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I have just now gone on the account, and am starting to get my sea legs. After seeing the Whydah exhibit that is currently in the port of Norfolk, Va., I am looking to buy a quality reproduction of the cartouche box I saw there. Would someone be so kind as tell me where I may find one?


Capt. Kincheloe


Hey there,

If you read through this topic you will find there are a few folks on this forum making them (myself amongst them), but just as a heads up, I have patterned my reconstruction more after the Phipps shot box than the Whydah box. They are both similar in size and shape, the differences are pretty subtle. Let me know if you are interested (Private Message me through the forum). Currently I am at the stage where it would take me 2 to 3 months to complete any orders in case time is of a concern for you.



I have several both wooden lined or unlined in either black or tan PM for more details....


I am trying to learn how to navagate this site. I hope this gets through. I clicked on PM member and the screen turned blue. Please send me details in ref. to the box.




When you have the time would you be so kind as to explain the differences? I sthere a site to compare the two?


Hey there,

If you read through this topic you will find there are a few folks on this forum making them (myself amongst them), but just as a heads up, I have patterned my reconstruction more after the Phipps shot box than the Whydah box. They are both similar in size and shape, the differences are pretty subtle. Let me know if you are interested (Private Message me through the forum). Currently I am at the stage where it would take me 2 to 3 months to complete any orders in case time is of a concern for you.



When you have the time would you be so kind as to explain the differences? I sthere a site to compare the two?


The Whydah went down in 1717, and the box found there had a few more wooden slats. How those "extra" slats were arranged is a subject of educated guesswork. So far, Capt. Midnight's guess as reinforcements on the curved lid is my favourite interpretation.

The Phipps box was a late 17th century find (1690s) and did not have the extra slats to guess at. If you read through the discussion on the other topic I linked to in my above post (I know it is a long discussion) but the differences are discuss there. Between the above linked discussion and this discussion on the Pirate Brethren forum, you are probably looking at the best information on the web regarding the topic.


I sent the PM with the details and when you look at the top of your screen by your name you'll see that you have a message by the number of received messages...



I checked out your website. Great stuff! A couple of questions. Do you have the belt straps sewn to the back like the Whydah's? Also in the picture you sent me, I like the coloring on the one on the right while facing the photo. Is that just a darker natural leather or has it been waxed?


Hello Capt. Kinchloe,

I too make a Whydah box. Check out my website.





I checked out your website. Great stuff! A couple of questions. Do you have the belt straps sewn to the back like the Whydah's? Also in the picture you sent me, I like the coloring on the one on the right while facing the photo. Is that just a darker natural leather or has it been waxed?


Hello Capt. Kinchloe,

I too make a Whydah box. Check out my website.



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