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I receives the Autumn 2010 Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation a couple nearly a month ago, and FINALLY got around to reading it. But what caught m' eye th' most was this fantastic article in the Journal about Smuggling. It was brilliant! I can feel a LOT of inspiration for portrayals coming on!

If you don't have the Journal of CWF, see if you can borrow it from someone or ask for a copy of the article, or anything! It's well worth reading! Especially for those of us portraying at events the not-so-law-abiding business person.

I was constantly smiling upon reading this. The mentions of the illegal activities, bribery of Customs and others, how some sided with smugglers rather than against them, and more! I wish I could post it here, but it's more than two pages, mates. But it really is worth yo'r time reading!

Again, I can feel some inspirational portrayal coming on!

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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