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Firstly, let me explain by saying that if you do NOT believe in past lives or reincarnation, this may not interest you, please also don't knock what I have to say, as I only know what I've been told, true or not. Secondly, there are people who do believe, and furthermore belive their connection is strong enough to be reincarnated. And lasty, I can only get an impression for who I was, from what I was told, so because most of what we know comes from famous pirates, I can only look at them for an idea.

So please share in this interesting story, and if you have your own suspicians or stories of readings, please share, I'm interested in yours too.

I had a LONG talk about past lives with a psychic at Geneva on the lake and am pretty sure she is genuine.... the end result from the questions I asked her.... i'm pretty sure I was Black Sam Bellamy in a past life. she said she saw me I wareing my hair in a pony tail, had a combination mustach/goatee, which is the first facial hair style I ever wanted by the way. I also wore a lot of jewelry, and everything I do with any of my current pirate characters, was part of my past life, who she says I have a strong connection to. I was also apparently on the Coast of Maine at one point. (Ballamy came to maine and then massachusettes)

She also saw me at the head of a table in a dark room making plans with men, and there was a shanty town, which could easily have been New Providence... I cammanded a three master with two gundecks, and flew the red 'no quarter flag' from the stern of my ship. also apparently, I wore a vest, but no shirt, and at sea a proper captain's coat. Apparently, i was also on my way to see my soulmate when I died. and I died 'Tortured' possibly ripped apart by sharks, which would fit in the way Bellamy died. (drowning) I was also a kind person at heart, but could do what was needed to keep command, and when you think about this, fits. (Edward England was mutinied because he was kind to captives, Bellamy wasn't, but was nicknamed 'The pirate Prince' for his generosity.

I want to further place him if I can, like see if she can't make out the outline of a coast on charts in a cabin for one thing.

So as I said before, If anyone one else has experiances with stuff like this, please share.

Let every man Know freedom, Kings be damned,

And let the Devil sort out the mess afterwards.


My views on past lives and connections to specific famous people notwithstanding, the idea is a interesting one. Personally, due to a few "psychics" readings and my own personal dreams, I believe that I have had many past lives and all of them end similarly [shot, stabbed, or otherwise pierced in the back by a younger man over a woman] so the idea of past lives makes sense to me. As for what you experienced I believe it is possible that you were in fact a Pirate or a Privateer in a past life. My view is what or who we were in the past does very much affect our present. If you are drawn to the idea of the "Pirate life" and if you feel that odd "call to the mast" then it is quite possible you were a sailor in a past life. I have a friend who in his daily life has a code of honor and a chivalry about him that when he goes to RenFaire and put on his garb he is more comfortable than wearing slacks and a shirt,.... he is a "man of the court" to his very marrow and only gets to fully let that part of him out at Faire though that Code of Honor and Chivalrous attitude permeates his day to day life as well. If there is an aspect of you that is an "Anachronism" in this time,..if you are a "man out of Time",...then you may very well be touched by your past life,....


Aye It be interesting how we come about those special interests in our lives and how drawn we are to them. But how many folks can be the reincarnation of Blackbeard, etc? Our do we just follow past experience in a more humble trade, a fisherman, gunner, sailmaker, tailor, sign painter, carpenter.

Jas. Hook

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney


Jas. Hook, you have touched on my one issue with most past life regressions done by Psychics,..... seems we were all famous in our past lives,...lol. In the case of Blackbeard it might make a bit of sense though considering the story goes it took multiple shots and many stabs to kill him and after he was beheaded and the body tossed overboard it swam around the ship a few times,.... all those souls encapsulated in his body gave him multiple lives,...each shot took care of one soul as did each stab, then as the body was swimming around more souls slowly left till he was empty,.....

In all seriousness though I truly believe we [as re-enactors or historical entertainers whichever you prefer to be called] all have had past lives,....be they butcher, baker, candlestick maker, or famous pirate,... and those lives touch on our love of our craft,....


this does bring up a very interesting thought as i have an ferocious appetite for nautical history and even mountain man wilderness survival, though i do not necessarily believe in past lives persay it is thought pervoking non the less.

  • 1 month later...

I've actually done further looking into this since I made this post. I discussed this with a friend who recomended I do my own regression with an antique, at least a hundred years old, to draw energy from the past in Natural surroundings. In this case it was a coin which actually came from a 19th century payroll ship that went down in the English channel, a gift from my Aunt, and the woods behind my mother's house. I am now 100% sure I was Captain Bellamy. I was advised, that memories stay with us throughout our lives, even from past lives.

So I meditiated and was able to draw a good deal of memories, some very vivid, and they came to me in the same way a memory of this life would be viewed in the mind's eye. What the Phsychic told me was reinforced by some of the things I remembered, and soon all sorts of memeries were gushing back, some of which i wasn't even seeking. Furthermore, I had a very surreal experiance afterward of a storm outside after I'd gone in, and I believe that this was the remains of the storm the Whydah sank in relinquishing the last peices of my former self back to me. furthermore, I played some music while i was cleaning my house, and EVERY song that played for several hours pertained to the Bellamy/whydah myth in some way.

I will eventually share the details of my regression, but at the moment I'm at a library and their computers are closing soon.

Let every man Know freedom, Kings be damned,

And let the Devil sort out the mess afterwards.

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