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The problems we all seem to be encountering have to do with Florida State Park rules and the Fort's desire to have everything set and ready well in advance. I really can't blame the park system or the fort for that. But there seems to be no allowance for changes this late in the game. So you just have to hope that next year we think of all this stuff well in advance. (Although I think you may be stuck with the blackpowder stuff.)

It would be nice to be asked for suggestions, although for all I know this was done and I've just forgotten it. Even if they were, I doubt I would have thought of the pogs in January because I am looking back on the event then and not forward to the next one quite so much.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Can we not prime our flinters with 4F. Down the barrel I agree with, but on a humid day, the pan occasionally needs that extra kick.


Master Gunner

Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



It's Let's Keep Lily Answering Questions Weekend! My turn!

1. To expand on Hawkyn's question: will we be allowed priming flasks or must we prime from the cartridge? And I see that 4f is dissallowed, so if we can use priming flasks I will assume 2f.

***No flasks. "Small and long arms are to be loaded from pre-wrapped paper cartridges prepared according to correct period procedures".

2. I notice in the maximum loads table that pistols are maxed at 45 grains. A Charleville musket, at 69 caliber is maxed at 100 grains. My big ol' dragoon pistol is 69 caliber. Will there be allowences made for big bore pistols? If I have to prime from the cartridge I'm only going to get about 40-42 grains down the barrel which might make a (small) puff of smoke, but there will be very little if any report. Not that it matters but for the record I usually fire this pistol with 95 grains and live fire with 35.

***I updated the table of maximum loads to reflect what is stated in the FPS manual. Pistols are now 90 grains and Charleville at 125 grains.

3. Are we beginning to bug you yet?

***You will know when you do :lol:


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


And there you go answering on the Facebook page, as far as the max loads are concerned. Good. Now, about the priming flasks?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


OH, I got another one! I ususlly use a "possibles bag" rather than a "cartridge box" as specified in the rules. Allowed and, if not, could I just build an insert to hold the cartridges individually, effectively making it into a box?

Considering the amount of people that don't have cartridges boxes. I think that could work. Let me get back to you on that answer.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


The maximum loads are something that I have been hoping to have modified as the posted maximums would only blow out smoke. My Espignol (largest piece) uses 240 grains of FFF (the FFF gives a slightly faster burn as no wadding is being used) with no wadding. Before you say no way, we have steadilly increased this from 200 firing at events with crowds that have no complaint about noise and if anything are very impressed. The espignol is a very large swivel mounted blunderbuss (weighs about 25-30 pounds) in a .90 cal. According to the black powder guidlines I can only hope they count it as a brown bess at .75 cal and let me use 125 grains of FF instead of using their guidlines of 10 grains per caliber allowing me only 90 grains of FF.


Perhaps they'll count it as a 1-inch cannon, at which point you will be allowed 800 grains! (Based on the volumetric conversion of 100 grains equal to 1/4 oz and assuming that the cannon loads listed are volumetric and not weight. There really is no accurate conversion for volume grains to weight ounces, esepcially if different BP brands weigh differently, which they do.) Which, of course, would be a damn silly and plainly dangerous load.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Commodore Swab, What is the question? Everyone needs to follow the table of maximum loads according to the FPS manual.

I'm only gonna say this once. The Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion takes place inside a Florida State Park. We either follow their rules or we don't play. No exceptions to anything.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


Posted (edited)

It wasn't a question just a comment. The only long guns listed are American Musket, Brown Bess, or Charleville as for pistols it is very open. Blunderbusses are left out completly, as are blunderbuss pistols along with an entire host of other arms. As they are not listed the fall back has typically been 10 grains per caliber.

As for the espignol eing classes as a cannon, I dont have a crew or implements. Loads though as per their estimates are 90 grains FF, or classed as a cannon (yes the piece has a swivel yoke) 2.25 ounces of F. as a rough comparison 1/2 ounce of F is about equal to 220 grains.

Doing the math classified as a swivel cannon the charge would be double my regular charge although being reduced by the 2/3 as per the FTPI suggestion it drops it down to only 1.3 times my load (close)

Doing the math as a small arm the load becomes .37 of my regular load.

Comparing a .75 caliber brown bess the listed load is 125 grains of FF, if this were a small cannon instead the load would be 330 grains (not taking into account the 2/3 reduction) of F. Even reducing it by the 2/3 yields 220 grains almost double. There is quite a difference in loads as you can see for the same weapon considering how its classified.

This math simply illustrates how small arms are loaded very light compared to cannon, don't fire expecting a bang.

I will be following their rules to the letter and if I am frustrated in either the ignition or bang I will elect not to shoot.

Edited by Commodore Swab

The weapons listed in the guidelines are the weapons approved for 18th century firing in the FPS manual. All other weapons are classified as primitive weapons. We have made an attempt to have our weapons listed and approved in this manual.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!



I bring this up every year. We're two months out and this is the time to get in shape for the walking, standing, and battling of FTPI. If you're going to shed a few pounds, now is the time to start.






solid footwear and clean, well padded socks should be got now as well.l. It's amazing how those little bits of coral in the path come to life and attack your feet! I'll be working on my contribution to the dead mans chest this weekend.


I will be renting a vehicle to drive from MO. Mine are both over 220-thousand miles and I really don't think I can get everything lashed down to my VT1100 Shadow. I have a cool new DMC chest to bring, along with some other "goodies". Sounds like I am not going to do battle. Too much modification to my weapons would be necessary and the rules are just too confusing. After trying to follow this topic I got cross-eyed and headachey. :wacko: I'll just be happy to visit while operating my grinder. Unless I die before then, see ya'll there.



I'm so glad to hear that you're bringing the grindstone. We'll be sure to get you a good covered area for presentation purposes.

I can bring a fly for this purpose as well as my tent if necessary. It is a marked as 12X12 but actually only covers about 11X11.

Do you want to use my little brass blunderbuss again William?



Do you want to use my little brass blunderbuss again William?


Very well then, I'll be sure to pack it along. I have enlarged the touch-hole slightly to musket size instead of the finer rifle size since you used it last, as I have had some issue with it plugging in the past. That will no longer be an issue. it does NOT have a flash guard nor will it be feasable to install one on the old CVA Spanish Maslin lock. The frizzen is bridled with an internal screw. If this is an issue for battle I just wanted you to be aware before hand.



And here we have one of the last BP questions left: do we need flash guards or not?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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