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currently looking at a bigger wall tent for us, and have come across a range of prices ( and i am assuming quality )... the big killer for me is the price of fire retardant material...

our tent will be fire retardant, weather we use a spray or factory material... the issue for me is the fire retardant tag... none of the events so far have had the manufacturer tag as a requirement...

i am kinduv thinking that the way insurance is going for some events, a fire retardant tag requirement will become the norm...

any thoughts on this to help me with our decision ??

if this is the wrong forum, please feel free to move :)


It can be an issue at some venues ...I ran into it a few years ago in Florida but the event producer had already pissed off the firemarshall with a lot of other crap he pulled so we had to bear the brunt of it. I had a new Panther tent that we sprayed the retardant on ourselves but that didn't cut it for the official so I improvised, since I had less than 24 hours before the event opened ...needless to say we passed the firemarshall's inspection.

But, since yours is a personal shelter and not a commercial tent you are usually exempt from that regulation at most venues because they aren't open to the general public. That has been my experience, for what it's worth. So save the $200-300 in additional expense and spray it yourself; I used a hand pump sprayer I got from the garden shop for $20 and got a gallon of flame retardant for $68 at the time. Check your PM <_<

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