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Welcome aboard!

William Brand

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Welcome to the Pyracy Pub. This is the definitive pirate community for discussions and topics covering reenactment crews, history, ships, food, drink, music, events, writing, craftsmanship, costuming, trade goods, and miscellaneous odds and ends outside the hobby. If you have an interest in pirates on one or all subjects, this is your one stop shop for life before the mast.

We come from all walks of life and each of us has a different reason for loving the pirate trade, so don't be afraid to explain what brings you here. Introduce yourself and ask as many questions as you want. We pride ourselves on knowing a thing or two about pirates, and if we don't have an answer, we love a good discussion and the hunt for proverbial buried treasures.

You can introduce yourself here or in a new thread. It's traditional to offer a symbolic drink and a little information about yourself. If you belong to a specific crew, please let us know where you all stem from and how others can join your group.

For example...

My name is William Pace. I live and work as a graphic designer and photographer out of Logan, Utah. Yes, I'm a thousand miles from the sea. Yes, I recognize the contradiction of my hobby versus my location in the high desert. Yes, it doesn't matter, because I love maritime history.

I've been on the 'Pub' since June of 2004. I attend only a handful of events across the U.S., but I consider myself lucky to know my share of pirates on and off of pyracy.com. Some of my closest, life long friends come from here.





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Hi my name is Rikki Ryonheart......serving wench and always have a rum fer ye. I am not employed right now but when I work, I love working with little mateys. I have never been to a festival, but love ships and pirates...I love to talk to other pirates too. I got my interest in pirates as a child...Thanks to Peter Pan, and Pirates of Penzance....

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There are a great many prospects in the St. Louis area. If you'd concent to carpool with some fine pirates, I'm sure we could find some one to accomodate you. I hear that the St. Louis Pirate festival is fun, and there are several others in the area.





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You can watch for information on the St. Louis Pirate festival here... http://www.renstl.or...d=65&Itemid=161

Fort de Chartres invites us (Crew of the Mercury) back every year and many of our crew members in the St. Louis area attend that festival. The cost is negligable, but for food and drink.


Photos from Fort de Chartres:








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Ahoy William. The first link has photos, (nice ones too!), but the following two links only take me to the Google sign-in page. Any chance that can be fixed? I'd like to see some more if possible (even though I was there for the 2011 event, I have no photos of my own from that one).


Intro: I am a Golden Age scoundrel (recently turned 50 yrs of age), been on the pub since Feb. of 2006. Sometimes a river/lakes pyrate and smuggler. Always a man of questionable repute.


Edited by Capt. Bo of the WTF co.
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here is a link to the 2011 gathering at fort de chartres http://s360.photobucket.com/albums/oo45/ysail2/FDC%20june%202011/?start=all ... managed to get a few pretty good pics of quite a few from the pub... bo, there are a couple af great pics of you in there ( my opinion )

the st. louis pirate fest is on hold for the time being... ( some kinduv reorganising in the ranks within the powers that be, i think ) but a few of us will be guest reenactors as mariners at the st. louis renaisance festival starting may 19 and running for 4 weekends... it is held at rotary park in wenztville, mo. there are several of us in the pics that attend as guest reenactors at that event...

as for me, live in st. charles, mo., electrician for 24 years, married, just got into this a few years ago... have met alot of great people, learned an awful lot, and have been improving my garb at the same time...very entertaining and interesting hobby !!

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  • 1 month later...


I am a Proud US Army Vet, as well as a certified Gunsmith (specialized in antique and muzzleloading firearms, but can work on everything), and a history buff.

As of now I only do Civil War Reenacting/Living History, but I am wanting to get involved in other time periods as well (F&I, Revolutionary, Pirate, Mountian Man, Etc...).

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I'm a marine biologist and I now live in Florida. I previously lived in the Republic of Panama for 6 years and Micronesia for 4 years. In Panama, I lived on a Caribbean island which was once inhabited by pirates, waiting on the gold galleons to pass by. I have some experience as a medieval re-enactor and part-time pirate. I have extensive experience as a guide in jungles and on reefs. I'm now working for a tour company that plans to purchase a suitable pirate ship and crew her out for multiple day (3-4 days)tours in Panama and St. Barts. The ship we are looking at is a replica of the Black Pearl (complete with 6 working brass cannons). I'm currently looking for persons with technical pirate knowledge who could train a sailing crew to become a pirate crew. Or you could possibly become a part of the crew yourself. I need the crew to be as authentic as possible. They will need to learn to safely use the cannons and flintlocks as well. I have some experience loading an 8 lb. cannon and the use of flintlock muskets. All technical training would be paid for. If you feel you could be that person or persons, please contact me ASAP for more details. My cell number is 954-703-9382.

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I am a Proud US Army Vet, as well as a certified Gunsmith (specialized in antique and muzzleloading firearms, but can work on everything), and a history buff.

As of now I only do Civil War Reenacting/Living History, but I am wanting to get involved in other time periods as well (F&I, Revolutionary, Pirate, Mountian Man, Etc...).

Welcome aboard! Always glad to have another gunsmith about the Pub.

I'm a marine biologist and I now live in Florida. I previously lived in the Republic of Panama for 6 years and Micronesia for 4 years. In Panama, I lived on a Caribbean island which was once inhabited by pirates, waiting on the gold galleons to pass by. I have some experience as a medieval re-enactor and part-time pirate. I have extensive experience as a guide in jungles and on reefs. I'm now working for a tour company that plans to purchase a suitable pirate ship and crew her out for multiple day (3-4 days)tours in Panama and St. Barts. The ship we are looking at is a replica of the Black Pearl (complete with 6 working brass cannons). I'm currently looking for persons with technical pirate knowledge who could train a sailing crew to become a pirate crew. Or you could possibly become a part of the crew yourself. I need the crew to be as authentic as possible. They will need to learn to safely use the cannons and flintlocks as well. I have some experience loading an 8 lb. cannon and the use of flintlock muskets. All technical training would be paid for. If you feel you could be that person or persons, please contact me ASAP for more details. My cell number is 954-703-9382.

Welcome aboard. Where would the venture be home ported?





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  • 2 months later...

Ahoy thar pyrate world!

My name is Andy and I play w/ a group that writes pirate rock songs.

Sometimes we write about historical figures and sometimes it's just

and idea..none the less we like to keep it to pirates, rum, palm trees,

islands etc...

I've seen a lot of pirate type festivals but, not all of them seem like

a good place for a rock group....don't get me wrong, we've got an awesome

acoustic set as well but, we like to rock it sometimes too!

You can jump around in our jukebox and play all the 'pirate like titles'.

We're working on a some newer pirate songs and an entire album

in the pirate niche. So, it may not be as pirate like as you'd think at

first - there will be some major upgradin' soon. So have a good listen

and if you think we would just 'fit in' somewhere, please let us know.


much obliged,


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  • 3 weeks later...

All right then...A rumbustian is offered up as I introduce myself. My name's James Grant Goldin, and I've been writing and directing nonfiction television (History./ Discovery, that sort of thing) out in Southern California. I can actually see the Pacific from my window -- if I look just right between the houses. I've recently written a novel on Anne Bonny and Mary Read, "The Legendary Adventures of the Pirate Queens," available from Amazon.com in book and Kindle form. I suppose the "how I got interested" part of the autobio should be answered over in that section...

Oh, and here, if I may, is the link to the book...


Thanks for allowing me aboard...

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  • 2 months later...

Ahoy there, me hearties! I'm Jude Ellery, web sales manager at Fancy Dress Party Ideas, a UK store selling cheap fancy dress online!

We have an ever expanding range of piratey goods, as well as a subtly pirate themed site - most of our NEWS updates/newsletters are written by the "ship"'s mystery first mate, seeing as we're based on the beauuuuutiful South Coast, here in sunny Weymouth, where piracy was once all the rage.

Looking forward to joining the community and discussing pirate clothes/costumes/everything piratey!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

Mr Web Sales @Fancy Dress Ideas

Buy cheap pirate costumes, accessories, wigs, weapons, hats etc.

Cheap UK delivery, next day available, various discounts online!


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hi my name is james

i didnt have that much interest in this topic till recently. i mean i had seen all the pirates of the carribean movies and loved them, but then i found this documentary at a pawn shop. the one discovery channel did, and i was hooked. im reading "under the red flag" by david cordingly and its amazing. i also bought "a general history of pyracy" and have read some of that. i inhale every movie i find on piracy and love "cutthroat island"

im currently writing my own pirate story, which may turn out to be a book if i can make it long enough. its fictional but i use some historic elements to.

the whole topic infuses me and i cant wait to immerse myself into it more,

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