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I typed in my last name and seached the trial proceedings link for fun. WOW! My kinfolk were there a lot! My favorite was from 1695 when one of my kin helped break out 8 or 9 men from a prison (he got away though!):

Thomas Dunning, Owen Sullivan, Daniel Kane, Breaking Peace > riot, 3rd April 1695.

Thomas Dunning , Owen Sullivan , and Daniel Kane alias Calligan were Indicted for a Misdemeanor, in making a Riot and an Assault upon one John Swift , the Provost Marshal of the Savoy Prison , and Rescuing several Prisoners there Committed for High Treason, done by them upon the high Seas . The Kings Counsel opened the Indictment to the Gentlemen of the Jury; and then John Swift was called, who being sworn, declared the whole matter, how that one Mr. Bradshaw and Dunning, came on the 21st of November last to the Savoy Prison, under a Pretence to speak with some of the Prisoners; and first they went both up Stairs, then Dunning came down into the Kitchen; and Bradshaw stayed a little time after him; and then came down and drank a little while and in the mean time Bradshaw seeing the Door opened to let a Woman out, he immediately struck up the Centinels heels, and cryed out, Come Boys, come, now is your Time; so they all came tumbling down, and had lik'd all to have made their Escape, but only 8 or 9 got away with Mr. Bradshaw who is not yet taken; and one was killed by a Centinel coming out at the Door. As to Dunning it was sworn against him, that he had a Pistol about him, and above 20 Bullets, and a Powder-horn, and a Knife was found in his Pocket, but he had conveyed the Pistol into a Tub of water that was in the Kitchen, which he owned to be his: As for the other two, there was no positive Evidence that Kane was concerned; so he was Acquitted , but Sullivan and Dunning were both found Guilty of the Riot.

Here is the image opf the original page/entry:


This is a fun way to pass time away.



Edited by Capt. Bo of the WTF co.

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