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Well, as many here know, Columbus Ohio is the home to one of (possibly the) only reproduction of Christohper Columbus' flagship the Santa Maria in North America.

Over the last handful of years, a group of us in Columbus have run and hosted pirate event weekends for re-enactors and pirate enthusiasts twice a year. Last September marked the 12 such event, and the last before the ship was to be closed for a year or so during renovations to the riverfront area and parks in the city. At that time, the future of the ship came into question. At first it seemed the ship would be closed, but then re-openned. Then the story changed, and changed back, then changed again. I won't go into all the details, but hope has been given and dried up a lot since the news of the ship being closed.

The latest news, while not the final nail in the coffin, is not good. At this point it seems that unless a private investor/buyer takes over, the reproduction Sant Maria in Columbus Ohio is done. I don't know all the finer details, but from what I can ascertain, it will take a miracle to change things at this point.

I want to take this time to honour the ship, and all the folks here who attended the many event we had on the Santa Maria, and helped support her. Everyone who contributed out of love, generousity, or general good will are owed a lot more than I can say. People have flown from all over this country to attend these events, and many more help spread the word about the event, or dontated goodsto the various fund-raising auctions held to help support the ship over the last few years. Also, those who donated and/or bought the auctions controibuted just as much as those who came to enjoy the vessel with us during her last handful of years.

A search of the events section of this forum will show many posts about these events, and likely pics of the events, and many of the people that attended. (Search May and September)

A huge thank you all to those who came and attended, those who donated (money or auction items), those who bought the auction items, and those who just helped spread the word and were well-wishers from afar. I know your efforts helped prolong her life even if in the end, like all good things, it has to come to a permanent end.



Watching them slowly take it apart, and knowing that it might never be reassembled, is a special kind of torture. It's like slowly dissecting the last of a rare species.





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