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Editor's Choice: "It's In Me Blood"!

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Blackbead Books is proud to announce that one of our poets, Stephen Sanders, won an "Editor's Choice" Award at this year's Canis Latran Writing Competition at Weatherford College. The poem he took this honor with is "It's In Me Blood", an old pirate's reminiscence of a mate named "Ben Hawkins." "It's In Me Blood" was originally published in Echoes From Other Worlds. The Award included a certificate and publication in the annual Weatherford College anthology of poetry and fiction.

The poem is also a part of the Brotherhood of the Gulf's stage show entitled "A Night at Devil's Tavern."

For more information, and to purchase a copy of the book, catch up with Blackbead Books at The Texas Pirate Festival; Billy Bowleg's; Middlefaire; Pirate Days in The Colony; the Granbury Pirate Invasion; Middlefaire's Fantasy Faire; or the Texas Renaissance Festival.

"In the end, it's not the gold that sets our sails,

'Tis freedom and the promise of a better life

That raises our black flags."

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