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To make a good Spanish Olio

PERIOD: England, 17th century

SOURCE: The Accomplish'd Lady's Delight In Preserving, Physick, Beautifying, and Cookery, 1675

DESCRIPTION: A stew of beef, lamb, veal, & poultry with vegetables & herbs

Take a Rump of Beef, or some of a Brisket or Buttock, cut it to pieces; a Loyn of Mutton with the Fat taken off, and a fleshy piece of a Leg of Veal, or a Knuckle, a piece of inter-larded Bacon, three or four Onions, or some Garlick, and if you will, a Capon or two, or else three great Tame-Pigeons. First, put into the water the Beef and Bacon, after a while the Mutton, Veal, and Onions, but not the Capon or Pigeons, only so long till they are boyled enough; if you have Garavanza's, put them in at the first, after they have been soaked with Ashes all night in heat, wash them well in warm water; or if you have Cabbage, Roots, Leeks, or whole Onions, put them in time enough to be sufficiently boyled. You may at first put in some Crusts of Bread, or Venison Pye-Crust; it must boyl in all five or six hours gently, like stewing; after it is well boyled, a quarter, or half an hour before you intend to take it, take out a porringer full of Broath, and put to it some Pepper, and five or six Cloves, and a Nutmeg, and some Saffron, and mingle them well in it, then put that into the Pot, and let it boyl, or stew wuth the rest a while, put in a bundle of sweet Herbs, salt must be put in when it is scumm'd.







Aye... Bacon.

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney

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