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Gotta share this one. Me wifey's school in West Leyden, NY is havin a Scholastic Bookfair this week. The bookfair theme? PIRATES!!

They had a total Pirate Day and kick off assembly this past Friday where most all the teachers and principal dressed up like Pirates, they told Pirate jokes and had all kindsa fun. I wrote a couple of the jokes they used an even wrote a short Pirate ditty usin their school in it.

Anybody out there have any similar piratey experiences either in a school ye teach in, or one you attended as a little sea urchin? Perhaps ye did a pirate appearance for school kids?

Tell us about it matey!! :lol:

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>


Aye, Cap'n T.

Pyrates of the Coast did a book fair for the elementary school in Port Orchard (pronounced 'Parrrrt Arrrchard' by good pyrates) on Friday. (Was this perchance a nationwide event?)

'Twas great fun. The staff was dressed as pyrates, and wer right dandy looking if I say so meeself. We gave out beads and stickers t' the tykes (and, of course, their mommies.... :) ) and t' the staff as well.

I parrrticularly liked the little mechanics dollies that we were rowing like dinghies, racing each other across the gymnasium floor. The volleyball game was fun (I commented that we should learn to return incoming cannonballs in the same way, and bounce 'em back t' the other ships!) And Captain Hurricane did a really nifty trick with a hoola hoop like a boomyrang. Ya gots ta see it t'believe it! Had th' kids chasing it all over, he did.

And the "star wars" game - which reminded me of dodge ball - was a hoot. Getting hit was th' best part, as I could really ham it up -"Arrgh! Ya got me, doc! It's goin dark...dark...*cough cough* dark..."

We had a dandy time, and helped t' raise some money fer the school. 'Twas a win-win sitchyation.

I managed to score a great lil' book o' pyrate jokes meself. I plans on tellin' a few o' them at our next Pyrate Pub Raid!!! :huh: And it's all fer a great cause.

We had great fun, and were invited back t' the school for more fundrasising and fun in the future.

Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


Some of the crew of the Port Royal Privateers came aboard the Huntington for a reading festival. All of us brought some of the books we have in oue libraries for young and old alike to see and read. We also had storytellers to read for the wee ones. There were also games to play and demonstrations of knotwork etc. We talk of pirates and the meaning of pieces of eight. Of all the particapants that were there (ELizabethan, Revotionary War, & Gold Rush) we were the crowd favorite. Had a right fine time educating everyone about pirates. :)


Early in our crimson career, the Port Royal Privateers were the stars of a Pirate Day at the main library branch in Burbank, CA. This included a display of pirate books and artifacts (many of which were loaned by PRP members) in the lobby of the library that remained for about a month. We put on a skit and then got the kids involved in making newspaper pirate hats, etc. We were, of course, a hit!

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


A couple of years ago, I was asked to do a presentation at one of the local schools for a class of Middle School students that were using 'Treasure Island' for their required reading that quarter. One of the people I work with had a child in the class, and knew that I did pirate festivals, and arranged with the teacher to invite me to do a presentation for his child's class. As it turned out, the presentation was enjoyed so much that the teacher asked me to stay all day, and do it for ALL her classes. I did the thing in full costume, even with weapons, and "in character". The kids loved it, and a couple of other teachers sat in during their breaks also. It was fun being walked down to the cafeteria in costume by one of the classes to eat lunch. Middle school kids can be a bit hard to handle sometimes because they are learning how to be little wise guys at that age, but I had no problem with them. They were totally fascinated. I gave them some history, some legend, and a bit of "Hollywood" all wrapped up together.

>>>>> Cascabel

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