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Ahoy Mateys,

Attending me first period encampment. Lookin for suggestions on what to bring and what NOT to bring. I'm not stayin at the encampment; me sis and I are staying at the Inn, but I needs a clew on what to bring.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.



Besidea what I e-mail you on pirvately you should bring the beverage of your choice (bring at least some non-alcoholic)& sunscreen are good things to bring.


Something ta keep ye warm or cool or both. Besides libations, I mean. Like a cloak, or a big shady hat.

Something ta break the ice and meet people. Music and public nudity are sure bets, check your local laws.

Something ta pass the time in case the event turns out to be entirely unlike what ye expected and yer stuck there until Sunday evening.


All joking aside, the first period encampment can be a scary place.

I would bring

Clothing and weapons (obviously)

Spare clothing- something linen in case it gets hot and something wool in case it gets cold. A cloak of waterproof material, preferably wool. Most people who have a bad time at their first period bash do so because they are not equipped for whatever mother nature will chuck at you. Be prepared for 50 in the morning, 80 in the afternoon, and 40 by about midnight. Remember, just like they teach you in Outward Bound, 'cotton kills'.

Eating gear- bowl, plate, knife, spoon (forks are for sissies) and a tankard AND mug. you'll appreciate the mug if you need a warm drink and have to drink hot coffee from a pewter tankard. Most of the time I take a period mug and skip the tankard.

Folding stool, period chair, chest, something to sit on.

Lantern and candles. If you'll be staying till after dark, (and that's when all the best singing is) you'll need something to find your way to the jakes.

Any period games, or pastimes like musical instruments. I'd have a book in the car, just in case it's really not your cup of tea and you're stuck there.

An open mind. Period events can be overwhelming for someone who is not ready. Ask questions- re-enactors love to talk about thier kit. They'll explain what, where and why. Don't worry if you are not up to scratch for your first show. As long as you are interested and take advice, you'll be fine. It's the folks who always seem to know 'a better way' who get harrased by the re-enactors. Better does not equal period correct.

A full purse. Most decent re-enactments have a sutlers row and lots of kit and toys to acquire. The 4 day I'm going to this weekend has 100 plus sutlers in attendance, all 18th C period correct.

HAVE FUN!!!!!! This is one hell of a great lifestyle and I wouldn't trade it.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.




I forgot to say if you don't have any period eating ware there are booths at Ojai that will selling said items at reasonable prices. There are also things you can use at the PRP encampment. It does get cold at night so if you plan to attend the pot luck or hang around a bit after hours bring something warm. As you will not be camping you won't need thermal underwear. :)


Not camping out, hey? Well, bring

changes of clothing, ranging from 10 degrees below to the same above, of the temperature range you can "reasonably" expect.


sunglasses - period style or non, depending on the event and how historical you want to be

eating utensils - period or non, etc., unless you want to eat strictly merchant fare

whatever medications, cosmetics etc. you normally prefer

a first aid kit

a sewing kit (first aid for yer garb)

a sense of RESTRAINT, so you refrain from buying everything that strikes yer fancy! :unsure:

period garb and accoutrements: but don't make the mistake of taking cutlasses and big daggers and other stuff that's just going to become a nuisance (to you, lugging it around, and to everyone else you're going to accidentally poke with them)

a period hat that won't blow off yer head easily, and that will shade you from the sun

libation, maybe; something to drink it from

COMFORTABLE, WELL-BROKEN -IN footware that passes fer period.

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

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