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Master and Commander - Release Date

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Recently read that the DVD 'twil be releesed on April 20th. :rolleyes:

Thar twill be a single 'n double disc set onna shelves fer yer plund'ring pleeeeeesure.

Yer be ask'd te toss $29.99 onna count'r fer the double.

Yer'll be tossing 'bout $17.99 - 19.99 fer the single.

Shop around....many places run specials as done wif POTC 'n ye kin prolly pick up M&C fer a little cheep'r.

(I lukked 'round but dinna see a thread on M&C. Iffen thar be one alla reedy, perdon this 'ere dupleeekatshun.)


didn't see it in theatres.. but I probably should've as POTC just isn't the same unless ye see it on thar big screen. I'll give it a go, although I'm sure it'll have been best seen in theatres.

Cabinlass Maggie :D

It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.


Master and Commander is an awesome movie -- glad for the info, Sassy, since I was just thinking it should be due to be released soon. Maggie, as I've told other friends who haven't seen it yet -- it's a very bloody movie. Not as in violent, as in real blood. I had to look away a couple times because the doctorin' scenes are just too real. But I loved it! And I can't wait to own it meself -- double disc set for me! :unsure:


Red Bess me lass if you'ld have not looked away you might have seen that the doctoring scene didn't really show anything at all. Everything was done just out of site of the camera. It was the reaction of the actors, the sounds and the whole mood of the scene that gave one the illusion that you were seeing more than you actually were. Yes there was blood but they never really showed the actual wound. It's not like alot of movies where they have to stick the camera into wound with all the gore and guts showing to prove that something sickening or awful was going on. Whoever set up the scene let your imagination do the work off the special effects for them, and as you know your imagination can be alot better than any special effect or prop.

Watching Captain Audbrey's reaction to Maturin's talking about and preforming surgery on himself implied alot more than actually seeing it. But your not the only one to start looking away during the doctoring scene's, my youngest did the same as well as the lady sitted next to me. Both were convinced that something gross was being shown on the screen. In fact alot of people started moaning during that scene it was really quite funny when you think about it. The camera never showed anything below Maturin's chest even with the mirror that was used so that he could see what he was doing. It was all just great acting on the actors part and great camera angles on the directors part that gave you the feeling that you were actaully seeing the surgery it's self.

So when you get your copy keep your eyes open and you'll see what I'm typing so much about.

I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning. To me it smells like....PIRACY!


Longarm, if what you say is true, I will pay more attention to the individual shots when I get my DVD. The film is a masterpiece! While I'm pretty sure Peter Weir never actually shows the saw going through the bone, I swear I could feel it. I winced, and, yes, cried, during the amputation scene! It's not the gore -- it's the heartbreaking realism. That midshipman couldn't have been more than about 12-13 years old. I have boys that age. And my youngest broke his arm a year ago last summer, and, in 1800, he'd be walking around exactly like that lad.

It's a powerful film -- no fluff on the high seas here!


Tis the power of suggestion that makes a great film maker. But alas, M&C was up against LOTR to be recognized this year. Maybe Peter Weir will make another M&C movie.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Master and Commander was, in me opinion, such a grea' film. Don' know about Oscars, though, but I enjoyed it thoroughly, and plan on plunderin' me own double disc copy! Comes out (conveniently) a bit after me birthday, so I'll be ready!

I'm sure they'll try and get a series of films goin' of the Aubrey/Mautrin novels. I cannot wait to start readin' the first one cuz I've got too much assigned readin' now t' start. :)

Captain Wolfy Wench

  • 1 month later...

I missed "Master and Commander" in the theaters but I picked up the DVD yesterday and watched it. Wonderful film! This is only the second movie I've ever bought the video without seeing it first.

It was also nice to see "Pippin" in there as well (as the helmsman). :blink:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I grabbed a copy of the two-disc set... if you can afford the extra $10, go with that set... I saw the movie in theaters, so I've been watching the extra stuff, and it's really great! Definately worth the money spent!


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


Me first mate wanted the full-screen edition, but I didn't see no 2-disk set. I'll have to go back and look and maybe get a widescreen one because I love the behind-the-scenes stuff.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Only two days after the release of the film, I wen' to me DVD store and found that the double-disc set had been sold out in minutes, and there were only 3 copies of the regular left. A trip to best Buy righ' after revealed they were sold ou' of the special edition too! 't seems that the special edition 2-disc set is very, very popular, so if'n you spot it, I suggest grabbin' one. Sounds t' be worth it, too!

Captain Grey, there is a regular edition $20 DVD that comes in both wide and fullscreen. There is the special edition 2-disc set however, that goes for $30, and will usually only be in widescreen.

Captain Wolfy Wench


Avast, this be a popular DVD! I went to Target on Tuesday afternoon, and had to dig through stacks o' fullscreen editions to even find a widescreen. No sign o' the boxed set at all. Anyway, I only paid $16 for the widescreen, so I'm happy with me purchase.

Lookin' at the bright side, the fast sales o' these nautical-themed DVDs should help the market for more such films.



Aye, 'tis popular indeed. I thought it might be, so I called up Target when they opened and asked 'em to hold a copy of the two-disc edition until I could get there (about 5 PM). It was the only one left, and they were sold out o' the rest. Who'd think an ocean movie'd sell out in Santa Fe?

It was the only one left, and they were sold out o' the rest.  Who'd think an ocean movie'd sell out in Santa Fe?

Maybe it's becuase ye all miss the sounds and sight of water. :o

Good idea, maybe I'll call Target, purchasing online is getting too expensive...

Captain Wolfy Wench


I bought the DVD on Wed. I never got that chance to see it on the big screen. I greatly enjoyed the film! Fabulous! Well worth the Oscar nominations! & well worth seeing over & over again... which I have done. Watched it 4 times since I bought it. <_<

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Well, after our umteenth time a' watchin' M/C, I spies this seaman during the Southern Ocen scene (with alla the snow)..up in the beakhead, sittin' in the 'easy seat' takin' a dump!...Lookin' mighty cold, maytee!!! :)


Paul Bettany makes me a 'appy wench. Grea' actor.

Finally picked up the collector's edition on Sunday. Was $30 at Wherehouse... worth it, I think. It's got a 70-minute documentary on makin' the film, and there are some paper inserts that are very nice. it's got a fold out map of "Lucky" Jack Aubrey's journey, and a nice big booklet with pictures. If you really love the film, I really suggest shellin' out the extra $10 for the double-disc set. Especially extras, i's brimmin' with extras... a whole disc of them!

Captain Wolfy Wench


I picked up my collector's edition at Target for $30.00 even though the website said it was $25.00. I just had to have it! Gary I'll check the Antartic ocean scene when I get home tonight. :)


Aye. I noticed the poor man there... round about the 3rd time I watched the DVD. Poor thing... literially freezing his arse off! :huh:

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


I watched this movie for the first time tonight. It was quite entertaining.

Does anybody know who the ships were in the movie? Anyone we know (and possibly love)?

Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


Aye, thank ye, Deacon. Yer a gentleman, and a pirate; probably not an upstart.


Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


The Rose was recently docked here in San Diego along with the Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieften. She was still wearing her "make up" from the film and had displays of costumes, sets, and other props from the movie.

Quite fascinating.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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