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Please, there are NO casting calls now...

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I sees what all the yappins about then.

Ye be havin me envious congrats on yer most interesting employment!

I be wantin to get in all me life...Oh well.

Not meant to be I guess.


"Quarter" Master

Pyrates of the Coast

"Permit me aboard and I'll be takin' over yer ship...

Don't permit me aboard and I'll still take over yer ship"

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Hmm... heard that Johnny signed on fer POTC 2 AND 3... turns out POTC 2 won't come out until 2006. :( I CANT WAIT THAT LONG!!!!

I don't suppose that they be in the need fer a little young 14 year old lass fer the movie? No... chances are they be looking fer older men and women. How I long te just SEE Johnny in person... Bess... could ye maybe snag a picture of Johnny fer me? I LOVE U!!!

Cabinlass Maggie :ph34r:

It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.


I sees what all the yappins about then.

Ye be havin me envious congrats on yer most interesting employment!

:ph34r: Interesting??? Mayhaps. Don't be envious lad.... it's a job like everything else! And I have the battle scars to prove it! (Sean Connery comes to mind ...the kur)

I be wantin to get in all me life...Oh well.

What part of it? The baby-sitting part?? Or... the wrangling part? :(

Not meant to be I guess.

Hmmmm.... most Pirates I know do not give up so easily. Hold onto your hope, no one ever knows what may happen.

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



...that is if ye even get te be that close... and MAYBE a signature... (?)

Unless ye don't have that "power" te... I know some'll lose their job fer doin such a thing... ye could say it was fer yer daughter... -smiles- i wouldn't want ye te RISK anything fer it though.

It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.

IBess... could ye maybe snag a picture of Johnny fer me? I LOVE U!!!

Cabinlass Maggie :ph34r:

When the time comes and he be back on the lot I'll see what I can do.

I CAN get you a picture from the film however getting it signed will mean waiting until they are in full swing again.

A long wait lass. :(

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


oh... i'd wait a VERY long time. Just knowing that its a possibility is like... WOW. -lol-

thank ye, love!

(Shrug) All in a days work for Talent wranglers. I've not asked him before but he's very, very soft spoken and kind hearted. I think there'll be little problem.

Except the wait.

And the wait.

And... the wait.

and.......the waiting

and...................................................... :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



All hail the great & powerful Bess! :: Smoke bellows; standing with spontoon::


Well... Johnny being Johnny.. 'nough said! :ph34r:

Guys feeling a tad strained there, Bess? Maybe you need to get them out to some fest somewhere & have a little fun with them. :: evil grinz:: Either that or have Tortuga Rum Cake shipped in. Blame it on Captn Morgan... he got me hooked on that lovely delight of a dessert. ::: whimpers; melts::: Cake that even Jack would wolf down cause it's THAT delightful! It's sinful!

Hope the gents are doing well, Bess.



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

All hail the great & powerful Bess! :: Smoke bellows; standing with spontoon::

(Looking back over me shoulder...) What? Who???


Well... Johnny being Johnny.. 'nough said! :ph34r:

A fine man. (Pirate!)

Guys feeling a tad strained there, Bess? Maybe you need to get them out to some fest somewhere & have a little fun with them. :: evil grinz::

Well, being as I have none of them back on the lot as of yet, the only problem I have is with pilot casting and all the wannabe's running around like it was breeding season in Singapore!! (Oh, the weariness of it says I!)

Either that or have Tortuga Rum Cake shipped in. Blame it on Captn Morgan... he got me hooked on that lovely delight of a dessert. ::: whimpers; melts::: Cake that even Jack would wolf down cause it's THAT delightful! It's sinful!

Naw.... just juice up a little tea cake with a bit O'the blarney and all are happy.

Hope the gents are doing well, Bess.

I hope they do too when they get back here. Whenever THAT will be!!


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Hmm... do we need to come out there & kidnap them or pester them like we were their mothers? :ph34r:

The sad thing is.. even I have been asked a couple times about the sequel. People obviously eager for it. Kinda funny when I'm the one who LOVES the movie & I am more patient than the mild fans or non-fans.

Wannabe's & pilot casting?! Dare I ask? Or is that information that if you told me you would have to kill me?

& thanks for the recipe idea.... will have to try that... sometime. When.. don't know. :(

For some reason... Robert Newton in Treasure Island pops into mind when he feeds Plum Duff to the future victum. :) Love that scene.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

Wannabe's & pilot casting?! Dare I ask? Or is that information that if you told me you would have to kill me?

This is what we refer to as *Pilot season*

The producers that are trying to sell new TV shows are making ready the test shows to see if they can sell them to a network.

THey have casting calls for actors and every man-jack and man-jack-ess

is roaming the studio trying to find out there they belong, sitting in the stairwell bellowing lines for their test at the tops of their lungs, wandering into offices asking to use phones, get water, where's the bathroom? (which by the way, after some wench has been in you can;t use from the overpowering smell of purfume thay have been spraying. NOTE TO FUTURE STARS... DO NOT drench yourself in purfume before an audition, IT's a sure way to lose the part. Trust me!)

It's a hard time of year for us because, as we all know, some actors will do anything to better their lot. They sneak all over the place, steal trades (like Variety and Hollywood Reporter ) from out the mail slots of the people they belong to. Use the Xerox machines to copy hundreds of their resumes.... it's just a hard time of year.

The worst of it is maybe.... 2 out of 30-40 pilots will ever see air time. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!




For those o' us who dinnae know, how does one contact the SAG an' inquire as tae "membership" within the union? Thanks e'r so much for the information.

With Respects,

Cap'n Emerald

Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss



Yeah.. I can see how that's a serious mess. ::pets:: poor Bess. Lads.. Ladies... I think that Bess needs some serious fun time. I'd do m'self.. however, I be in Podunk Iowa (Cedar Rapids).. in which intelligent life here does not really exist. ((ie, spending millions on oddball art to decorate the downtown when it could have been used to fix streets, police dept, etc... again, NO intelligent life.))

As to the perfume... :: nods:: I'm with you there.

Emerald.. nots sure if anyone will endorse or back what I will suggest here. But I've been reading.. studying.. whatever you call it... a book titled "Hollywood, here I come!" by Cynthia Hunter. Rather helpful hints about the entertainment business & LOTS of information about how to get into places, what to do, what not to do, forms, numbers, addresses, etc... it's like some mini-bible.. I adore it.

I'm trying to do some of the stuff in there, slowly though since I'm po'! But... I recomend the book.. .it does tell you not one way but a couple ways of getting into SAG if not other guilds as well.

Tough business... but bloody hell... I'm bound & determined myself... :) Especially after this past year of re-enacting & such.. that's been highly encouraging. :lol: What can I say.... the people loved it (or as I am told) when I 'slit the throat' of a Continental soldier picketing at guard post duty. Silly... since I am a Continental, but they needed a Brit Loyalist... was fun anyway. As well as the "fun" with a Highlander! WOO-HOO! B):lol: :) :lol:

Bess.. tell the gents next when you see them.. I've got faith in them. Despite I know a couple people who are rather hesitant. ::Has smacked them already::: & yes.. they deserved it. :: evil grinz::



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Iron Bess,

I love to hear your stories. It confirms my lifestyle of NOT trying to be part of the rich and famous. :lol: I like being under the radar; I live for annonimity (can't spell). I always screw something up and then need to hide. Just like a pirate! :lol:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


For those o' us who dinnae know, how does one contact the SAG an' inquire as tae "membership" within the union? Thanks e'r so much for the information.

With Respects,

Cap'n Emerald

Simple you have to have a SAG contract to get a SAG job. You have to be SAG in order to get the contract. You can't join SAG till you have a contract. Outside of that it's being in the right place at the right time. I'm what's known as SAG Elligable. ie I've had SAG contracts but have never joined. I can at anypoint I want to shell out the bucks. Doesn't make much since in this area of the country as Texas is a right to work state. It's also $900 to join. Then the local does nothing to protect you here. Now being in the right place at the right time may get you signed or Taft Hartlied where you have 1 year to join. I backdoored my first contract. Was doing all the special effects and scene work for a Haunted House company. We decided to make a training video. Got the owner to go down and fill out the paperwork as the producer. Then he gave us contracts to perform the video. "Haunted Houses 101: A Survival Guide For Monsters" simple lovely piece of tripe.


"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty well preserved piece without an even a kiss your hand, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, smelling of powder, shouting ARRRG!!"




I hear ya there .. talk about your double circles! Plus the price and living in another "right to work" state (Ok). Kinda makes it kind of a moot point. But, one must have dreams, no? :)

Thanks for the info, it is appreciated!

With Respects,

Cap'n Emerald

Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss



I hear ya there .. talk about your double circles! Plus the price and living in another "right to work" state (Ok). Kinda makes it kind of a moot point. But, one must have dreams, no? :)

Thanks for the info, it is appreciated!

With Respects,

Cap'n Emerald

True enough, it's a devilsh hard business to crack if your looking to work in it.

I did just have a fellow though (a swordsman I've worked with) that I had working as reception in one of our buildings. He's been there two years, passed out his cards to the casting people, worked out some in the parking lots and he was just *grand fathered* by the show *Alias* because they want to use him in a show. Meaning, they lied, gave him a paper saying the used him as a non union person, paid the fine and the costs and now he's SAG and not only that.... Disney is going to give him the gig of fight master for a new movie (No, not Pirates) So it CAN happen.

My advice to try extra work first. Easier to crack.

Good luck :)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


My advice to try extra work first. Easier to crack.

Good luck 


Thank ya kindly. I have at least gotten my name in the database of a local production company for "extra work"; we shall see what comes of it. Perhaps if the film they are making now does good, they will begin another in the future. I shall indeed keep trying though, to stubborn to quit just because a challenge is before me! :)

Have a wonderful weekend all (as I am leaving in the morn for the 2nd of 6 weekends down at Four Winds Ren Faire, won't be back until Monday night).

With Respects,

Cap'n Emerald

Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss


Have a wonderful weekend all (as I am leaving in the morn for the 2nd of 6 weekends down at Four Winds Ren Faire, won't be back until Monday night).

With Respects,

Cap'n Emerald

Back at ye lass.... I be working the Palm Springs Renaissance Faire this Week's end starting tomorrow!

Fri, Sat and Sun and it is indeed a nice little Faire.

Smooth sailing all! :unsure:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



How was the faire Iron Bess?

'Do not be afraid to dream, for out of such fragile things come miracles'

How was the faire Iron Bess?

Not bad, not bad... got pinched in the arse more then usual but then... it IS the only night time event Faire around! :o (Sigh) There is something about wandering the site with a lantern held aloft....

I have to say I saw a few more Pirates then is usual.

I think we are catching on mates!! :o

da da da da da da really bad eggs..... :o

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


:) ......and REALLY bad eggs!!...Canvas, cannonfire, and 80 degress 'ere this weekend!..We'll fire a broadside or two for ye, Bess! :o


Drink up me hearties Yo Ho!!!!!!!!!!! :o

Sail safe now!!

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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