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Some of you may remember a few years back buying buttons from Donna Kinzle (Mary Diamond on the Pub).

Well, some of us NEED buttons again!. In order to make this happen we have need to satisfy the minimum order

for her to follow thru and order these. The minimum group order is 12 Gross or 1728 buttons.

We have commits for 900 buttons so far, so we are still short. If you are interested and haven't already responded to the thread on Facebook, post here or IM me with your contact info and I'll connect you with Donna. lets try to keep the individual orders to minimum 50 Please! Donna has to count these and ship individually, so partner up and order together!

PYRATES - This is an awesome deal - see details below:

"Donna Kinzle All - button size is 18mm (0.7086"), Dutch Gold, solid metal, flat coin style with attached shank. We need commitment to order 1,728 buttons. Price is $0.34 per button, not including shipping (please note that the buttons are fairly heavy). Please sound off with your commitment below. Thank you!"

I don't believe they are solid brass but are solid metal and look antique brass. if you have priced buttons lately you know .34 ea is a deal.

If you are interested post here or PM me with your info and I'll connect you with Donna on Facebook or by phone.

Click the link to see the pic:





Aye... Plunder Awaits!


Thank you for all who made this possible!

buttons are ordered.



Aye... Plunder Awaits!

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