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  Stynky Tudor said:
Arrr, you're going to have ta tell us how you like it once it arrives.

Oh it came today! A bit heavy more like a falchion really. On the Museum Replicas site says it a reproduction of a mid-17th c. cutlass c. 1650. The grip is firm, the gaurd substantial. I'm going to work it a bit when I get home if it's still light. I didn't think it was a good idea to weild it around the library. :ph34r: Got a lot of compliments from the staff especially the gaurds as I walked it out to my car though! :)


You know, this is the second time I've wondered about this particular cutlass. I thought the blade looked quite a bit shorter than the Museum Replicas version. And so much more reasonably priced...makes me wonder if it's a kind of knock-off (I'm not casting aspersions about the quality). What do you think?

Capt. William Bones

Then he rapped on the door with a bit of stick like a handspike that he carried, and when my father appeared, called roughly for a glass of rum. This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste, and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard.

"This is a handy cove," says he, at length; " and a pleasant sittyated grog-shop. Much company, mate?"

My father told him no, very little company, the more was the pity.

"Well, then," said he, "this is the berth for me."

Proprietor of Flags of Fortune.


You know, I ordered a beautiful cutlass from 5 Star Deal on eBay as well, but it turned out to be a horrible experience. I sent in payment, and after three months of no response (but MANY emails from me) from them, they FINALLY tell me they don't have any of the swords in stock. Of course, after I email them countless more times, they sent me back a check of my payment about a month and a half later. >_<

Grr... never had any problems like that before.

But it is indeed a nice cutlass! Looks heavy, but the hilt and guard look kind of... fantasy-like. O_o

Captain Wolfy Wench


Aye! That's the one I was talking about last month!

It's not shorter than the MR one, it's the same length.

And as I said my my post about it... if it's a knock off, it's very high quality, very um... Well, it would be like using a famous artist to copy the work of another famous artist.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

  John_Young said:
Aye!  That's the one I was talking about last month!

It's not shorter than the MR one, it's the same length. 

And as I said my my post about it... if it's a knock off, it's very high quality, very um... Well, it would be like using a famous artist to copy the work of another famous artist.

One of my art teachers once said that when Picasso was shown a forgery of his work he made an exact copy of it. When asked why he did it he said " I can fake a Picasso as well as anyone can". It's the same cutlass as the MR one. Just shows you what a mark up some dealers will make.

  Captain Wolfy Wench said:
You know, I ordered a beautiful cutlass from 5 Star Deal on eBay as well, but it turned out to be a horrible experience. I sent in payment, and after three months of no response (but MANY emails from me) from them, they FINALLY tell me they don't have any of the swords in stock. Of course, after I email them countless more times, they sent me back a check of my payment about a month and a half later. >_<

Grr... never had any problems like that before.

But it is indeed a nice cutlass! Looks heavy, but the hilt and guard look kind of... fantasy-like. O_o

Captain Wolfy Wench

I had no problems whatsoever with them. I sent a check at the end of March and got the sword yesterday. I was lucky I guess. :)

As far as the grip is concerned although it looks fantasy-ish it very functional. It solidly protects the hand whilst offering a good way to smack someone in the face.

A sword like it was featured on the History Channel program Conquest, on pirate weapons, which Mario Perez (a sometime visitor here) was on. He maybe can authenticate it. All I know is that MR says it's a mid-17th c. cutlass circa1650.


So Red,

Now that you've had it home for a few days and have had some time to play around with it. . .how do ya like it?

The reason I be asking is that I recently bought meself a $39.99 internet cutlass. Unfortunately the one I be wanting weren’t in stock so they sent me something they told me was just as good-even better. Once it arrived though, I wasn't so happy. The handle was made of some sort of rubber-plastic and the silver finish on the basket was flaking off. I've since sent it back and I'm now waiting on me refund.

I also have a 'junk sword' rapier that I bought some time ago from renstore.com for the same price. It's pretty much what I expected, it’s made cheaply and not good for anything but hanging off the belt or baldric. Without even wearing it out to an event, the wire that wraps around the handle is unraveling and the basket wiggles a lot and makes noise. At the time I should have just returned it but I figured that for $39.99 you get what ya pay for.

Now unlike the cutlass, I’m pretty sure that with some help from Captain Flint, the rapier can be taken apart and fixed.



The sword is great! Not cheaply made but not to top of the line either. The grip is covered in leather and rock solid. I don't think I'll have to worry about sweaty palms it I use it without gloves. The gaurd is stainless stel and there is no flaking off of the finish cause there is no finish. The blade's tang looks like it goes the full length of the hilt and there aren't any solder marks anywhere. The pommel is also rock soild and substantial. It looks like one could so damage with it if one is not careful. It's a good solid sword. :)

The balance is very good, definately balanced for slashing. I get that fulcrum effect when I slash. The more I work with the better it feels. I have been practicing with it a few minutes a day just going through basic drills. I can't wait to try it out in actual sparring. That may have to wait till Iron Bess gets her cutlass. She ordered the same one from they same place but they sent the wrong sword. :lol:

I am also looking at a couple of rapiers on the same site. Here's a link with some pics:


They are fitted with slager blades. So there not 100% authentic but they are serviceable. One's is listed as a Spanish rapier the other as an Italian rapier. The one I really like is the Reniassance rapier but when I fould out how much it weighs (6-8 lbs) I changed my mind. I am not sure my 5 ft 0 in frame could handle for any long period of time. At least not with steriods! :lol::lol: It a beautiful sword though.

Anyway I am as pleased as punch with it and will give a further review on how it functions in swordplay.

  Red Maria said:
A sword like it was featured on the History Channel program Conquest, on pirate weapons, which Mario Perez (a sometime visitor here) was on.  He maybe can authenticate it.  All I know is that MR says it's a mid-17th c. cutlass circa1650.

Hi Maria, much joy of your new cutlass!

I've always admired this design, and you're tempting me. Any chance of some pics of your sword?

If you want to know what sword inspired yours, the man to talk to would be Eddie Floyd. He designed it, and made the prototype for Hank Reinhard back when he headed MRL, IIRC.

You can reach him (or his wife Samara, who seems to do a lot of the communicating) via his website: Swordplay Alliance.

He also does custom work, such as this version he made for the wife of one of the SFI members:



Now Iron Bess is getting one too?

Dang you all are copycats... or, or PIRATES! :D

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

  John_Young said:
Now Iron Bess is getting one too?

Dang you all are copycats... or, or PIRATES! :D

It was Iron Bess who gave me the low down the auction! Didn't tell a soul lest someone else got it! We be Pirates alright! :D

  Deacon Frye said:

Hi Maria, much joy of your new cutlass!

I've always admired this design, and you're tempting me. Any chance of some pics of your sword?

If you want to know what sword inspired yours, the man to talk to would be Eddie Floyd. He designed it, and made the prototype for Hank Reinhard back when he headed MRL, IIRC.

You can reach him (or his wife Samara, who seems to do a lot of the communicating) via his website: Swordplay Alliance.

He also does custom work, such as this version he made for the wife of one of the SFI members:


Hi Deacon

No pics yet maybe the Ojai Faire or SRPF I will get some. Thanks for the link to Swordplay I will check it out. I am curious to see if he was inspired by any historical blades or does the MR site has it all wrong and it's not a mid-17th c. design.

I e-mailed Mario and he said "It's a period style design but I don't recall ever having scene that kind of exact sword in any of the books I know. I'd say it's certainly historically accurate enough in the look." So who knows? :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I had a great experience with 5-star deals. I ordered to swords and when I didn't get them within a week I called them and they informed me that they were out. They told me that could pick out two others for the same price. I ended up getting two different swords (the Napoleon cutlass and another plain one) that were worth $40.00 and I ended up paying $20.00 for them. They are decent swords more showy than practical but they do the job and the one I got is SHARP! Which I wasn't expecting.

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.


Recently ordered one of the Italian Rapiers from these guys ($49.95) and received it promptly. Some of the polish on the sword is a bit rough, but it seems fightable, and is certainly period accurate (mid 1500s) for my purposes. Pix soon.

Z :)

Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered

  • 3 weeks later...


If ye be looking fer a good cutlass Oi've got a friend over here in Scotland what has his own sword making company, which makes swords sepecially for re-enactors. His blades are made from spring steel to combat standards, (ie, they won't splinter when clashed together) and can be orderd as sharp for display, or blunt for re-enactment. His website is:


He does not have a cutlass on his website at the moment but he has made some in the past (including 300 made for display on H.M.S. Victory). Also he can make swords to your own specifications given a photo or a drawing. Nearly all our swords in PUBCAT were made by Armourclass, and he sells quite a lot to the U.S. mainly for the Medieval period.


Cap'n Redbeard


Piratical Union of Buccaneers Corsairs and Associated Trades


Didja notice that Anna in VanHelsing carried a saber that looked similar to this cutlass?

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

  Redbeard said:

If ye be looking fer a good cutlass Oi've got a friend over here in Scotland what has his own sword making company, which makes swords sepecially for re-enactors. His blades are made from spring steel to combat standards, (ie, they won't splinter when clashed together) and can be orderd as sharp for display, or blunt for re-enactment. His website is:


He does not have a cutlass on his website at the moment but he has made some in the past (including 300 made for display on H.M.S. Victory). Also he can make swords to your own specifications given a photo or a drawing. Nearly all our swords in PUBCAT were made by Armourclass, and he sells quite a lot to the U.S. mainly for the Medieval period.


I've never handled one of their swords, but I know a number of people who have them, and they swear by them. They're the real deal.

They may not have a classic cutlass in their standard line, but they have a couple of 17th century hangers that would make fine sidearms for a freebooter:

17th Century Tower Hanger


17th Century Shell & Ring Guard Hanger


There is a considerable choice of blades offered with these:

Sharp or Reenactment (i.e. rebated or blunt--shown above)

Two blade lengths

Single or double-edged

Diamond profile or fullered



The prices are quite reasonable for what you're getting.

I can probably pull up a review of the Tower Sword with the short, sharp blade if anyone is interested.

  John_Young said:
Didja notice that Anna in VanHelsing carried a saber that looked similar to this cutlass?

I haven't seen the movie but I have been told that it is similar to my cutlass. Proably something Tony Swanton cooked up using a cutlass like mine but with an aluminum blade.

All I can say is the girl has taste! I'll have to see the movie now. :)


It's the older brother saber... the hilts are very similar.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

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