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We lot be a wealth o' information, Malasses. :unsure: Any question ye have, we shall answer to th' best of our ability. After all, tis what th' Pub be all about! Information and comradery. :lol:

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Who are ye? And What do you do?

For pirate forums and Talk Like a Pirate Day, I'm Red Dawn. Yes, Dawn is my real first name. Right now, I'm researching for cheesy pirate stories I'd like to write.

Are ye, the members of this forum, mostly re-enactors?

I'm just an aspiring writer.

How did you come up with your pirate name?

I needed a name for TLAPD, and Red Dawn just kept popping in my head. I was reluctant to use it at first, because it's the title of a crappy Commie invasion movie that I had the misfortune of seeing half of. Then I thought, Dawn, you can redeem this phrase. Use it! Not a very impress feat, I admit, but whatever makes the world a better place...:P

I see there are a few artisans here. Do you sell your goods online or at shows?

Hopefully, one day, you'll be able to buy my goods at Barnes & Noble, though at the rate I'm going, that's years in the future.

I've noticed that this forum seems spread out across the US. How does one find a crew or even start their own?

Seeing how I live in Southern Arizona, where there's lots of beach but no ocean, heck if I know.

Are you focused on being historically accurate or do you follow more of a modern view of Pirates?

I have a distinct tendency towards cheese, but I still need to research. It's one thing to have a crew full of eyepatched, parrot-toting pirates. It's another thing to have Golden Age-style pirates armed with rapiers and revolvers.:P

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