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"ello again"


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Good Day Mates.....

It has been a few circles around the sun since been to this 'ere port....so just checkin in...sayin hey! I been missin that Stynky guy and some of you other n'er do wells...So be on the lookout, I be lurkin in the shadows...but always have a flask o good rum standin by!


The Enigmatic Rogue...and may always be<br />

<br />

"I kissed her... once with passion... once with love... and told her good bye"

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'ey Mates......to be tellin of my adventures would be in the makin I thinks....But since last a regular 'ere in the pub have given up the life in the corn and have put meself in the middle of a den of Pyrates like you ain't ever seen......seems I was shanghaied to the great Northwest and now make Seattle me home port.....something about a pretty wench I met down in Key West oh...just about 10 years ago!

Put me roots down here, started doin a bit more leatherwork, writin and singin a few songs and workin fer a fishin company and now I find meself with a new Crewe...with a lot of familiar faces

But lovin the Northwest....Still doin a lot of travelin but think me roots are here to stay......

Now come up to the bar and share me rum....it's been too long!!!


The Enigmatic Rogue...and may always be<br />

<br />

"I kissed her... once with passion... once with love... and told her good bye"

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Tis True Syren.....but I be back.....an just may be up to a wee bit of mischief.....

Tis good to hear from the 'ol gang!

The Enigmatic Rogue...and may always be<br />

<br />

"I kissed her... once with passion... once with love... and told her good bye"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well ifin it ain't that ol Stynky guy......how ya doin bub!...Good to be back and I am a think we be seein each other down the road afore too long......hope so anyway....been awhile...not sure who owes who a round...but we can settle that up when we be in the same place ta gather......Didn't make it to San Diego.....but just may be around Long Beach in a few months.......

The Enigmatic Rogue...and may always be<br />

<br />

"I kissed her... once with passion... once with love... and told her good bye"

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