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Any good recommendations, for GAOP wigs and styles? Are There different styles as to yer status in society? Did all people wear wigs? or only the higher classes for social meetings/balls/church/ and other type of public outings?

Wanting to know if anyone knows the price range of wigs, and need good source of traders/sutlers to purchase a wig?

What color, Natural or White? Does yer Occupation or Status matter what color one would of wore?

need help!


Have you checked with Betty Myers in CW? Also, Madam Joan's wee wiggies (I know someone here has used her stuff) could be an option. I did have a reference for someone in the UK who made them, but that's two computers ago and I can't access that information. Foxe or Grymm might be able to steer you in a good direction.

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

And to maintain the curl in your wig (modern adaptation of period technique):

This method was apparently quite long lived, and one great thing about it is that you can set the curl in the wig and leave it that way until you're ready to wear it. It also works for ladies hair, of course ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

Do you think the curls will soften with time? How much did you pay if you don't mind?


You could take it to a hair stylist to have it re-done. Take a picture of what you want it to look like, after you find a stylist who knows how to do wigs. Someone older who does things "old school".

There is a woman in the Northern Virginia who dresses wigs. PM me and I'll get her info to you.

  • 1 year later...

Did someone on this list go to Monmouth last summer and meet up with The Wig Dresser? Did you send her some hair to work with? If so, could you please send me a pm? She needs to contact the owner and cannot find their info. Thanks!

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