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FTPI Update Information

Fayma Callahan

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There have been many people that have called, posted or emailed wanting information regarding this year's Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, and I am well aware of the timing of this statement as being late, but I must announce that I will not be running this year's event. Due to a serious medical issue with Poppa, he has to have surgery. We are not sure of the time frame for it as of yet, but it is likely to be in the next couple of weeks, and we expect a rather lengthy recovery period.

Scarlet Jai, who is on the board of the Friends of Fort Taylor will be taking over for me, with Lily to assist as last year. Things with the Fort have been rough, with a new park manager not arriving until June and the need for approval from the park to have the event. It is all in the works, and we have approval from the higher-ups to have our event. Mike Guarino is the new Park Manager and has been very respectful of the amount of work and effort that goes into this event and has supported us to the higher ups at the district level, from which all approvals are done. This year's event will be similar in nature to last year's, with the timeline of pyracy represented. Lily will be our "camp mom" and will be handling all registrations, including vendors this year.

I am hoping that Poppa and I will be able to attend, but even that is doubtful at this time. I have turned over all the information that I can, and will be available for Jai and Lily to assist them where I can, but since I will not be on the island for an extended period, I felt it better for the event to have a local face to deal with making the arrangements.

I am sure that this post will raise more questions, and I will be happy to answer what I can. I ask for your patience and respect during this difficult time for Poppa and me. I will try not to "linger" on answers, however, please remember that I have to deal with the bureaucracy of a state park, and answers are not always as fast as we would like them.

I look forward to being able to take on my role for the 2012 Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion again, and I appreciate Jai for having the courage and fortitude to step up to this very large plate. I also wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to Lily for being there for me during this very emotional time, and for agreeing to back Jai.

Your Humble Servant,

Momma Ratsey

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First, our thoughts and best wishes to you and Poppa. We all hope that both you and he can weather a short, quick recovery.

We're glad to hear that Lily and Jai are taking the helm in your stead and that Mike is supporting our efforts through the park services. We've already begun our plans and projects for the upcoming festival and we look forward to escaping what's expected to be a cold winter in these parts. I think we need to make a goal of finding boogater before this year's event! Or as I like to think of him...Bamboogater. Where is our supplier of all things bamboo?

Again, best wishes in the coming weeks.





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Wow, bummer. Good wishes and luck to you both.

Say, if I can help with anything regarding the organization of the event, feel free to contact me. I'm arriving the Tuesday before.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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My thought go out to you and Poppa, Fayma. I'm hoping for a complete recovery of Poppa and know he is in good hands with you. A big non of appreciation goes to Lilly and Jai. I just wish my situation was more stable here concerning my participation in PIP all together.


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!

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Could not agree more with Mister Cyphers, but to add, we pray for a good and successful outcome for Poppa & and strength and wisdom to get through all this with all due speed. Holding ye both close in our hearts as we love ye both dearly. Please keep us posted.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Could not agree more with Mister Cyphers, but to add, we pray for a good and successful outcome for Poppa & and strength and wisdom to get through all this with all due speed. Holding ye both close in our hearts as we love ye both dearly. Please keep us posted.

Aye! ditto on that, and hope to see you at FTPI if it is at all possible.



Aye... Plunder Awaits!

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Lass, hope all goes well with the surgery and that Poppa recovers fully and quickly. Believe me I know how that goes. Our prayers are with you both and we know tha if you could be there you would ...We hope to see you both very soon and that the issues will be resolved ...God Bless and keep you both safe.

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On behalf of Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion, Ahoy, Mates!!

I know ye all been waitin’ an’ wonderin’ an’ wantin’ to hear from us about the planning of this year’s FTPI, but as ye got the gist from readin’ Fayma’s post, there’s been a bunch o’ us waitin’ an’ wonderin’ an’ figurin’ out down here as well. First it was not havin’ a Park Manager, then Mike come in an’ he’s getting’ into his new role, then it was waitin’ on District’s approval an’ getting the dates, an’ on an’ on, an’ on top o’ that, come to find out that Poppa’s not feelin’ so well an’ long story short, we was, aye an’ in fact actually discussin’ the possibility o’ not bein’ able to have the Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion this year!

But… me an’ Momma talks an’ I tells her ‘bout how I been waitin’ fer pirate season to kick in ALL year, an’ ‘bout how anxious I am to see e’eryone again (especially cause I haven’t made it to one single pirate festival since the Invasion last year cuz I either been broke er busy er both each time one comes ‘round), an’ ‘bout how good she always takes care o’ all o’ us an’ how I understands how important it be that now she takes care o’ Poppa, but mostly we talks ‘bout how I be willin’ to do whate’er I can to step up an’ to fill in them big ol’ Momma shoes to not only make sure we has us a Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion, but that it be a big, huge success as we all knows it can be. After all an’ bottom line really be that this is an important fundraising event fer Friends o’ Fort Taylor and all o’ this hard pirate work goes toward benefittin’ an’ maintainin’ our beloved Fort Zach!

An’ all o’ that be to say… Bloody hell an’ huzzah (I am soooo excited!), very sorry ye had to wait, but finally… We’re on! An’ here we go.

I be sure yer all gonna have a hundred questions, but a few things first an’ I’ll say ‘em as an Englishman so as not to confuse ye’s.

Yes, we’re late in the game and don’t have much time before the Invasion is on us. (But I will remind everyone that where we are today is about where we were in 3 weeks from now when it was last year which is really to point out that we’re ahead of ourselves for once if you just look at things in a positive sort of way.) More good news… that, due to the insane amount of hard work Fayma, Lily, and all the other planners put into organizing this event last year, we have a huge head start and a ton of the groundwork is already in place. This year’s Invasion will be very much like last year’s in general with a few minor changes which will be communicated as they get ironed out. Our Park Manager has been awesome so far and he’s working with us to figure out some improvements based on feedback and suggestions at the end of last year’s event.

The basics…

The dates of the event will be Dec. 2, 3, & 4, 2011.

All reenactors, those camping and those not, must register for the event. Lily will be handling this again and will soon post links to the registration forms and pre-event info. The encampment will be limited to 100 participants only. Non-camping reenactors will be required to vacate the Park by 11pm. Those camping must be in the park by 3am each night. (If I have to wake up to let ye in after that, there’ll be hell to pay an’ yer goin’ straight to the Brig!)

Registered re-enactors and vendors will be allowed to begin set-up Thursday, Dec. 1 from 8am-5pm. Lilly and I will be handling registration upon your arrival and coordinating set-up. (Please have your photo ID with you for check-in.) We will NOT be registering at the front gate this year. Instead, we will be stationed at the top of the Service Roadway which is that gravel drive that leads down to the Fort. If you cannot arrive during the scheduled time, you must call and make arrangements prior to your arrival. Set-up will continue after 5pm, but anyone arriving after 5pm will have to complete registration with a Park Representative the next morning. All set-up must be absolutely complete before we open to the public on Friday at 10am with no exceptions. All breakdown and moving out must be finished by 5pm Monday, Dec 5.

All reenactors will have to be aligned with a Crewe like we did last year. All Crewes will be required to identify and portray a specific period of maritime history (Buccaneer Era, GAoP, Wreckers) and must do related living history presentations. Reenactors will be asked to pitch in one way or another toward the success of the event beyond that. (Any o’ ye’s remember how fun guard duty was last year?)

What’s next…

Lily and I will be posting here as we have updates and news. Look here for the registration forms. Lily will have them up as soon as we’ve finished updating them. As soon as we have a “roll call” concept we can really work out the camp layout, schedule of events, battle scenarios, etc. I will be meeting with Mike and working on me multi-paged to-do list that I am soooo grateful Fayma put together for me. If you have any questions, feel free to post them here, or send me an email at jaisomers@yahoo.com.

In closing, I just want to say how very much I look forward to seeing you at Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion! Cheers to you all!

At yer service,

Captain Scarlett Jai

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So Sorry to hear about Poppa - the two of ye's will be in me prayers. Here's to a speedy recovery - & look forward to seeing you's next year if not be able to get a glimpse of ye this........ A big HUZZA to Jai & Lilly and me be offering me hand if it be needed - ye both know how to get a hold of me. Can't wait to see all - Love to all me Mateys!!!!!

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On behalf of the Friends of Fort Taylor and the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, Ahoy !!!

While I’m saddened that there is a chance that Fayma and Papa might not be there this year, I’m going to have confidence that they will. Papa is going to have a full and speedy recovery and we’ll be seeing Mama’s smiling face running around all over the Fort.

On the other hand, I’m really excited to be working with Jai this year. I’m even looking forward to meeting the new guy. But most of all, I’m looking forward to being “Camp Mom” again and working to make this year the best Pyrate Invasion yet.

Within the next couple of days, a mass email will be sent to all past participants. If you registered last year and included your email address on the registration form, you should be receiving this email. If you do not receive it, and would like to be included in future mailings, pm me your email address. If you receive this email but do not want to be included in our mass mailings, please hit reply and type in “remove” in the subject line. For your privacy and to prevent spam and hackers, all recipients will be undisclosed.


Lily Alexander

Camp Mom

Mass email sent on Oct. 5.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


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Let's use the ones we have before we start making more. There are two gibbeted skeletons I made at the fort, but neither of them got put up last year because no one got them out of the storage facility. (I'll be happy to put them up, but I need to get my hands on them!)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Last year they were in the building near the horses. Apparently the person with the key to that building had left the island for the weekend.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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