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Southpark Pirate



"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty well preserved piece without an even a kiss your hand, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, smelling of powder, shouting ARRRG!!"



I likes it! :ph34r:

Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


The Scupper on South Park. ARRGHHH!


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


speaking of south park...found this online:


Channel 4 brings South Park to Streatham

Lucy Rouse and John Plunkett

Wednesday February 11, 2004

South Park: foul-mouthed kids became huge cult hit

The foul-mouthed animated antics of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Butters and Kenny have kept South Park viewers amused for years - and now Channel 4 is hoping to repeat the trick with a similar show, this time set in Streatham Hill.

Channel 4 bosses reckon they have come up with a homegrown equivalent of the Stateside hit, swapping the snow-covered mountains of South Park, Colorado, for the mean streets of south London.

The new show is the first animated series to come from Hat Trick, the production company behind shows like Have I Got News For You? and The Kumars at No 42.

Streatham Hill will feature three teenage schoolgirls - one of them pregnant - attending an imaginary "worst school in the world".

It will star the voice talents of Smack the Pony's Doon Mackichan, the comic impressionist and winner of the BBC new comedy award, Nina Conti, and former Goodie Graeme Garden.

The 13-part series is expected to be in production for the rest of this year. Other talent on board includes Goodness Gracious Me writers Sharat Sardana and Richard Pinto, and executive producer of The Office, Anil Gupta.

The project first started life five years ago as a traditional live-action comedy show, when it was originally pitched to Kevin Lygo, the head of Channel 4 entertainment. Lygo, who decamped to Channel Five, returned to Channel 4 last year as its director of programmes.

South Park debuted in the UK in 1998 and still airs on Channel 4, albeit in a graveyard late-night slot. Its big name stars have included Isaac Hayes as Chef and George Clooney, who guest starred as Sparky the gay dog.

In a world where characters are invariably abducted by aliens and Kenny - until his untimely death - was killed in every episode, one critic described the show "as if Roald Dahl had dropped an ecstasy tab and set a story in dysfunctional America". It was turned into a movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut in 1999.


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


Arr, Streatham be a dangerous place... been there a few times meself, could be an interestin cartoon.

Cool site by the way! :o

You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.

William Blake (Proverbs of Hell , (1790))


This be tooooooooo funnee fer words. :o Them South Park scalliewags be a favvvvvorit o' mine anyways.

Will be apost'n me own in a few.


I actually look more alert here than I usually do. And my head is usually bleeding, though not from a wound inflicted by an edged weapon. Maybe I was just pickin at it again.

If you keep pickin it, it'll never heal!!



To save it....hit "screen print"....then go to MS Paint, open it, then click on paste. Then save it as either a jpeg or gif.

Here be me....Sassy the South Park Pirate... :lol:


I'll be mak'n meself a few more....twer fun!


red maria, thats an excellent question. i couldn't even get mine to print, and i even followed the directions to boot. now who says men don't stop to ask directions?


ok so apparently if i would take the time to see that there was more than one page, i would have realized that the post was already answered. stupid me, i should try more thinkin and less drinkin.


roflol....post more...these are great!!!

can anyone with a computer brain get us all in a "group photo"???


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones

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