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Some of you who do not follow the Pyracy Pub's status on Facebook will have noted that the Pub was down for many days. Please let me explain. The company that handles our overall service and carries the Pub on their servers were updating their entire system and software. The Pub has a number of custom written codes and protocols that help reduce spam and traffic issues, and which also increase our posting capacities and archiving. So in addition to new software, these custom codes for the Pub created a connection issue during the transition, so some code had to be re-written. We appreciate your patience. We assure you that everything is carefully archived and we keep redundant copies of the Pub in case of any issues. We are glad to have the Pub up and running again and thank the server handlers and Paul's coding efforts to keep this site running smoothly.






That reminds me of a story. I once sat in a stall where some English major had corrected all of the graffiti with a red marker. It was hilarious stuff. All marked up and even graded.






Glad she's up and running again!

She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail



"Those who write on bathroom walls

roll their $#!+ in little balls.

Those who read their words of wit,

eat those little balls of $#!+"

or another classic:

"Here I sit all broken hearted,

tried to $#!+ but only farted."

...then replied to thus:

"Dear Broken Hearted-

Do not feel so down at heart,

as one day you'll $#!+

when you thought you'd fart!"

OK, back to the farm.



For Capt. Bo, one that's a little more piratical:

"Captain Hook died here...he wiped with the wrong hand."

She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail


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