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The AskHistorians Podcast - Golden Age of Pirate - Featuring ME, and the other expert from r/AskHistorians on pirate history. (This is a 2-part episode, the other part will come out 2 weeks from now - for now, I have posted part 1 here, I'll put the link to part 2 when it comes out in 2 weeks). Here is the discussion thread on reddit for this podcast: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/2cbyjk/the_askhistorians_podcast_episode_16_discussion/

To listen, eithert go here: http://askhistorians.libsyn.com/askhistorians-podcast-016-golden-age-of-pirates and click "Pod" that is next to the title and on the page it brings you to right click and select "save as" to download the podcast. OR - It's also available on Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/tas-stacey/the-askhistorians-podcast and on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-askhistorians-podcast/id812302476?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D8.

Have a listen, enjoy, and I would love to know what you all think.


Also, I should point out at some point that I do get the interviewer to plug the Beaufort Pirate Invasion - I thought that would be a nice thing to do.

  • 2 weeks later...

Part 2 of the Podcast is up: Here is the discussion thread on reddit for this podcast: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/2dmvnr/the_askhistorians_podcast_episode_17_discussion/

To listen, eithert go here: http://askhistorians.libsyn.com/askhistorians-podcast-016-golden-age-of-pirates-part-2 and click "Pod" that is next to the title and on the page it brings you to right click and select "save as" to download the podcast. OR - It's also available on Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/tas-stacey/the-askhistorians-podcast and on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-askhistorians-podcast/id812302476?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D8

Have a listen, enjoy, and I would love to know what you all think.


Good stuff as ever David,

Again, you clearly shone out as being more expert than your co-panellist, but we expect that of Captain Twill alumni.*

If I had been doing the podcast, I would have mentioned the decline in popular Jacobitism as one of the factors in the decline of the GAoP, as well as the 1721 Act For the More Effectual Suppression of Piracy, that really stepped up the government's war on piracy, but I think my fascination with both of those subjects may be bordering on obsessive anyway, so it's not a criticism by any means.

*(I'd like to coin the phrase Old Twillians to describe graduates of the Captain Twill School of Pirate History.)


"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707



Jacobites and the 1721 Act for the More Effectual Suppression of Piracy? I had to introduce people to the idea that pirates weren't radical anti-capitalist liberties, one step at a time. I suspect half my listening audience thought Jacobites never heard of them before and one man probably thought it was a new brand of crisps.


There. Now you're both Old Twillians. (For all the good it will do you.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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