thunder. -- Hurricane ______________________________________________________________________ Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011) Scurrilous Rogue Stirrer of Pots Fomenter of Mutiny Bon Vivant & Roustabout Part-time Carnival Barker Certified Ex-Wife Collector Experienced Drinking Companion "I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic." "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" -
Cap'n Crusty Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 -- we sail our own flag and make our own mischief... just like true pirates should. This comment alone is worth a round, if we ever meet. Sez I, with that attitude, you're more proper than "Proper" ....dances on tables when drunk......
Bilgemunky Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Historical accuracy is all well and good, but I prefer historical feasibility. Did pirates wear this coat or that boot? Who can say for certain? Might they have? Well, if it's period, and something a pirate might have had the opportunity to swipe off the back of a victim, then I say go with it. Wool frock - good. Rayon and sequin dayglow green frock - bad. It's just like walking the plank - many say pirates never did it. But we know well enough that many pirates loved to make sport of executing their victims, so why wouldn't they have come up with something as simple as plank walking? Sounds feasible to me. So long as we're all more or less believable, and don't all look like jack-sparrow-clones (leave the eye-liner at home, lads!), then I'm happy I AM BILGEMUNKY
Cap'n Crusty Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 No Rayon and sequin dayglow green frock, or eyeliner?! Damn yer eyes, now I'm having my very own "Wardrobe malfunction"!!!! ....dances on tables when drunk......
Zorg Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 I think me main objectiion to the pyraty coate thingie is natural selection: Lets see, Caribbean tropics, 92 farenheit, 100% humidity, and Im wearing a long sleeve lined wool coat intended for Northern Europe? Not bloody likely. Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins... Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up.... Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be..... Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered
John_Young Posted May 25, 2004 Author Posted May 25, 2004 Aye but have ye been on the same ship, at night, in a storm? "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..." "I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull of yers!" -Captain John Young - PILF
Red Maria Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 I say a wee bit of both. As far as coats go depends on the weathe if it's hot like Zorg says then no coats. If it cold then coats. You're a pirate not an idiot! :)
Cap'n Crusty Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 You're a pirate not an idiot! :) Sez who? ....dances on tables when drunk......
Red Maria Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 You're a pirate not an idiot! :) Sez who? OK maybe I'm wrong?! Is that unserwear on your head?!
Rumba Rue Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Well if'n ye gots a fine body with nice mucles, then the hell with the coat and shirt. Give the women somethin' ta drool over. And I must say, Zorg is right, there's no way in hell I'd be wearin' heavy duty costume stuff in heat and humidity! The groups here in S. Calif. tend to be pretty much on both sides of the line regarding Hollyweird vs. true history. We have people in PRP who dress historically accurate as possible, and then we have some who look like they belong on top of a birthday cake (I've fallen into the cake look occassionally). The public really doesn't care, they just want to see pirates! Rumba Rue **No mind like another**
Dream Wench Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 It be a big Universe, Lads and lassies. If a Pirate be be enough fer me. I wish ta have a cornucopia o' choices at me fingertips. Stereotypes be fine. A Gay Pirate be fine....and fine to be the Devotees o Authentic..down to tha last stitch...impressin' tha crowd with a quality not seen ever at Walrus Martus....yar ! Me hat's off ta Hollywood..and details...and the eyeliner wouldn't be botherin' me.personally at all..(the liner is used me Buckos..ta cut down on solar glare)..ask a desert dweller about glare then, ask yerself..."am I sincere about me Piratin' ?" One dislike o much o the synthetic sleeze.(it don't breathe too well)...a small artificial embellishment be fine..and we are sometimes a bit scarce in pocket's we not be mockin' a tad o poverty...happenin' to befall a fella'....and a rubber cutlass be fine, too fer safety's sake.....we want ta live thru a's we can hunt the Frock coats and Tri Corns o the future......
TalesOfTheSevenSeas Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Well, if you want historical accuracy, you need to have the era and geographic location defined that you're recreating and you need to specify if you're recreating pirates while at sea or on shore. They often emulated the dress of wealthy merchants, and according to Dr. David Cordingly (Author of Under the Black Flag and other books) the "Hook Look" is suprisingly close to accurate. Pirates DID wear all the foppish stuff that we wore, but they wore it when they went ashore, not at sea. There is an account of the clothing worn by Bartholomew Roberts in his final battle. He liked to dress for the occasion and wore a hat with a red feather, crimson waistcoat and had a diamond crucifix hanging around his neck. I'm guessing your event coordinator wants the 17th or 18th century and is thinking British pirates, otherwise you could show up in Roman or Chinese clothing too!! Most of the time, sailors dressed very simply and downright ratty. Check out Cindy Vallar's series of articles on what pirate life was really like: Pirates and Privateers -Claire "Poison Quill" Warren Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas
Cap'n Crusty Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Well if'n ye gots a fine body with nice mucles, then the hell with the coat and shirt. Give the women somethin' ta drool over. pshaw! Stop treating me like a piece O' meat! ....dances on tables when drunk......
Cire Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 But you are a piece of meat. Ye might be a bit more than that besides of course, but hey..... Because the world does revolve around me, and the universe is geocentric....
Cap'n Crusty Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 But you are a piece of meat. Ye might be a bit more than that besides of course, but hey..... Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful...... Ain't Photoshop a wonderful thing? ....dances on tables when drunk......
Hawkyns Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 You guys might want to check out the Faire vs. Re-enactment thread from this section. change the seeting to show everything from the beginning and it's about halfway down page 3. Me, I'm for the most accuracy I can get. There are a bunch of reasons, but boiled down it amounts to the fact that I don't do this for just a day at a faire or gathering. I need to be able to live in these clothes for a few days at a time, camping, sailing, cutting wood, fighting, running cannon or whatever. The historical clothing lets you do that, it was designed for it. The fantasy kit looks good, but is not always practical for activities more than just standing around, looking good. Unless that coat is well tailored for you, you can't fight in it. That bodice may look nice, but can you bend over and cook on an open fire? As well as the heat involved with synthetic fabrics, they are very flammable. In a place where we are involved with campfires, gunpowder, pan flashes, and muzzle fire, I don't want to be in anything that's flammable. There are times that I and my lady will wear fantasy pirate, but it is rare and only for very specific reasons and short periods. Hawkyns Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl I do what I do for my own reasons. I do not require anyone to follow me. I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs. if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.
Perkeo Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Being some one who is in the SCA...(I know not every one likes the SCA)...I am a history buff. I find it hard to get some of the more period things I want for various reasons, but I like to do the research and try to at least pattern the things I have after period stuff. I believe in having fun first and being accurate last. Besides making the authentisity nazi's upset can be a lot of fun in itself. Help Pyrate Minicity grow, click a link below! Pyrate Population Pyrate Transportation Pyrate Industry
John_Young Posted May 26, 2004 Author Posted May 26, 2004 Aye, well I'm not meaning the actual *fabrics* of the garb. I don't mind it at all, and my main shirt... well I've had it for 10 years already. Natural fabrics are the way te go "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..." "I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull of yers!" -Captain John Young - PILF
Conner O'Dea Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I think that you should be accurate to a point. I perscribe to the 10 feet rule. If it looks accurate 10 feet away you're good. Anything closer than that tends not to be worth the cost and hassle. I do agree with using natural fibers for teh simple fact that they breath. That comes in handy when you're at a faire where the temp is pushing 90.
Capt Grey Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I likes RumbaRue's group who claim they are more "hysterically" accurate than historically accurate. I prefers this look fer me Captain Hook: Kin I haves him on me birthday cake, Rumba? Sorry t'interrupt yer discussion but this Captain be likin' the silly and irrelevent sometimes. Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie. Rumors of my death are entirely premature.
Rosalinda Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I likes RumbaRue's group who claim they are more "hysterically" accurate than historically accurate. I prefers this look fer me Captain Hook: Kin I haves him on me birthday cake, Rumba? Sorry t'interrupt yer discussion but this Captain be likin' the silly and irrelevent sometimes. Some things are worth repeating.
Hawkyns Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 If it looks accurate 10 feet away you're good. Anything closer than that tends not to be worth the cost and hassle. That, mate, is entirely a matter of opinion. I've spent more hours than I care to count in museums, craning my neck and falling foul of alarm systems to see the back side of exhibits to see how they were properly constructed. For every hour I spend in kit, I figure I've spend well upwards of 10 hours doing research. For me, my ultimate goal is that if we ever do get to the time machine, I can take my stuff and have it be indistinguishable from the originals. Failing that, I want to put my stuff alongside museum artifacts and have them be as identical as possible, given nearly 400 years of aging difference. As I've said before, for me its a lifestyle challenge. To know how they lived, what they thought, what they wore, what they used- so much of this information has been lost. The more we can rediscover by finding lost journals, records, etc., and by experimetal archeology, actually trying to duplicate what we can of their lifestyle, the better for history. It's not the glitz for me, it's the day to day. A filthy shirt, linen slops, and a torn doublet will teach me more about them than any braid covered captain's coat. Hawkyns Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl I do what I do for my own reasons. I do not require anyone to follow me. I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs. if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.
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