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Roll Call - Fort de Chartres 2011

William Brand

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We're trying to estimate our needs for camp and location at Fort de Chartres the first weekend of June. If you're even considering your schedule for the year and have high hopes of attending alongside us there, please sound off and be counted. Now that we have our foot soundly in the door we hope to enlarge our presence and make ourselves available for living history, the public tug-o-war and other events during the 41st annual Rendezvous at Fort de Chartres. It's a beautiful setting representing the wilderness colonization of the period and it just happens to line up with the year we represent. 1720. If you don't belong to a crew, and even if you do, you are all welcome.


The List:

William "Red Wake" Brand



Capt. J


Silas Thatcher

Lady Constance

Alexander Thatcher

Andrew Thatcher

Grace Thatcher

Miles Thatcher

Ryan Thatcher

Zack Thatcher


Bo'sun Carl

Master Allen

Mad Pete

Iron Jon


Capt. Bo + 2 lads


onus-one-eye + three





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What a wonderful place for an event! It looks absolutely beautiful! ;)

"Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?"

---Captain William Kidd---


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What a wonderful place for an event! It looks absolutely beautiful! ;)

I made a point of photographing it for anyone wishing to see the fort from many angles. It's a wonderful setting in a rural part of the Mid West. Nothing but a paved road and countryside.






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We're trying to estimate our needs for camp and location at Fort de Chartres the first weekend of June. If you're even considering your schedule for the year and have high hopes of attending alongside us there, please sound off and be counted. Now that we have our foot soundly in the door we hope to enlarge our presence and make ourselves available for living history, the public tug-o-war and other events during the 41st annual Rendezvous at Fort de Chartres. It's a beautiful setting representing the wilderness colonization of the period and it just happens to line up with the year we represent. 1720. If you don't belong to a crew, and even if you do, you are all welcome.


The List:

William "Red Wake" Brand

Maeve O'Treasaigh



dont forget wandering around the streets at night with turkey carcasses....actually that went over pretty well...you made many friends....count us in, Capt.J..., and His Lass

Yo Ho.......

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Bummer. Pity that this event is the same weekend as Port Washington Pirate Fest. Perhaps another year.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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We might be able to make it (crossing fingers) if we can tie this into a trip to visit family up north.


Jonathan Washbourne

"Jonathan Washbourne Junr of Bridgwater appeared in court and was ordered to pay £5 fees and charges or be publicly whipped 20

stripes for his abusive and uncivil behaviour to Elizabeth Canaday Late of said Bridgwater by Thrusting up or putting of a skunk

under the Cloaths to her Naked Body And then saying he had Done the office of a midwife." (from The Plymouth Journal, July 1701)

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What a wonderful place for an event! It looks absolutely beautiful! :lol:

I made a point of photographing it for anyone wishing to see the fort from many angles. It's a wonderful setting in a rural part of the Mid West. Nothing but a paved road and countryside.


Quarter Master,

Have you recieved our Letter of Marque from the Gov. yet for this event?

Yo Ho.......

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I am still planning on attending, going to put it on the work calender and maybe LT will be good to me.

Anybody flying in, I will be driving by the airport probably on Friday Morning to get down and set up, I can offer a ride to a few people that might be arriving.......keep it in mind as it gets closer to June...

If it was raining soup, I'd be stuck outside with a fork.....

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Maybe a day trip, maybe camping, dunno, depends on funds and gas prices and if my vehicle holds up to the beating it takes. Not doing pyratey stuff anymore but still got my colonial gear. Blondie wants to go for cowboy mounted action shooting as soon as I get a real job again so that's the direction I'm headed. She has been so supportive of me that I owe it to her to help achive this goal.


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It stinks being dead-broke and not able to do anything anymore. I get really nasty attitudes sometimes, but then I am a really nasty critter at heart anyhow so...

anyhow, I still have tentage for those that need it and we can make similar arrangements as last year.

I will be in and out of the pub from time to time depending on my time availability with my student teaching and all that goes into it. Job prospects are pretty grim at this point with things as they are. Kinda depressing after spending five years hard at the education to get this far.

OK, time to stop rambling and get back to my geography calendar planning project.


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