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PirateCon NYC 2011: A Chronicle, by Hawkey

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Mates, I wanna take a brief moment or so to tell ye about the Third Annual PirateCon NYC. For ye swabbies what not be knowin', PirateCon takes its basic premise from SantaCon, 'ceptin' that, 'stead o' ye dressin' as Kris Kringle, ye dress up as pirates! (Well, duh!)

Ye need but secure yerself a sensible Pirate outfit (and the shirt, pants and boots) to get in on all th' doin's; fortunately, me adventure began with me almost makin' the wrong guess (as usual), and thinkin' --- illogically, o' course! --- that ye olde South Street Seaport would be the place where I'd find me fellow Brethren an' Sisters o' th' Coast. Wrong again, Panavision-fer-brains (that be what I often call me scurvy self when I screws somethin' up, just like ta make that clear)! They were all gather'd in front o' th' Farley Post Office Buildin', I rendezvous'd wi' em, first at the aptly named Local Bar an' grill, right across th' street!

I was lucky enuf to be joinin' the subsequent PirateCon Parade, afore the scurvy knaves runnin' Local could tell me (un-nicely, mind ye) ta leave the facility, luckily fer me, the Buccaneers all left; prior ta this, I managed ta be tellin a few o' 'em the Electric Pirates Entertainment story (Hoist yer knickers to http://www.dragonmasternewyork.webs.com/awordaboutepe.htm if'n ye wanna know th' tale yerselves!). We then proceeded toward High Line Park, and made the long march toward the Fryin' Pan Bar an' Grill at Hudson River Park; at which point I decamped from the lot, the better ta rendezvous wi' 'em at Washington Square Park. When we were properly reunited, I joined them again ta see me new Pirate pals off to Wicked Willy's Bar on Bleecker an' Thompson Streets in Greenwich Village, and at that point, I bid me new shipmates farewell!

So thank'ee kindly, me new shipmates, fer the adventure we shar'd on a jolly (Roger) Saturday afternoon! O' course, me toesies ended up bein' ouch'd up a skosh, but what in thunder.


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