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Posted (edited)

I am currently working on a kit for a ren era pirate. Here on the Gold Coast we have a faire in late summer called Queen Bess and the Pyrates which is a faire dedicated to the Elizibethan era and her support of English privateers. The first year I went I noticed that there were hardly any pirates at all and most of the ones that were there were just a bunch of fantasy pirates anyway so...... I decided to create a PC kit for my next attendance and for every other ren faire I attend. A pirate is a pirate... no matter what year it is says I.

Not sure how it will be much different from many ren kits but I will do my best to make it as sea worthy as possible.

What say ye fellow scallywags?

will soon follow with pics

Edited by Liam McMac

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


I am taking a graduate level course on the Rennaissance and Age of Exploration this semester! Just got my textbooks today; all SIX of them! I was hoping to take the Empirical Spain course, but it was not offered this time. The same Professor that I had for History of Mexico does both of these too, the Spanish course has two weeks dedicated to pyracy. Just my luck I will be past the history courses by next semester and all my classes in the fall are just my teacher stuff. If I find anything of use in the textbooks, I'll put it up for ya.



Thank you kindly sir... I took a similar course last summer at the junior college here yet it was very vague as it focused on the global perspective. I'm certain a graduate level course will be much more introspective. I threw the instructor for a loop though when I included the role of pyracy in European global domination during the age of exploration. Few people realize that if not for English pyrates and their constant raiding of Spanish ships... Futbol instead of Football might be the game of choice here in the states.

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


And don't forget, depending on the period you're focusing on, Klaus Stoertebecker, the Victual Brothers, and the Hanseatic League! The North Sea was a wild place to be in the late 1200's/early 1300's! I know there was a German production in the last few years about Stoertebecker but I've never seen it and the stills I saw made it look like "Braveheart Sails the North Sea."


"In the end, it's not the gold that sets our sails,

'Tis freedom and the promise of a better life

That raises our black flags."

most of the ones that were there were just a bunch of fantasy pirates anyway so...

I hope you're not saying that in a distasteful way...

we have our place too


Time flies when you're having rum

Posted (edited)
most of the ones that were there were just a bunch of fantasy pirates anyway so...

I hope you're not saying that in a distasteful way...

we have our place too

Indeed sir... you (they) do. Yet when attending an era specific faire it only seems fitting to follow suit. I also saw a guy dressed as Link from Zelda at this faire... which was utterly confusing. That is why we have pirate faires and Wonder Con etc... I wouldn't show up as a pirate to a Star Wars convention or as Boba Fet to PIP. I have nothing against fantasy roleplayers because as you say the have their place... fantasy is part of the whole allure. Although... with all the hard work people put in to being perfectly PC it seems a shame to outshine them with flare from 200 years in the future.

again no dissrespect... any pirate is kin to me

Edited by Liam McMac

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


ahh. well said.

My kit tends toward fantasy because that's all I can manage to put together, for now. I understand well the amount of time and effort it takes to put together something historically accurate. I have great respect for those that manage to do it.


Time flies when you're having rum


Renfaires and Hollywood unfortunately have distorted a lot of history into peoples stream of consciousness ....with the whole Swashbuckler concept of what was worn and the "wench" personae and the wearing of the rather disturbing SPLOOBAGE outfits (that usually are geometrically disproportionate to the shear mass of the "udders" displayed) ....Not that I mind or dislike the display of a woman's breasts in context. But I think you all have seen the outfits I'm referring to; the men who are shirtless with the fantasy doublet/jerkin/vest open to the waist or belt with the poly-velvet tights and stuffed cod-piece and with the rather rotund beer belly hanging out and his Conan the Barbarian sword/axe strapped to his back and enough "dingle-dangles" hanging off his belt that it is surprising that hip displacement isn't occurring on a daily basis at most faires. The waist cincher "corsets" on women with breasts the size of county fair winning watermelons that are only kept from public display by shear cotton gauze that defy the elastodynamics of psychological damage of impressionable adolescent boys, these outfits and the people who feel that what they are wearing is "period-correct" and tell John Q & Mary A Public that this is how men and women actually dressed in context of history is what bothers me the most.

That they don't know or understand the difference between reality and fantasy and that they tell folks that their polyester elastic pants or skirts is what the common people wore in 1580 along with the skull and cross bone printed cotton bandannas and every conceivable bit of paraphernalia emblazoned with skulls and studded leather is pure BULL. These misrepresentations are where I feel the lines should be drawn. The dumbing down of history for kids and the "average Joe and Suzy" doesn't do them any favours.

Folks have little problem with "wenches" displaying well beyond average breasts under the guise of portraying the past but they go "ape-shit" if a woman would produce her breast for the purpose that they have the organs; which is to suckle their offspring. There is a weird concept as to what is appropriate for public edification.

This is just my humble opinion but I feel it is a slippery slope when fantasy is presented as fact just for entertainment's sake.

Liam you can still produce and wear a period correct set of attire that cuts a dashing figure without having to resort to inaccurate stereotypical "Polly-wood" schlock. Good luck with it!!!


Well, I certainly don't want to hijack Liam's thread. He's actually trying to accomplish something here.

I'll just say that fantasy, when presented as fantasy, is quite fun. Anyone who tries to pass off the "fantasy" image as reality is an idiot. But on the other hand, I've had some label my very existence as offensive just because I can't afford or make justacorps or proper slops.


Time flies when you're having rum


Liam you can still produce and wear a period correct set of attire that cuts a dashing figure without having to resort to inaccurate stereotypical "Polly-wood" schlock. Good luck with it!!!

Oh no worries there sir... we Scots/Irish are dashing regardless hahaha

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Well, I certainly don't want to hijack Liam's thread. He's actually trying to accomplish something here.

I'll just say that fantasy, when presented as fantasy, is quite fun. Anyone who tries to pass off the "fantasy" image as reality is an idiot. But on the other hand, I've had some label my very existence as offensive just because I can't afford or make justacorps or proper slops.

Thank you for the cosideration sir... I must say that it really is not as expensive as you may think. Try looking around a bit more, I'm sure you can find some deals that wouldn't cost you much more than what you spend on other clothing.

Now back to the Ren Era Sailors clothing... still waiting to hear from Kass on the subject.. hmmm

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


The biggest problem is that no one will know what you are dressed as.....


This was from the Bakersfield Renn Faire a few years ago... I make of from cotton instead of wool, and I'm kinda glad that I didn't spend the money for wool...I've only worn it once.... The most common comment about the clothing (the thrum cap) was ...."you having a bad hair day"

Of course, I'm working on 1669 Buccaneer clothing, and no one knows (OK... very few people) what that is either... So I wish you luck on your endeavor... (There is a group at Northern California Renn Faires that does Elizabethan Sailors... )


35 lines of sheer brilliance.

Dear God, Callenish, I wish this site had a rep system so i could give you the accolades you deserve.

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum


OK... decided my comments should go somewhere else..... (just not quite sure where...

so back on topic.....


My primary persona is that of Elizabethan privateer/Border Reiver. Few people know that George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, was not only Queen Elizabeth's champion, but Warden of the West March and an admiral. He equipped ships as privateers to raid Spanish holdings in Puerto rico. Some of his borderers were recruited as privateers on those ships.

My basic kit for that is slops, hemp shirt, hose and latchet shoes, either a wool pullover cassack or a leather jerkin, and a grey/blue wool flat statute cap. Belt and bollock knife, and either an Irish hilt sword or a short shell guard hanger, depending on what the venue is. For armour, I have a mail shirt and a morion. Firearms are a wheelock carbine and a wheelock pistol, both functional. I'm working on the jack of plate, which will replace the mail shirt.

I think when you do any festival, whether ren fair, festival, or reenactment, you should always dress to the period. It bugs the hell out of me when I go to a ren fair pirate festival and see the majority of people in GAoP kit. I don't care if it's correct to the last stitch, or a costume from the local sex shop, it's still wrong. When I went to PiP, I dressed 1700, because that is what the rules stated, even though that is not my primary impression. Piracy has variations in kit, just like the clothing of the people, and I think you should always adjust your kit to whichever date the fair is based on.


Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.


Posted (edited)

The biggest problem is that no one will know what you are dressed as.....


This was from the Bakersfield Renn Faire a few years ago... I make of from cotton instead of wool, and I'm kinda glad that I didn't spend the money for wool...I've only worn it once.... The most common comment about the clothing (the thrum cap) was ...."you having a bad hair day"

Of course, I'm working on 1669 Buccaneer clothing, and no one knows (OK... very few people) what that is either... So I wish you luck on your endeavor... (There is a group at Northern California Renn Faires that does Elizabethan Sailors... )

First off.... BaBushka! hahaha

Thats what I figured that most people would be confused because you really don't see people portraying pirates durring this period and I'm sure even less people would know how to if they wished to do so. I have done a bit of research and those large baggy slops you are wearing is exactly what I was going to use for this kit... of course not of wool... I would die in late summer! I am going to use a basic doublet pattern of a light weight, dark blue wool lined with muslin. Not sure on the type of hat I want to use for the kit but I have seen some nice variations on the basic Ren faire hat that would interest people I believe.

I will keep updated with pics as it progresses

Edited by Liam McMac

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


I think when you do any festival, whether ren fair, festival, or reenactment, you should always dress to the period. It bugs the hell out of me when I go to a ren fair pirate festival and see the majority of people in GAoP kit. I don't care if it's correct to the last stitch, or a costume from the local sex shop, it's still wrong. When I went to PiP, I dressed 1700, because that is what the rules stated, even though that is not my primary impression. Piracy has variations in kit, just like the clothing of the people, and I think you should always adjust your kit to whichever date the fair is based on.


I couldn't agree with you more sir... you and Gallenish hit the head on the nose hahaha. My kit will probably not be very complex for this application... I just wanted to be accurate when I attended and I hope that people ask me about my kit so that I can help spread info and interest in period accuracy.

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Curious to see what ye come up with, Liam. There are at least a couple good starting characters - Raleigh and Drake. I'm sure there were others. Happy hunting and researching. ;)

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


I've always been rather fond of Admiral Sir John Hawkyns, myself. Privateer, merchant adventurer, harrier of the Dons, Vice Admiral of the Fleet against the Armada, and the Queen's slave trader.

Altogether an excellent fellow.


Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



Oh no worries there sir... we Scots/Irish are dashing regardless hahaha

S#!t! I just can't help myself..I have to ask:

By "Scots/Irish" do you mean The Scots and/or The Irish, or The Ulster Scots?

I'm not looking to start a row, seriously, just compelled by curiosity...


Oh no worries there sir... we Scots/Irish are dashing regardless hahaha

S#!t! I just can't help myself..I have to ask:

By "Scots/Irish" do you mean The Scots and/or The Irish, or The Ulster Scots?

I'm not looking to start a row, seriously, just compelled by curiosity...

Well... by Scots/Irish I'm refering to the fact that I have both Irish and Scottish heritage. Mostly Irish but more Scottish in spirit.

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Curious to see what ye come up with, Liam. There are at least a couple good starting characters - Raleigh and Drake. I'm sure there were others. Happy hunting and researching. wink.gif

~Lady B

Thank you m'lady... I would be so lucky to be as well Dressed as Sir Francis Drake. Alas I am but a gunner and my wardrobe will have to reflect that fact. I wouldn't dare try to outshine the Captain hahaha

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


We are going to be focused mainly on the Iberian/Italian economy of the early phases of the Italian rennaissance, so if you are doing northwestern european area garb, nothing in my course will do you a lot of good. While the early rennaissance was going on in Italy, the rest of europe didn't get too "involved" until after it was a done deal there. Nothing much in the textbooks on pyracy and we won't be looking at it much in this course. I asked my professor today about it. This course ends the period before all the English exploration begins. Sorry I couldn't be of any help.


Posted (edited)

The lighting is a bit dim but I make up for it with flair... note the groovy stockings hahaha

the slops are all drawstring with a (1) button fly for convenience. The doublet is a simple doublet of my own design to be worn open for warmer weather but I am working on a light wool, Elizabethan doublet with ribbon stripes.


Edited by Liam McMac

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!


Here are a few photos of the wool doublet...

Hidden are seams are machine sewn


army green ribbon stripes with light brown pinstriping


dark blue twill.... I wanted it to have a little decoration without hinting at gentry.. we happen to be a fairly succesful band of brigands


Hand finishing the lining and plan to add hand-bound eyelets for the closure

simple I know...

_Liam McMac

Celtic and Pirate Tailor

Beware the Iron Brigade!

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