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Hi I need help with info about The Pirate Republic in Nassau, the islands that were near the Pirate Republic that helped out as well like Harbor Island. Before anyone mentions it yes I have the book on the Republic of Pirates, BTW how much can a 21th century man screw up early 18th Century?.



I haven't read Woodard's book, but Ed Fox liked it enough to recommend it. (I haven't read many modern books on pirates that came out after 2003 because that was when I realized I was better off reading original source material than rehashed and opinon-added versions of the source material. Although some modern books lend a sense of scope which contemporary writers were unlikely to have.)

I think I've read most of the major source books from the time and if by 'Pirate Republic in Nassau' you mean the pirates who were there before Rogers showed up with a fistful of pardons and tried to civilize the place, I think you're sort of limited in the amount of source material that is available to explain what happened. Woodard's book may be your best overall view of it.

I peeked at his Endnotes on the online version of Republic at Amazon and there are a lot of references to the official letters, reports and such, which is where I'd probably poke around if I were trying to find such info. The only other source I can think of are Captain Johnson's books. The official info and possibly contemporary newspaper accounts of ships who had been attacked by those pirates are probably your best bets if you want to research it more. (But searching those things has always proven a bit tricky.)

Although, admittedly, it's not really my topic. Is Woodard's book not thorough enough or something?

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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