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an early 18th Century hard Fantasy world

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Hi this is world of my Pirate setting which I need help with, this world has Six Seas and has a Caribbean, now D&D states when creating a world start small I'm taking the Island of Cuba and during so the Z shape Island which currently on it's side so it will be like when you write the letter Z. Isla De Juventud will turned to were the harbor will be in 3:00 postion on a clock.

The Bermuda Island will be turned up side down and placed under Cuba Island were it's in our world it's above,

Oswald Octavius: He is one the main characters of my setting his Noble family fell on hard times and had to go into service to the Butterscotch family a neva rich Merchant family, The Octavius coat of Arms is Black Octopus on a White background.


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