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March 27th & 28th, 2010 | L.O.R.E. Immersion Weekend

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March 27th & 28th, 2010 | L.O.R.E. Immersion Weekend

Loyal Order of Reenactment Enthusiasts


A weekend of classes and workshops. LORE was organized around an educational goal. The purpose of the organization is to provide the means through which participants; potential participants, history enthusiasts and educators can develop or expand their skills and background in world history. The immersion weekends provide an opportunity for participants to work with other knowledgeable participants and professionals in an instructional setting. Certification is available for those who wish to pursue a structured study of the various aspects of historical life. There have been many classes and workshops of interest to those portraying pirates and privateers.

More info: The Crossroads Group, P.O.B. 1959, Corona, CA, 92878-1959, Ph: 951-735-0101

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