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Very nice work sir!

I'll eat when I'm hungry. I'll drink when I'm dry. If the hard times don't kill me I'll lay down and die.

Rye whiskey! Rye whiskey! Rye whiskey I cry. If you don't give me rye whiskey, I surely will die.


The lighting is a bit dim but I make up for it with flair... note the groovy stockings hahaha

the slops are all drawstring with a (1) button fly for convenience. The doublet is a simple doublet of my own design to be worn open for warmer weather but I am working on a light wool, Elizabethan doublet with ribbon stripes.

Liam.....We gotta get ye some decent Stockings, them French ones just aint workin' for Ye....


galleon_25235_th1.gif Iron Hand's Plunder Purveyor of Quality Goodes of questionable origins

Here is the basic kit finished... like I was concerned... it doesn't seem very different from most ren-kits but I did modify the cap according to some variations I've seen in some plates.




_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Liam.....We gotta get ye some decent Stockings, them French ones just aint workin' for Ye....


How dare you


_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Liam that kit looks lovely. I mean...manly....manly and impulsive!

In all seriousness, I think that you have done a wonderful job on the new gear. :)


Ye look fabulous, Liam. :) Mixing in with yo'r surroundin's. Makes it moreso difficult for ye to be found. :lol:

I'm highly impressed, Liam. Highly impressed with yo'r Ren pirate look. :::applauds::: Ye give a good name to th' Sea Dogs. :lol: Huzzah!

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Travail gentil, mate!

Hey.... my cap'n started it


the French have their uses... one of our crew by the name of Whitebeard is a Frenchman.

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Travail gentil, mate!

Hey.... my cap'n started it


the French have their uses... one of our crew by the name of Whitebeard is a Frenchman.

By Whitebeard ya mean Weezer, or ya callin' me Whitebeard. If the latter be the case...I'm not French...I don't care what me wife says....I'm not French...But them socks are.....Haaaarrrrrrrrrr.

galleon_25235_th1.gif Iron Hand's Plunder Purveyor of Quality Goodes of questionable origins

Nice kit matey.

When I was in the US a few years back I went to an SCA thing in my Elizabethan sailor gear (very similar to Pat's, and I suspect based on the same picture), and even amongst the SCA only one perosn recognised me for what I was.

If you can get hold of a copy, the Mariners' Mirror, vol. 8 (1922), contains an article called 'The Dress of the British Seaman; From the Earliest TImes Till 1600' (pp. 324-333), the second part of the article, dealing with the first half of the 17thC might also contain useful stuff and was published in MM vol. 9 (1923), pp. 162-173.

Might I also draw your attention to THIS PAGE.


"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707


Posted (edited)

By Whitebeard ya mean Weezer, or ya callin' me Whitebeard. If the latter be the case...I'm not French...I don't care what me wife says....I'm not French...But them socks are.....Haaaarrrrrrrrrr.

Not you ya crusty ol' barnacle... yes I was refering to Wheezer the Roaming Gnome... although that beard you got there is mighty white... impressive too.

Edited by Liam McMac

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Nice kit matey.

When I was in the US a few years back I went to an SCA thing in my Elizabethan sailor gear (very similar to Pat's, and I suspect based on the same picture), and even amongst the SCA only one perosn recognised me for what I was.

If you can get hold of a copy, the Mariners' Mirror, vol. 8 (1922), contains an article called 'The Dress of the British Seaman; From the Earliest TImes Till 1600' (pp. 324-333), the second part of the article, dealing with the first half of the 17thC might also contain useful stuff and was published in MM vol. 9 (1923), pp. 162-173.

Might I also draw your attention to THIS PAGE.

Thank you sir... I figure that my kit is pretty similar to a few of those outfits. I don't think I could stand wearing a ruff like some of those cats have so I'll opt out of that part of the kit. I've seen a few hat styles in this book I own called What People Wore and I like those tall hats that resemble pilgrim hats but with a much smaller brim. If anything maybe people will comment on the hat and we can chat about the rest.

Will work on a new hat and post pics

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!

  • 2 months later...

Here are some updated photos of the ren era pirate kit... did some more research and found that common sailors wouldn't have had fancy jerkins and the like, yet they would have a tunic/shirt_like doublet


New linen commoner's doublet

Open kneed breeches/slops

commoners knitted cap (akin to the linen sort seen in many period impressions)


Breeches are similar to venetians and are not hand finshed since the will be covered by the doublet. They have a drawstring waist and a single button fly closure for convenience


The doublet is hand finished with hemp cord and a single abalone button on the collar

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Here are some updated photos of the ren era pirate kit... did some more research and found that common sailors wouldn't have had fancy jerkins and the like, yet they would have a tunic/shirt_like doublet


New linen commoner's doublet

Open kneed breeches/slops

commoners knitted cap (akin to the linen sort seen in many period impressions)

Any documentation on the knitted coif? I wear a linen one under my statute cap, but I've never seen reference to a knitted one.


Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



Any documentation on the knitted coif? I wear a linen one under my statute cap, but I've never seen reference to a knitted one.


Nope sorry... just common sense... if they made them of linen... they probably knitted them of wool.

Some things were so common they wouldn't be documented.

I'm not worried though... my kit will most likely be the most PC kit at this faire.

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!

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