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T'would seem that way back in June I made an unfortunate error and made my first post not about my goodself and from whence I hail, but about a delicious item by which my Master and I offered for sale.

Although none have challenged me openly about my breach one amongst you made a pointed remark, by which I requested a reason behind the remark, to whit no answer have I justly received, but fellows of the person have apologised and I have accepted.

So, I ask may I try again?

I am Morgan Desiree Adams and sail under the flag of my Master, we are pryvateers of the inland waterways of the Shires in Great Britain, but we can also be found across the channel in Holland for some small moments in time through the year.

Our main business in life is providing historically correct fire power to many people, my Master is a gunsmith and he makes exquisite historically correct pieces, from poleguns of 14th Century, to cannon, swivel guns and wall guns on carriages and tillers, to matchlocks and flintlocks up to and including 19th Century.

We have a catalogue available for anyone who wishes to peruse our wares, our website is in the state of flux as it is being updated, or we can be reached on our email address to answer any questions you may have. We work from detailed drawings, pictures, paintings and original plans, however we don't make fantasy pieces.

My Master served a long apprenticeship and still there is more to learn, he's passionate about what he does, my role keeps me firmly on board and very hands on.

Our latest venture - technical information - 12g at the breech, brass barrelled is in the gallery - despite being told how to put pictures on this part, I'm afraid it is beyone me - technology ended for us at the flintlock!

Morgan Desiree Adams ;)


I'm going to move this to the Thieves Market Forum which is where things for sale and trade go. (No harm, no foul, just keeping the forum tidy.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



Aye, very nice Hand Mortar! My highest compliments - the work is impressive.

To those looking for the photo, you can try clicking on this link and then looking at all the galleries - our friend has the Queen Annes in one, and the Hand Mortar in another one. https://pyracy.com/index.php?/gallery/image/6163-queen-anne/

Nice brass work on the barrel. Can just see a grapnel hook blasting out of that one - and I bet the muzzle flash is something to behold.

yours, aye-

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