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The tides are changing and come late August Me, my wife and our cat will be packing up the HMS Chevrolet and moving from Charleston SC to Seattle. In an attempt to make the places we stay more interesting (who doesn't like pirates?) and a little cheaper I thought I would post the course we were looking at taking and seeing if there were any pirates along the way that would be willing to open there doors to a few sea worn souls.

Anyway the trip looks something like this.

Leg 1: Charleston to Cincinatti (Someone off board has already offered a place to stay there)

Leg 2: Cincinatti to Des Moines

Leg 3: DesMoines to Rapid City South Dakota

Leg 4: Rapid City to Butte Montanna

and the final leg is from Butte to Seattle.

We are tentatively planning on leaving Charleston on the 26 of August.

Any help or guidance anyone can lend on this given course would be much appreciated

Yours & Co


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