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Virginia Renaissance Festival

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i know stynky was trying to go here sometime.....

anyone interested in going this saturday? the weather looks like it is going to hold out

admission is $12 for 1 day adult pass, website has $2 off coupon. or come in costume and get $2 off. peace-tied weapons allowed.

Virginia Renaissance Festival


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


Any chance you could so Sunday ?

Myself and two or three crew members are planning on doing Sunday.

Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


: (

i have stage combat class until noon-ish, then it would take me almost 2 hours to get there

mayhaps i could sway you n yours to join me there memorial day?

i'll bring the rum, young lad....


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


Wish I could be there with ya, luv.

Guess I'll just 'ave to be in spirit.


Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


aye.... i wish you were there too nigel my luv



"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones

  Paisley said:
: (

i have stage combat class until noon-ish, then it would take me almost 2 hours to get there

mayhaps i could sway you n yours to join me there memorial day?

i'll bring the rum, young lad....

I am at the beach Memorial Day weekend, but . . . .

Let me see if I can switch my days this weekend - I will let you know by early afternoon.

Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


Hey I can switch things around and do Sat. I'll PM you contact info for me- give me a shout tonight if you would so that we can figure out a meeting place / time. I wont be online after 3 today.

Looking forward to meeting you guys !


Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


i'm in fer tomorrow....any more takers???


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


ok...if anyone else wants to come we'd love to have you...

the latest word is to meet at the gates at 11am

look fer myself, stynky, or duncan...


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


Paisley ans Stinky-

It was great meeting both of you yesterday at VARF. As promised here are the pictures from the faire. B)B)B)


Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


oi vay

geeze....does the camera still work??????

wheres the followup pics from dave n busters? lol


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


I think I'm looking a wee bit relaxed there. . . and sunburnt. Horrible pictures McGuyver, thanks.



Ah Lady La Ruisenora,

Your words are kinder than that camera.

Say, where were you yesterday? You live in Virginia, you should have been there.


*blush* My friends be callin' me Rui, sir.

I wish I coulda been there, but I stay with my parents durin' the summer. They reside on the Lake of Smith Mountain near Lychburg/Roanoke. 'Tis a shame it's big but not enough for more than a speedboat. :-\ But me beau promises me a big ship after we retire! B)

I plan to be at the Maryland Renaissance Festival this fall.. I hope ta fin'ly meet some of ye!


Damn exclamationAnim.gif The faire's opening day was in Roanoke, we should have planned to meet up at that one. pirateSadBlink1.gif

Well it just looks like we'll have ta meet up at the Maryland event then.



Aye, I believe Pirate Invasion week-end is a regular part of the event. Or at least I think so. . .

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