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Ahoy Maties!

I'm hoping you all can help with some advice and suggestions.

I've zero experience with piratey things, but agreed to play a pirate for a friend's 6yr old son's birthday party.

The idea is to have him find a treasure map in a bottle on the beach.

Then the pirate arrives and leads the kids on the hunt for buried treasure.

Eventually we dig up a chest filled with candy, crafts and pirate novelty booty for the crew to split.

Has anyone here played a pirate entertainer for a children's party before?

If so, what suggestions do you have for songs, games, jokes, funny bits, etc.?

I've already scoured the web for lame pirate jokes and memorized part of the Drunken Sailor song as a start.

I'm not sure how long he wants me to hang out with the kids, but I'd like to have more than enough material to be on the safe side.

The party is this Sunday, so don't wait to throw me your ideas.

Cheers Mates!


Pass out a handfull of bandanas to wear so they can be 'crew' when following you to the treasure.

A few packs of pirate tattoos

A tarp or large blanket to sit around when you divvy up the spoils once treasure is found.

Length of rope for a tug o' war... crew vs. the Captain for the spoils.

Remember to mark where you bury the chest.

Shovel to dig it up.

Jas. Hook

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney


Thanks Jas. Hook,

Good suggestions.

I really like the the tug o' war idea.

All it takes is a rope, it fits with the theme, and gives the kids a way to "fight" the Cap'n and win the booty.

I've already got a dozen skull and bones bandanas to go in the chest along with pirate eye patches, stickers, tattoos, stampers, pencils, telescopes, and a big Jolly Roger flag and skull goblet for the birthday boy.

I also bought a bunch of "gold and silver" doubloons from a coin dealer on Ebay and after I drill some holes in them I'm going to put them in a bag with some cord and assorted beads so the kids can make their own pirate jewelry after finding the treasure.

Lastly, I bought a pack of those long "balloon animal" balloons, and I plan to make the kids some pirate swords out of them so they can fight each other without losing an eye.

I was wanting to do a sing-a-long and thought that "Drunken Sailor" would be an easy one for the kids to pick up on, but I'm wondering if there might be a more appropriate song for a bunch of 6-7yr olds?


If you want to be a pirate

Get up on your feet

You can't be a pirate

If you're sitting in your seat

Swing your arms tough

And stand kind of low

And make this noise wherever you go...

"Arrr! Arrr! Arrr!"

A pirate, a pirate, a pirate says "Arrr!"

It might seem strange

Just a bit bizarre

But they know you’re a pirate

When they hear you say


"Arrr! Arrr! Arrr!"

A pirate, a pirate, a pirate says "Arrr!"

You wear a spare part

A bandana and a scar

And they know you’re a pirate,

When they hear you say "Arrr!"

The Jolly Roger

Is the pirate flag

A skull and some bones

On a big black rag.

We'll fly it on our ship

Up above the sails

And we'll search for treasure

And be tough as nails!

Arrr! Arrr! Arrr!

A pirate, a pirate, a pirate says "Arrr!"

If you think we're noisy,

You're right,

We are.

'Cause they know you’re a pirate When they hear you say



1 Aye Willy -

Sounds like you're off to a great start!

Hummmmm... ye might change the words a bit ie: "What do we do with a one eye sailor or peg-leg sailor or Captain's monkey or first mate's parrot..."

Songs, there might be more that are youth friendly but a lot of the Pub's talented folk are down in Key West for an annual meetup for the week and may be somewhat incommunicado. :D Have you tried to Google pirate songs or kids pirate songs?

Here are some riddles I recently got from a birthday card - (powder-monkey friendly) :D

How do pirates celebrate their birthdays?

However they want!

What do you call a pirate who skips class?

Captain Hooky!

Why couldn't the pirate play cards?

Because he was sitting on the deck!

What kind of socks does a pirate wear?


Jas. Hook

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney

Posted (edited)

Check out Youtube for a bunch of kid's songs. Some are from kid's tv shows..

off the top of my head, I'd suggest the one quoted above: A Pirate Says Arrrrrr from the Backyardigans series.

They also have a version of What do you do with the Drinken sailor- although it's short, you could add more verses: What do you do with the scurvy pirate? Make him walk the PLANK!

also- from a Norwegian but English language tv show- You Are a Pirate!

and of course, the old standby: Yoho Yoho A pirates life for me! From Disney.

If you have a flag and something to use as a flagpole, you can have a kid's pirate procession, parading the flag as they sing one of the above songs.

Now, I do kid's parties almost weekly, so I have lots of experience in this.

A couple of tips: Never pull your gun for the kids. Leave it in your belt. This will enhance your "cred". If you have a toy one, this avoids the You're fake! chorus you'll get. I carry a well weathered replica, and it does look real. The parents might get a bit freaked if you are carrying a real flintlock too. The kids always want to know if it's real- I say..does it look real? They say yes- then I say..well- it is real. And they are satisfied. Ditto the sword. Keep it sheathed, and again, I keep mine peacebonded, in case one little powder monkey tries to pull it and attack his friends. It has happened.

I do use my sword to cut the cake. I let the birthday kid hold it, and guide their movements. Caution is advised if your sword is sharp. But it really works well- if the kids think it's fake, and then it's used to cut the cake, and it's a real sword..the kids are really impressed!

There are all sorts of activities- I like to keep the kids busy with outdoor activities. Tug o' war is a real favourite, and I always find time for that. Ditto sword fighting. I use foam swords, but the balloon idea works too!

I also have craft sessions for the days it rains, and I need indoor activities. It's always a good idea to have a backup plan.Designing and making their own personal flags is also a favourite. Making those old style paper pirate hats out of newspaper is popular, and the directions are easy to find on the 'net. There is an version of Tag you can play- called Octopus tag. I of course call it Kraken tag. It involves kids sitting on the floor, waving their arms like tentacles. If they can tag one of the other kid, who are running around, they become the runners, and the taggee becomes the Kraken. I also have a set obstacle course, using boards placed on the ground to walk the plank, as a starting off point, and various other activities.

Another tip: Don't tell the kids what's coming next- just arrange the activities to flow. If they know the activities in advance they'll constantly be concerned with what is coming next, and not focus or enjoy what's happening. Also- let the treasure hunt be a surprise! That enhances the excitement.

I also have a skeleton that I use to hold the treasure chest. so- when they find the treasure, they have to take it away from the skeleton!.it's an additional surprise for the kids and they really love it!

Make your clues on paper teastained to look like parchment. Make 'em piratey but not too cryptic, or the kids won't understand them. I always hide mine in various piratey receptacles...sticking out of an old wine or rum bottle, placed in an old wooden cigar box...in an old brass candle lantern. Make it look as real as possible, and they'll get right into it. I also place coins and trinkets with the clues, so they feel they are getting close to the treasure. Dollar store beads are good as additional trinkets.

Since this is rapidly becoming the Godzilla of postings, pm me for any questions you might have!

Oh yeah: Jamaica Rose's book of pirates has all sorts of cool piratey activities for kids!

Edited by Gunpowder Gertie

Sink me, Gertie! Yer post is like hitting a Spanish Galleon on the high Seas!

So many ideas, so little time... what's a poor pirate to do?

You have single-handedly filled in just about every questionable gap in my forsaken, ill-conceived plans.

After finding the chest, the kids can put on the bandanas inside and we'll hoist the flag on the shovel handle for our pirate procession back to the party table with the treasure.

Good time for a encore sing-a-long with the song the kids learned earlier.

Love the ideas for spicing up the clues!

That is the kind of detail that only comes with experience. Cheers!

Cutting the cake with the sword is a golden moment... pure 24k gold.

I have an old tarnished rapier leftover from my renny days that would be perfect.

Typical cheap replica for hanging on the wall.

Thin enough to slice a cake, but no sharp edges to endanger curious little fingers.

The foam/plastic/inflatable swords was a thought I had a while ago before I passed the $100 mark in booty.

Those things cost a couple of bucks each.blink.gif

Then I thought about the balloons...

20-30 swords for $2 total, and after practicing on them today, I think they are going to be the hit of the party.

(I tested them tonight on another friend's 5yr old and she didn't want to stop after a solid 30 minutes of swordfighting. lol)

They don't look that bad either, if I do say so meself... :D


Oy! the skeleton holding the chest is a hoot!

Sadly that's not in me budget... maybe if I were a once-a-week professional scallywag like yerself, it would be worth it.... but fer now, burying the chest is cheaper. wink.gif

On a side note, the necklace/pirate jewelry is looking good.

I made one necklace tonight after drilling all the "doubloons".

Certainly not authentic..., but perfect for a 6yr old's pirate party!


I'm going to make a small, hinged wooden box to house the compass...ala Jack Sparrow's compass.

Also, here is a shot with the bottle that will hold the treasure map.


Damn! this is starting to get fun! biggrin.gif

Thanks fer the extra game ideas, Gertie.

I like to have an extra keg o' powder in me arsenal just in case.

Finally, yer words o' wisdom not be fallin' on deaf ears.

Keeping the next activity a surprise is a tip that worth it's weight in gold.

I know that every one of your side tips are rooted in actual life lessons so I'll be paying them the most mind.

A thousand thanks are never enough!

Posted (edited)

Many thanks Jas.

You've convinced me to keep the Drunken Sailor son and just give a little change to the words.

It's perfect.

Easy enough for the kids to learn the chorus in a few minutes, funny enough lyrics to keep them entertained for a couple of minutes more.

Cheers, Mate!

Edited by one eye willy

Here's some pictures of when my Grandson wanted a pirate birthday party for his 4th B-day.

I know the costume was hokey (threw it together with some scrub pants a workshirt with the sleeves cut out and a old dress shirt) but it got me hookrd on the pitate thing.......working on a more accurate kit now. Oh yeah the pegleg is real....lost my leg on a motorcycle a few years back & a friend & I made the leg. Walks good & everything.

We did a treasure hunt with maps in bottles leasding to other maps in bottles leading to the treasure. Had eyepatches & tattos for the kids, a pirate ship pinatta.... the kids had a ball.

Have fun doing it.....It's addicting!

PegLeg Strick

tn_gallery_11477_388_124403.jpgtn_gallery_11477_388_590267.jpg tn_gallery_11477_388_2058.jpg tn_gallery_11477_388_616121.jpg

Posted (edited)

Dear God, Pegleg... that is so horrible and so awesome on so many levels.

I have to say, you could probably make a killing nationwide as a pirate entertainer.

I mean, seriously, how many other pirates have an actual pegleg?!?

It's funny, we have more than one thing in common...

You have a peg for a left leg, I have a metal rod running down the inside of my left thighbone from a motorcycle accident.

(Woke up on the wrong side of a bridge wondering why my foot was up by my face.) blink.gif

I also bought the same bandana/wig you're wearing in those photos. LOL

I'll post pics after the party... which has now been moved to next Sunday so I get another week to gather material.

Btw, I like the idea of a pirate ship pinata.

I was just going to dump some candy in the chest, but it would be so much better to fill the pinata instead and have the kids find that in the chest.

Kinda like a present inside a present inside a present.... mmmmmm, I'm starting to crave some turducken now... tongue.gif

Speaking of gathering material... does anyone know of some good pirate bits, gags or shows I could steal material from?

Maybe a favorite pirate group or entertainer that has posted their show on their site or youtube, etc.?

*** EDIT ***


I just noticed the dog in the second pic givin' yer leg a sniff like it's just about to lift it's leg. LOLOLOLOL

Edited by one eye willy

Of course one of our party activities is pin the patch on the pirate AKA pin the tail on the donkey except we use eye patches each child gets one with his name or number on it made of Black construction paper with post it advise. Of course there two possible winners as our pirate has two good eyes, these winners our the ones who get the wooden swords and the shot at breaking the piñata ;-}


Shiver me timbers... sounds like it's going to be a great party. Perhaps I can do a Tim Conway 'Dorf' act and show up at the door as an invitee. :D

Jas Hook :D

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney


Friend just pointed out that this was here. I see it's tomorrow but he thinks I should still reply. I started entertaining all ages back in the late 80s and there are some basics that always are cheap and over well. I don't have a chance here to read the other repliies but I can whip off a few you may not have yet that you can pull out in a pinch in the AM or later if all goes 'south' so to speak.

I'm sure dress up, foam swords, and such have been mentioned but also a ton of dollar stores will have left over temporary tattoos and such from Hallowe'en. That can always blow time as they sort their tattoos and apply to them to each other. Easy to apply makes them kid worthy to apply.

Quick make up games is Bilge Rats. I know it used to be linked from Talk Like A Pirate's Offical page but it is a map that you print out then you tape onto pennies the playing pieces. We do a 'maze' type map with pennies (and stickers) and we have a map that is like.. Well.. Sort of snakes and ladders. And we roll dice and make the kids do silly things when they land on certain squares AND it is an easy thing to quickly make up if you get lost or stuck.

Marco Polo on land is just as much fun as it is in the pool. Rules can be found on Wikipedia.

Tug of war.

Knot typing.

Making them honourary crew if they complete tasks.


Bogg and Salty do a version of Drunken Sailor as well.

Chumbucket and Slappy did a kid's friendly book. I know they have some 'instructional videos' (the three arrs - how to talk like) on you tube. If you get stuck, get those videos up and play it for the kids and get them to follow along.

Making their own hats is fun. Construction board and folding it in the style they want.

Making their own swords out of cardboard.

Making their own flags. Stencils from the dollar store works well for this. Let them be free with their imagination.

There's plenty of ideas but as I didn't get to this until now any other ideas would require time. I hope others have been able to help.

Gotta dash. Have fun.

Ahoy Maties!

I'm hoping you all can help with some advice and suggestions.

I've zero experience with piratey things, but agreed to play a pirate for a friend's 6yr old son's birthday party.

The idea is to have him find a treasure map in a bottle on the beach.

Then the pirate arrives and leads the kids on the hunt for buried treasure.

Eventually we dig up a chest filled with candy, crafts and pirate novelty booty for the crew to split.

Has anyone here played a pirate entertainer for a children's party before?

If so, what suggestions do you have for songs, games, jokes, funny bits, etc.?

I've already scoured the web for lame pirate jokes and memorized part of the Drunken Sailor song as a start.

I'm not sure how long he wants me to hang out with the kids, but I'd like to have more than enough material to be on the safe side.

The party is this Sunday, so don't wait to throw me your ideas.

Cheers Mates!

Charity Ann Rackham

Captain of the Jade Dragon

Admiral of the Rackham Fleet

British Columbia, Canada

FaceBook (Christina Carr AKA Charity Ann Rackham - as well as a Jade Dragon Pirates page)

Myspace (carrhunger is the personal one and Jadedragonpirates is the other)

BCRF page is: http://www.bcrenfest.com

Jade Dragon: http://www.jadedragonpirates.com

May our ships pass peacefully in the night. Note I say nothing of the day.


Posted (edited)

Thank you all so much!

You lads and lasses are the best!

Thanks for all the songs and suggestions you emailed as well.

Charity, the party was moved to next Sunday so I still have some time left to learn the songs and bits, and finish making props.

I definitely stumbled into the right place. wink.gif

Edited by one eye willy
Posted (edited)

Charity, the party was moved to next Sunday so I still have some time left to learn the songs and bits, and finish making props.

I definitely stumbled into the right place. wink.gif


Then I'll take a minute to add a few.

Cutting the cake with a blade is a great idea but be warned. Any rust or buildup or even dust from hanging for a long time can cause quite the bacteria and 'crud' on the blade that can make someone ill. I suggest you drop into a store that does cleaning of antique silverware and ask them what they use to rescue these items to make them usable and clean that blade with what they suggest.

I also noticed that you stated that you didn't have a budget for a 'skeleton'. A neighbour? If you can borrow things like that from a neighbour who had one out at Hallowe'en, that would work. Skull candle holders. Things like that. Bottle stickers with a pirate theme...

For food Hardtack is not really wise (we always have some kid try to bite into it without dipping it) but you can make 'pretend' hardtack that's softer. You can also make it out of wheat but we found it works with Spelt, Rice flour and Oatmeal flour as well. For those who don't eat wheat. And no one has to know it isn't flour (unless they turn it down thinking it is).


Dried fruit like Apples and Apricots are also ship fare so...

We have a number of games we made for the renfest and use for Pirate events and parties we do but they are just simple versions of their bigger counterparts at amusement parks. Dollar stores have the suction cup guns and they can knock the little figures that you can buy at the dollar store as well, over nicely. The first pirate party we did (years ago) we made a ship out of foam core and then hotglued the little pirate guys to foam core platforms. We found spots on the ship to 'tape' the characters with cloth tape so that when the kids shot at them then knocked over but didn't go flying.

Ring toss worked well. And you can make anything into a ring toss. Mini stocks, ship masts, pirate with his hands up... Pirate with his butt on the ground with his feet up... :D

We have this canon game where you shoot canon balls at a painted ship. The canon would be a little more work to do but the canon balls are those foam balls you buy at the dollar store. Kids could toss canon balls?

Actually. Since you have one week left. Check out our games videos and see if anything inspires you.

That one is the primary summary video but we have a ton of videos as part of the bcrenfest page and there's a jade dragon folder.


The Surrey museum may have some inspiration as well as Boat for Hope and such. Go ahead.. Have some fun with it.

I have to dash. But let me know if you need more. I know it is tough for kids who have birthdays near Christmas (My dad did) so I'm pretty driven to help.

OH! And.. If you want to do pirate certificates and you're stuck. PM me and I'll send a jpeg link to a 'sample' for you to use and print.

I gotta go. Have fun hon!!

Edited by CharityRackham

Charity Ann Rackham

Captain of the Jade Dragon

Admiral of the Rackham Fleet

British Columbia, Canada

FaceBook (Christina Carr AKA Charity Ann Rackham - as well as a Jade Dragon Pirates page)

Myspace (carrhunger is the personal one and Jadedragonpirates is the other)

BCRF page is: http://www.bcrenfest.com

Jade Dragon: http://www.jadedragonpirates.com

May our ships pass peacefully in the night. Note I say nothing of the day.



Charity Ann Rackham

Captain of the Jade Dragon

Admiral of the Rackham Fleet

British Columbia, Canada

FaceBook (Christina Carr AKA Charity Ann Rackham - as well as a Jade Dragon Pirates page)

Myspace (carrhunger is the personal one and Jadedragonpirates is the other)

BCRF page is: http://www.bcrenfest.com

Jade Dragon: http://www.jadedragonpirates.com

May our ships pass peacefully in the night. Note I say nothing of the day.



Here is a link to a free downloadable "Pirates Degree"....you should be able to copy the test and make them answer questions to earn it. Then you can insert the name and print them off...


hope it helps and it said it was free...so I think we are good on copyright stuff.....



If it was raining soup, I'd be stuck outside with a fork.....


Hope the birthday party ends up to be a good one. :) As many stated here, plenty out there. Oh, if ye fancy, Phineas and Ferb cartoon did a pirate treasure hunt episode and had a great pirate song.

Pirate' Dice has been good, best one that's always grabbed the attention of kids is Morgan's Revenge!

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Oi Willy!

The party's comin up soon, isn't it?

Let us know how it went, Ok, Mate?

And if at all possible- post pics!

That's another tip- try and have someone around t' take pictures o' the kids for the parents- and yerself.

Posted (edited)

Aye, the party be on the morrow.

I've got the missus tagging along to take pics and maybe even some video.

I'm hoping to have Charity's idea for a cannonball game finished tonight.

It's a 3' x 4' board with holes cutout for the kids to toss black-painted whiffle-ball cannonballs through and "sink" the ship painted on it.

(now I just have to paint the ship)

I also took the certificates from wes1761's link and customized them for the "Gold Coast Caribbean Pirate University" and at the end of the day will confess upon the little powdermonkeys the title o' "Master of Piracy".

I got a really good deal on a 23' x 3/4" fairly soft, blue and white striped rope for the Tug O' War so I figure to get 2 uses out o' it.

One fer crew against crew battles, and again later fer a face-off against the Cap'n fer the key to the chest.

I've been singin' meself hoarse all week learnin' "A Pirate Says Arrr!", "Drunken Sailor", and "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me".

I even went so far as to clean the rust offa mah rapier fer the cake-cutting afore I found out twern't gonna be no cake... only cupcakes. :lol:

I was just informed last night that the party has grown from the original 6-10 kids to now 16-19 kids!

The rub is that I only bought a dozen of each party favor, and most of 'em ain't readily available round these parts, so it looks like we might be doing a random filling of grabbags and hope that there not be any hard feelings at who gots what.

It goin' ta be a looong night....

Oh, and one more time, Thanks a million to all of you fer the help, suggestions and wealth of experience!

The only thing better than having you all here would be having you all on the beach with me tomorrow. :lol:

Edited by one eye willy

Just got this last post via my phone so I wanted to reply before it's too late.

The grabbags. Put them in a box/chest and as each kid wins the first game, let them pick. You run the risk of the last kid or two maybe being disappointed but you decrease the chances of a mass disappointment.

Encourage the kids to trade and barter (a common pirate thing as well) for items from the bags.

And the cupcakes... Do you have a dagger? Let the birthday kid cut theirs and then, maybe, cut the others. Make each cut a wish. The whole thing with a couple cutting a cake is to create an additional energy for their wishes. If the birthday kid cuts each kids cupcake they can make a wish together and it will keep the birthday kid busy.

Ok. Gotta go. I have Costco shopping to deal with and hubby is patiently waiting.

Good luck.

Charity Ann Rackham

Captain of the Jade Dragon

Admiral of the Rackham Fleet

British Columbia, Canada

FaceBook (Christina Carr AKA Charity Ann Rackham - as well as a Jade Dragon Pirates page)

Myspace (carrhunger is the personal one and Jadedragonpirates is the other)

BCRF page is: http://www.bcrenfest.com

Jade Dragon: http://www.jadedragonpirates.com

May our ships pass peacefully in the night. Note I say nothing of the day.


Posted (edited)


Ye may have a grown womanly body, but inside hides the mind of a 6yr old!

(errr, I meant that in a good way) :lol:

Edited by one eye willy

Have two pirate hats-- have one full of adverbs like "scurvy", "one-eyed", "blind", "red-bearded", etc. and one with names like "Pete", "Bart", "Davy", "Sandy", "McGregor". Have a kid pick one of each... and that becomes their pirate name for the party. (jotting on a nametag with a calligraphy pen and sticking on them helps remember--) A fun activity-- (especially if you have lots of time to fill) Not great for parties with lots of kids, though...

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