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I am currently in charge of planning a trip to Orlando for myself and [Mundane] parents/grandparents, and have an interesting question that possibly someone in Orlando may be able to answer.

The primary purpose of the trip is to go to Disney World, however one of the things I'm thinking of is to spend one of the evenings there at the Pirate Dinner Theater, and not at Disney World. I've been to some other renaissance/medieval dinner theaters, and some of them frown on guests coming to the venue in garb, which others havn't had a problem. I tried to send them an email which didn't recieve an answer, so I'm going to post here:

Does anyone know if the Pirate Dinner Theater place has a problem with a customer showing up in pirate garb, or do they frown on it?

Oh, and a second question that came to my mind as I was typing this message: Does anyone know of any interesting pirate themed venues in Orlando? (I saw video of the Pirate Cruise out of Tampa, and it didn't look like anything I'd want to go with. Looked like there was too many


Thanks greatly in advance!

Morick Towain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas

Morick Towain

IBoRP #116

Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, bein' a Florida native I can tell ye about this:

Even though I've been to Orlando thousands of times, and I've loved the pirates since age 2.... I had never been to the Pirate Dinner Advenure until this past March.

I had a good time.

I didn't have a great time, but a good time.

You are funnelled into the waiting area for an appetizer buffet. Chips, salsa, ravioli... yeah I know... $50 per ticket for this? Woo!

There's the stereotypical "put yer face on various bodies" booth. Nothing pirate related though.

A sword booth where they have no piratey weapons except fer Morgan's Dagger from "Cutthroat Island". And all things are about 3 times their normal price. Aragorn's Ranger sword knockoff? You could buy the United Cutlery's sword with sheath for what they charge.

The only thing worth yer while is a T shirt. Maybe a coconut monkey/pirate if'n ye like that sert of stuff.

There are a couple bars... why they need more than 1 is beyond me... where you're lucky if the beer (bottled) is less than $5. Mixed drinks are over $12.

There's a pre-show where they entertain the kids...

There's a pre-show with the happy gypsy islanders where they have the world's gayest celebration. Then the pirates... who they vanquished 20-some years ago return... bla-de-blah, everyone goes and gets seated.

You sit in a different colored "ship" section. It's mainly for kids. I won't lie. If you do go... ask for, nay DEMAND the orange pirate. He wasn't mine, but he has excellent real professional wrestling training. I think he worked as a jobber for WWE or WCW. He works the crowd, he has excellent moves, just a wonder to watch.

The performers wear microphones. The sword clanks are cheesy sound effects. They sing (very awfully). You can't hear the songs and dialogue clearly (which is annoying, but a blessing in disguise). They do stupid Cirque du' Soliel rope and trapeze stuff. Some Trampoline stuff too.

You eat... Which was good. It was roasted chicken (which I normally despise) and it was moist and flavorful.

You watch... you participate.

You exit the show through the "pirate museum" which is so riddled with innacuracies that it's laughable.

Like i said... it's good, but not great. If you're a kid at heart you'll enjoy it.

If you do go... don't do it a day you go to a theme park.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF


I was also able to go to the theater last month, and was able to talk to the manager and ask a couple of questions. The manager is just that. A manager in the entertainment industry and the actors are there because they are paid,so don't expect to be able to talk to them about pirates. The food was good, and the show is pretty entertaining (I was also able to see Arabian Nights while I was in Orlando, and very impressed with that show.) the theater is pretty impressive and . Working with Pirates in Paradise and just from being in here I am use to a bit more historical accuracy, but it is a fun show to see.

I spent most of my time talking to the guy who owns the gift shop, who is very nice and a lot of fun. They had some good t-shirts, some nice knives and swords, and better prices than i can find in key west.

If you are looking for an entertaining evening out, it is fun. Have a good time in Orlando!

Key West Pirate



It's like looting, but the shopkeeper is watching from behind some hastily contrived shelter.

Rum Wench - Pyrates of the Coast


oops. sorry. got interupted in the middle of a thought...they brought us all ice cream and i was distracted. :ph34r:

the sentence that cuts off in the middle should end with they have an impressive set. It's a round theater with a pirate ship in and water in the middle

Key West Pirate



It's like looting, but the shopkeeper is watching from behind some hastily contrived shelter.

Rum Wench - Pyrates of the Coast


Talk to Hurricane. I heard tell of many wonderous venues in Orlandyo. Some great dinner theater and stuff. And pyratey adventure!


Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


Thanks for the nod to me Sir Nigel, oh mighty pirate captain of the Western Alliance of The Pyrates. 'Tis true I am now in Orlando. I have heard tales of this venue and have received the same mixed reviews. Perhaps we should all take it over in mutinous fashion and populate it with natural hams who love being pirates. It would make a mint.

'Tis also true that Diosa, the Goddess in the Bodice and I be workin' on a piratical dinner theater play that may debut at PiP. Lots of fun it is - good against evil, pirates against the crown - and Sir Nigel has a starring role in it, though I have not yet had him sign the articles to do so. But he is a centerpiece of the plot.

So learn some lines Sir Nigel and one day Diosa and I will sneak into the pirate show here and report back.

In the meantime, I highly recommend the Adventurer's Club on Disney's Pleasure Island for a fun evening of fun in a strange 1937 club with quirky characters and there is a really good improv theatre across the plaza as well.

And for any true lover of piracy, Disney Quest's viritual pirate game where you shoot and loot is an absolute blast. We spent 6 hours in there playing games alone...

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


Say Hurricane... I bet you could purchase the old "King Henry's Feast" dinner theatre building and do a good pirate show and get better reviews than Pirates...

If you absolutely must do a dinner theatre in Big O, I highly recommend Sleuths. It's on the same street, and it's more worth it's money.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

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