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Swashbucklers Ball - Portland, OR

Swashbucklers Ball  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Aaarr ye' plannin' ta attend the Swashbucklers Ball?

    • Aye! I wouldn't miss it fer the world, mate!
    • Nah, it be too far away/I be too broke/me ship's careened.
    • Mebbe. No tellin' where the wind might blow me. Ha! I said "Blow me"!

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Join the finest and most spirited buccaneer crews that ever sailed the streets of Portland! Don

your finest seafaring costume, kick up your heels to some rousing tunes and hoist a tankard in

celebration of all things piratical at the Swashbuckler’s Ball!

Rock to the music of Chervona, The Lost Highwaymen, Sam Bam Boo, and The Bilgerats &

Pyrettes. Slake your thirst at a no-host bar (featuring Kraken Rum) and fill your bellies with tasty

Caribbean food. Try your luck at winning from a treasure trove of glorious raffle prizes. Spend

your doubloons in the Pirates Marketplace, where well-known merchants from far and wide will be

selling their wondrous wares and donating a significant percentage of their proceeds to the


General admission tickets are just $14 in advance and $18 at the door. There are also special

VIP packages available for advance purchase that include raffle tickets, food and drink scrip and

swag bags.

All proceeds from this rollicking event will benefit Portland Pirate Festival

(www.portlandpiratefestival.com). An annual event since 2006, the Portland Pirate Festival

has earned its place as both a cultural mainstay in Portland and a popular gathering of brethren

from all shores. Alas, in the wake of Poseidon’s wrath (which besieged the 2010 Festival with

spectacular rainfall), the future of the event is in jeopardy. Hopes abound that the City of

Portland’s most swashbuckling event will stay afloat. What better way to help make that happen

than with an outrageous and entertaining evening of tunes, tastes, and treasure!

The Swashbuckler’s Ball is an evening for pirates 21 and older and is produced by the scallywags

from PDXYAR (www.pdxyar.org) and the Dread Ship Outrageous Fortune.

Tickets and additional information are available online at www.swashbucklersball.com.

Yers in the sweet trade,



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