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Hello from Hawkyns!


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Good Day t' ye All! I'm back. Been away for a bit. Life, as they say, intervened. But now back, with a crew- The Crew of the Mermayde. We're a crew from 1660-1670. Going for the very authentic, living history side of the game. One of Morgan's fleet. we're composed of survivors and exiles of the ECW, supporters of Charles II and looking to take the fight to the Spanish.

Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.


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Welcome back Hawkyns. Glad to have ye back aboard.

Jas. Hook

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney

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