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Roll Call - Fort de Chartres 2011

William Brand

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Will anybody from the crewe be there thursday to show me where/how to arrange tent set-up?

We're with the military groups near the gate, but I don't know who will be there Thursday. I would like the Mercury set up in a circle open on one side or an open square if possible, with all tents facing into the middle for a shared fire, so once Darrell or someone else from the fort shows you the spot, try to imagine the best setup towards whatever avenue we face.

Also, do you need me to bring the collapsible table I sent last year?

I don't remember the table, but I'm sure we could use it.

I am bringing three dozen fresh eggs and ten pounds of taters, some onions and stuff to donate to feeding the crew.

I think my lass has everything covered for the cooking needs.......

Thank you.

I have a few props but not much. If someone close can bring a cardboard box or two that can be wrapped in canvas and tied to look like shipping bales, I have some canvas that can be used for a couple of those.

I'll make sure we get some boxes.

Any of my iron cookware needed?


Someone else will have to answer that. I don't know who's bringing what for cooking.

Yo Ho.......

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Well there is some hope... Mark G has expressed interest in going with us... with his wanting to come, it MIGHT change things for us, which means we MIGHT be able to make it after all. I'll let everyone know when we have things figured out.

Setting us up to break our hearts...........again.....anyway i need a fiddle player....im bringing the guitar and printed out numerous sea shanties......

Edited by Capt. J...

Yo Ho.......

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Will anybody from the crewe be there thursday to show me where/how to arrange tent set-up?

We're with the military groups near the gate, but I don't know who will be there Thursday. I would like the Mercury set up in a circle open on one side or an open square if possible, with all tents facing into the middle for a shared fire, so once Darrell or someone else from the fort shows you the spot, try to imagine the best setup towards whatever avenue we face.

Also, do you need me to bring the collapsible table I sent last year?

I don't remember the table, but I'm sure we could use it.

I am bringing three dozen fresh eggs and ten pounds of taters, some onions and stuff to donate to feeding the crew.

I think my lass has everything covered for the cooking needs.......

Thank you.

I have a few props but not much. If someone close can bring a cardboard box or two that can be wrapped in canvas and tied to look like shipping bales, I have some canvas that can be used for a couple of those.

I'll make sure we get some boxes.

Any of my iron cookware needed?


Someone else will have to answer that. I don't know who's bringing what for cooking.

Janet has signed on as cookie so she has everything covered................................

Yo Ho.......

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Well there is some hope... Mark G has expressed interest in going with us... with his wanting to come, it MIGHT change things for us, which means we MIGHT be able to make it after all. I'll let everyone know when we have things figured out.

Setting us up to break our hearts...........again.....anyway i need a fiddle player....im bringing the guitar and printed out numerous sea shanties......

I'll bring my Pirate song book (from No Quarter Given).

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Well there is some hope... Mark G has expressed interest in going with us... with his wanting to come, it MIGHT change things for us, which means we MIGHT be able to make it after all. I'll let everyone know when we have things figured out.

Setting us up to break our hearts...........again.....anyway i need a fiddle player....im bringing the guitar and printed out numerous sea shanties......

I'll bring my Pirate song book (from No Quarter Given).


Edited by madPete


Aye... Plunder Awaits!

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I will be there, but I'm a Dog Soldier so I'm camped by the Governor, Mutley. I'm up by the sign on the Main Road.

Look for the sign that says Apothecary and stop by for a visit. Or a sip.........

..........for medicinal purposes only, mind ya!!!!!!

Excellent. Come by and make yourself known.





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Hey all Bo'sun Carl's mate here, just wanted to pass some info and a request. First off Janet, rest assured that I made a correction in the number of scotch eggs coming based on reading the posts, there will be more like 4 dozen. Given that most attending are growing boys, and men, I thought it prudent to make a few more! LOL I will also be sending some Amish bread, in lieu of cookies. We will also have a large cooler with iced tea, green tea, gatorade and water.(something I always do)

Now for my request........most of you know by now that I am a scrapbook artist. My request is, it does not matter if I send a camera the guys they don't remember to use it. Please please please, take lots of photos like last year and please please share! I feel like I get to come that way! LOL And I can make Master AJ his memory books to relive the great times with great folks!

And for Captain J, Master AJ says to tell you your pitt dager is hitched, varnished, sheathed and ready to bring to you at fort! He is very excited! LOL

Thanks to all,

The Bo'suns mate

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Hey all Bo'sun Carl's mate here, just wanted to pass some info and a request. First off Janet, rest assured that I made a correction in the number of scotch eggs coming based on reading the posts, there will be more like 4 dozen. Given that most attending are growing boys, and men, I thought it prudent to make a few more! LOL I will also be sending some Amish bread, in lieu of cookies. We will also have a large cooler with iced tea, green tea, gatorade and water.(something I always do)

Now for my request........most of you know by now that I am a scrapbook artist. My request is, it does not matter if I send a camera the guys they don't remember to use it. Please please please, take lots of photos like last year and please please share! I feel like I get to come that way! LOL And I can make Master AJ his memory books to relive the great times with great folks!

And for Captain J, Master AJ says to tell you your pitt dager is hitched, varnished, sheathed and ready to bring to you at fort! He is very excited! LOL

Thanks to all,

The Bo'suns mate

Thanks to AJ, I will bring pleanty of Coin for him.......Yo Ho

Yo Ho.......

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Packing now, tents and poles all loaded, some of my leather tools for Beowulf, the strikers, and some other stuff. My gear is partly loaded, but it's raining again and very humid. Had to stop for awhile so I can check off the stuff I need and hopefully not forget anything important. I forgot to make a list and I'm working from this thread and memory. :blink:

I'll be loading the water jugs and food stuff in the morning before I leave. Safe journey all, see you there.


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the weekend went very well... the heat on friday and saturday got to most of us again !! it was good to see alot of people again and meet some new ones like mad pete and beowolf... both of them of dubious character !!

the food tent idea worked out excellently except for one leaky cooler !! the shade trees made a tremendous difference as well as the extra canvas for shade... i will post a link for pics later this week.... think i got a few good ones of various people and activities ...

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Had an awesome time. It was great to are everyone again and meet Capt. Bo and Beowulf for the first time. I tried to call as requested to let folks know we made it home safe, but no one was answering their phone... so here it is.... we made it home safe! :)

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