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You are invited to a Halloween costume party and dress in your pirate kit. Is that "cheating"?

I know another pirate, who puts on his kit and goes out to win multiple Halloween costume contests. His kit is about 80% hand made so he really does deserve some accolades. I have heard some call this cheating however and I'm interested in your opinion.


It probably wouldn't even occur to me to wear my garb at Halloween if I wanted to dress up for the holiday. Someone at an event last year asked me about my "costume" and I was shocked to hear it called that. It's just another suit of clothes I wear. Even if I did decide to wear my pirate garb, everyone would think I was a pilgrim, so it wouldn't work anyhow.

I would wear my ringwraith or rebel fleet trooper cosplay outfits, though. Those are costumes. If I had really good Hollywood garb, I'd wear that in a minute. It's perfect costume fodder. (I don't know about the rest of you, but movie pirates at Halloween are a fond memory from my youth.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



I'll be doing the movie pirate this year, mostly because it's easy and I don't have time to create with anything else.

Years ago when I worked at a renaissance festival there were standing orders that you could not wear your gear to any costume party ever. Because that was the stuff everyone was used to you wearing...


I've done it out of convenience/laziness (and likely will again).... But on the whole, for Halloween, if I am going to dress up, I do prefer to do something different.


I don't bother with Halloween anymore..... If I spent the time making something really cool, I get disqualified because I'm a professional Costume Designer.... But if I spent the time making a mascot instead of my Halloween Costume, I'd get paid much more money that the cheap costume contest gives away (wow... dinner for one... Bull sh*t.....).... I use to do it because it was fun.... but after years of loosing to stupid crap..... why bother?

And besides.... they have the Christmas junk up in alla the stores now and it isn't even Halloween yet.....

I save my Pyrate stuff for something that is much more meaningful and real....



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