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I am Admiral Kilo, but you may all just call me Kilo if you'd prefer.

Originally Captain Kilo, I have enjoyed acting as a pirate for several years. When I decided it was time to do as a captain should and put together an official crew as opposed to just having my crew be whoever I'm hanging out with, I found three ships-worth of followers ready to climb aboard. After a brief discussion concerning numbers and desired jobs on deck, we came to the conclusion that the three ships-worth of crewmen should probably cover the three ships they can and so we became a pirate fleet. Thus why I am now "Admiral" Kilo instead of Captain.

Our flagship on the water is the Sea Wolf, but that is currently unmanned you could say. The Excalibur is getting it's crew together first, then we will work on the Sea Wolf. The Kitty Hawk is my fiance's ship, she captain's that vessel and her own good friends serve upon it. My brother will be advising whoever is voted into the position of Captain for the Excalibur and another friend captain's a fourth ship that is not officially in our fleet yet and I keep forgetting the name of it.

I mention the Sea Wolf as our "flagship on the water" because once we are all set we may upgrade to steampunk pirates at which point our flagship will be upgraded to the Flying Wolf, our first airship.

Yes, it's unofficial, I have never committed a true act of piracy on international waters, however if the economy continues as it has been it is possible that we will get a few ships set up and set out as mercenaries for the American military. Despite many people's beliefs on that, our military does use mercenaries to this day. Whether or not that works out, I don't know, but I am hoping we can stick to these days of the fleet being a fun game of singing, joking, gaming and drinking.

Aside from a fascination for pirates and piracy, there is quite a bit about me to tell. I am an author, guitar player, gamer, singer(amongst friends), and college student. I like anime, adventure movies, and when my fiance is enjoying them with me I like where romantic movies can lead.

For spirituality, I claim Christianity, Buddhism, and Taoism as religions because I have taken beliefs from all three, however I follow none of the three down to the last letter. I believe in Jesus Christ, I agree with and to an extent follow the teachings of Buddha(I just can't get my teeth around the vegetarianism thing), and I see Taoism as another form of Christianity due to all the similarities. Between Taoism and Christianity I quote Shakespeare, "What is in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

Birthday: June 17th.

Favorite Holiday: September 19th, Halloween and Christmas. I can't make up my mind.

Favorite color is blue, red, black, silver, and gold, favorite animal is wolf.

I can't think of anything else to add here. My personality is easiest to learn about by getting to know me, I'm not the kind to hide behind a mask as far as that goes. My emotions, however, are mine to deal with so, with the exception of my fiance, only rarely might anyone hear about what I'm feeling.

It's nice to meet you all and thank you in advance for welcoming me.

Edited by Admiral Kilo

My goodness, tis a very indepth insight into yorself, Kilo.

Welcome to th' Pub. Hopefully ye'll find th' establishment much to yo'r liking. Plenty o' fun here and of course, more than enough information, too.

Tis proper tradition that th' newcomer buys a round o' drinks for we old salts. ;) I'll have a glass o' fine moscato d'Asti, please. A fine, mellow spirit for me this time. ;)

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Welcome aboard, mate. I'll be takin' a spot o' rum, please. Gonna try it wit' this 'ere piece o' chocolate I got.

'Til the Morrow,
Cap'n Bloody Sam Rackham
Captain o' The Cursed Few
Co Organizer o' The Southern Pirate Festival
Ship's Carpenter o' The Atlanta Pirates & Wenches Guild

Member of Order of Leviathan 2nd Generation


I think I do like it here. I've yet to see a reason why not to, although I admit I normally don't join forum sites. I couldn't resist the urge to enter a place where I might find like-minded people and the moment I saw a forum for airships and steampunks, I was bought. I'm not much of a steampunk myself right now, don't have the funds yet for the stuff, but I love airships.

Ah, Italian wines are good. I think. I'm more into Guinness and Japanese Sake', myself.

Cap'n Sam, ya can't go wrong with a good mug of rum.

*passes a tall glass of moscato to LadyBarbossa and a pint of rum to Sam*

Thank you both for the welcoming.


Welcome an' well met sirah! You'll find us all amiable enough if not a bit motley an' brine torn!

Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.



Welcome to the pub.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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