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OK... I got to take inventory of the contents of my Ditty bag, but I was making a Pepsi can stove, and needed my awl... of course the awl is in the Ditty Bag, that's where I keep tools like that....

A Ditty Bag is where you keep small tools for sewing and rope work... (well and the awl that I needed for the Pepsi Can stove.)

I'll take and post a picture of my Ditty bag in a day or so... (I think I've posted it before)... and more importantly what is in it.... And the contents DON'T have to be Period, just what you use and want to keep in your Ditty Bag.

But post 'em if you got them....


Well the current one I have, ended up getting used as a travel bag for bathroom/toiletry type items for camping..... So it is currently being used for toothbrushes, deodorant, q-tips, contact lens stuff, the wife's makeup, etc. etc. etc,

I have recently dramatically increased my collection of sailor's tools (a serving mallet from MadPete, a marlinspike (made from a sword-fish), seam rubber, and large fid (from Taylor Rose Historic Outfitters), and then my various older item I have (a small fid, and other items), plus the plunder from my secret Santa this year!.... So I am going to need to make a second ditty bag for all of those items now. :D


mine has a bunch of crap in it so i can do sewing projects, etc. at home... the current ditty bags i have are not capable of handling the weight of all the crap i have... need a heavy duty one...will post a pic or two of my period and non period shtuff i keep in there... my current ditty bags serve as bag to hold bathroom stuff, etc...


Here is the latest in mine... serving mallet, seam rubber, fids and hemp twine for serving...


[broken link replaced w/uploaded photo]



Aye... Plunder Awaits!



The thing I think you would call my ditty bag contains two pocket fleams, a set of folding fleams, a variety of forceps, the tip the clyster syringe, some loose needles (mostly because it's cloth and I can't easily get them out), a scalpel, a bistoury knife and a fid that has been chewed on.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."




The thing I think you would call my ditty bag contains two pocket fleams, a set of folding fleams, a variety of forceps, the tip the clyster syringe, some loose needles (mostly because it's cloth and I can't easily get them out), a scalpel, a bistoury knife and a fid that has been chewed on.

Its rather obvious what chewed on the fid...



Aye... Plunder Awaits!


Are you thinking of a more period bag or one that may hold other modern accessories such as medication, band aids, car keys, etc...?

It can be pretty tricky hiding modern items you frequently need amid a pirate kit.


It can be whatever you carry in your ditty bag ... I still have to take a picture and post the inventory of mine, but not everything inside it is period, I use mine to hold sewing stuff. But I had an earlier ditty bag that I'd carry my camera in so it was out of sight of the public when I was in garb.......8)


I never did make a seaman's' ditty-bag, but I have all my gear in a "New Invented Haversack of 1776" type bag made of oil-cloth. It is a helluva bag and almost too much for me to carry these days. I will try and lay everything out for a photo even though it isn't "seaworthy" as it were (unless used as an anchor!).



OK, here are the contents of my Ditty Bag...


The Ditty Bag is a later period version (closer to some of the Whaler's ditty bags, instead of Pyrate), with a leather and roped bottom and some fancywork fringe. There are also pockets around the inside of the bag for the bamboo cases to fit into.

Kinda clockwise...

A spool of cotton cord

a spool of carpet thread

I have two other spools of thread, but for some reason they aren't in the bag

a bamboo case

some buttons

a compass that points to “Rum”

Some “D” rings on scrap straps

My sewing palm (I replaced the plastic with rawhide)

Another bamboo case

a fid that I was given at PiP a few years ago

another bamboo case for my larger awl

the larger awl that was originally a screwdriver that I ground down.

A hole punch

another bamboo case for my finer awl

a fabric shredder (for distressing cloth for my Post Apocalyptic stuff)

a small sharpining stone

a chunk of beeswax

another bamboo case for needles

some fishing swivels ?

A safety pen

some electricians tape

three hole punches and their bamboo case

a leather strap with a buckle.

I also keep my sharpening diamond in the ditty bag, but I used it in the kitchen last night, and haven't returned it yet.....

  • 7 months later...
I had a marlinspike (used to tighten knots) that was poking a hole in my ditty bag. Here is its cover. I wish I could take credit for the knotting on the spike itself. It was a gift from a friend.


The knotting is six strand crown knotting tied directly over the spike. The top is a diamond knot variation.

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